Chapter 34 The President Calls You

Qiu Yue stood up and nodded politely, "Yes, good morning Xiaoyun!"

"Hey! Hello!" Qiuyue always felt that there was something more in Liu Xiaoyun's eyes, but he just couldn't tell.

Liu Xiaoyun smiled and handed a box to Qiu Yue, Qiu Yue took it curiously and asked, "Xiaoyun, what did you give me?"

"It's early, Qiuyue, try it, I bought it from my house, but there is no such thing sold here!" Liu Xiaoyun smiled sweetly, and her face was still slightly red.

Qiu Yue nodded and took Liu Xiaoyun's breakfast, returned to the security room, and asked, "What about you, do you want to come over and eat together?"

Liu Xiaoyun lowered her head and blushed and said, "I've eaten, I'm going back!" Then she turned and ran away.

Qiu Yue shook his head and walked into the security room. The security captain didn't know where he went. Qiu Yue put the box on the table, which contained a very delicious breakfast. Qiu Yue thought that he should have something to eat after drinking all night last night. Yes, I fetched water from the water dispenser next to me and sat down while eating and drinking. I looked at my watch, it was eight o'clock, and it was time to open the door. So Qiu Yue stood at the door, smiling and looking outside.

But just as Qiu Yue smiled, he froze there, because his first beautiful smile in the morning was given to Director Li, the bastard.

"It's disgusting to laugh!" Director Li said coldly and walked in.

Qiu Yuexin said that it seems that the enmity with him is not too deep, otherwise Director Li would not have made trouble with anyone.But still be careful, these people in the city have a lot of eyes, it is better to be cautious!

After a while, Qiuyue found that Director Li behind him was calling himself, "Mother, there is nothing good to be done, fuck, you are such a bastard!"

So Qiu Yue came to Director Li's office. Director Li sneered and said, "I ask you, how is the matter I asked you to do?"

"What's the matter?" Qiu Yue asked curiously.

Director Li slapped the table and shouted angrily: "You brat, you don't pay attention to my director's words at all! I asked you to memorize that document for me quickly, but you didn't even read it. I will support you!" What are you eating!"

Because it was in the hall, Qiuyue was scolded bloody, these people are used to it, because if Director Li hates someone, he will torture him every day.

Qiuyue was extremely helpless, and said to himself that although he came to the city to work under the eaves, there is no such person who inexplicably cleaned himself up on the first day of work, even if you like Lin Yuxuan, I have touched Lin Yuxuan's hand Or slept with Lin Yuxuan?No, going to bed doesn't count, I did go to bed last night.Did Lao Tzu touch Lin Yuxuan's hand, or did he push Lin Yuxuan down?

Qiu Yue raised his head and said in a low voice, "Didn't we agree to memorize it within three days? Why do we need it the next day?"

Qiu Yue's words immediately made Director Li embarrassed, and everyone around him showed happy smiles, saying that this horse will be in place!

Director Li didn't know what to say for a moment: "I'll take care of you for a few days, anyway, after three days, I'll definitely recite it!"

At this time, a man walked in, with thinning hair and a big belly, walking swaying, wearing an expensive suit, walking in step by step.

After seeing the man, everyone stood upright, even the security captain stuffed his half-smoked cigarette into his mouth and chewed it out.Director Li quickly retracted the outstretched hand and stood up straight. Looking at the man, everyone shouted excitedly after the man approached: "Good morning, President!"

Qiu Yuexin said that this is the mysterious president. According to Liu Xiaoyun, this bank was opened by the president who threw in [-] million yuan. In the current bank, as long as you have more money, you can open it yourself. Then you can play around with it yourself. Banks, how to play with the bank.

"President, good morning!" Qiu Yue said nervously.

Director Li looked at Qiu Yue who was so nervous that he didn't even stand up straight, but also acted arrogantly to me, let's see how the president will deal with you.

Sure enough, the president said indifferently: "Your name is Qiuyue, right?"

Qiu Yue nodded nervously and said, "Yes, my name is Qiu Yue, the new security guard!"

"Come to my office!" When this sentence came out of the president's mouth, Director Li was so happy that he was dying, thinking that in case his brother came out to beat him at night, he wouldn't have to see him after he was fired. So as not to dirty the hands of my brothers!

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Okay!"

Qiu Yuexin said that it is possible that this old man and Director Li are in the same group, it seems that he has really packed up and left?

So Qiu Yue tremblingly followed the imposing president into the office, and Qiu Yue was stunned as soon as he entered the office, only to see the president patted Qiu Yue on the shoulder with a smile and said: "Comrade Xiao Qiu, your awareness is very good." Gao! I heard about you yesterday, and I heard from Yuxuan that you are from the countryside and can heal illnesses?"

"Yes, President, I have been practicing medicine with my father since I was a child, and I can also treat diseases." Qiu Yuexin said that all my father's medical skills have been passed on to me. Intractable diseases and incurable diseases can be treated. Who made my father a god? How can medical skills compare with your mortal doctors?

Immediately the president laughed and said, "Come on, tell me what disease you will cure?"

Originally, the president wanted to fetch Qiu Yue a glass of water from the water dispenser, but his stomach was so big that he couldn't even bend down, so he turned around and pointed to the water dispenser and said, "Pour two glasses of water here!"

Qiu Yue nodded and walked over with a smile, poured water out of the water dispenser and handed it to the president, leaving one for himself.

"I will..." When Qiu Yue was about to say something, the president pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit down! You don't have to be so polite with me from now on, just call me Uncle Yang in private!"

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Anyway, some daily diseases can basically be treated."

"Can impotence and premature ejaculation be cured?" the president whispered.

Just like the president, who is worth billions or tens of billions in Jiangliang City, there are people who know them everywhere. If they are recognized when they go to see a doctor, it will be very embarrassing, so they are all in private. Quietly find the kind of doctor who knows the bottom line and won't be discovered.

So Qiu Yue nodded, and whispered, "It can be cured!"

"Can it be cured?" the governor asked suspiciously.

"It should be fine!" Qiu Yue nodded.

Immediately, the president's eyes lit up, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to say, neither stood up nor sat down, and took a sip of a glass of boiling water in excitement!

"Oh! It's so hot!" The president stood up excitedly.

Qiuyue didn't know what to do, but fortunately, it returned to normal after a few minutes.

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