my beauty fairy

Chapter 342 Drinking and Singing

Liu Yuchen smiled and said, "I'm playing the guitar. I've learned it before, but I've only learned a little bit. It's nothing to do. Let's practice."

"Oh, it's rare for you to have such a high spirit of elegance, so I'll play a song for you, "City on the Ground." Qiu Yue carefully recalled from his mind how the guy playing the guitar on TV was like. For those who play the guitar, because Qiuyue copied all the essentials of that person's movements in his mind, the music played by Qiuyue is really easy and perfect. among the music.

After Qiuyue's music stopped for a long time, he came out from Qiuyue's music.

Liu Yuchen screamed: "Wow, Qiuyue, your music is really amazing! I like it so much!"

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Yuchen, I came here today to ask you to tell you something."

"Oh, you're leaving again, aren't you?" Liu Yuchen smiled wryly.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Yes, I have to go. I have important things to do. Although I am very reluctant to part with you, after all, my own affairs are small, and the tasks above are the most important!"

"Well, okay, okay, can I know what mission you are going to do outside? This time, I am so worried." Liu Yuchen shook his head and sighed.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "This time, the poison country wants to jointly invade our Huaxia country with the western country. We may be sent to the poison country recently. The poison country has recently committed crimes in the west, and it invaded our country before. Many territories, not only do they not know how to return them, but they intensify their efforts to build roads and airports on our territory. No, the Eastern Kingdom failed, and the Western Kingdom aimed their support at the poisonous country. We Go there to wipe out their prestige. Linzang City has also established a branch of Yixie. I don’t know what kind of trouble they will cause. There are a lot of news recently. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get there in time before I leave. You bid farewell."

"Oh, that's it, this poisonous country, Xiguo, these guys who are afraid of chaos in the world, with these waste countries, it will be difficult for us to have peace in the world, especially that Xiguo, what are you doing under the banner of making the world peaceful? If you want to fight with this alliance, that alliance, and in the end, you will end up fighting in many places because of him?" Liu Yuchen said angrily.

Then cheer for me to return home with a big victory, my dear woman!After speaking, the two hugged together and laughed.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

"Hahahahaha!" A happy laugh came from the yard.

At this time, Liu Yuchen suggested: "Then let's have a little wine tonight!"

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "The beautiful woman sees me off, why not do it!"

So the two started grilling meat in the yard with the electric oven, but there seemed to be no meat at home, Qiu Yue moved things to the yard, and Liu Yuchen went shopping on the street.

The two of them spent the night amidst laughter and laughter.

Beer drank all over his body.

"Hey! Let's play a game to cheer up the fun! Isn't it too monotonous?" Liu Yuchen said drunkenly.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Okay! Who is afraid of whom!"

"We drink and fight, whoever loses will go back to the house and run naked at night!" Liu Yuchen laughed.

Qiuyue hit it off!

"Okay, okay! Who is afraid of whom! We will play according to what you said, and it is the puppy who dare not play!" Qiu Yue said with a laugh.

The clothes of the two of them were already thin because of drinking, and the chests of the two were soaked by the wine, so the outline of Liu Yuchen's chest was faintly revealed.

After playing for most of the day, because Qiuyue was always distracted, he made too many mistakes, so he lost.

At this moment, Liu Yuchen's good sister is also a colleague of Qiuyue Hospital. This woman is called Liu Jing. She has been secretly in love with Qiuyue, but she has never confessed her love. Liu Yuchen secretly sent a message to Liu Jing at night saying that Qiuyue is here. Hurry up, Liu Jing just finished drinking at the classmate party and took a taxi to come.

Qiu Yue and Liu Jing greeted each other with a smile, and then they all entered the room to start punishing Qiu Yue.

The three of them went back to the house, Qiuyue took off his clothes, and when they saw how huge Qiuyue's things were, the two blushed and panted and looked at Qiuyue's bottom.

Liu Yuchen hugged Qiuyue gently, and Qiuyue couldn't bear it any longer. The two of them followed up with a group of crazy kisses. Liu Jing next to him sat on the sofa and listened to Qiuyue and Liu Yuchen's happy cries. become more flushed.

Qiuyue picked up Liu Yuchen and went directly upstairs to the bedroom. Liu Jing passed by outside the bedroom, and the voice inside was so surging that it was hard to let go.Thinking of Qiuyue's incomparably huge j8, he became even more popular.

In this way, after Qiuyue and Liu Yuchen ran for three groups in one night, the two of them broke out drunk and broke out with the most primitive growl.

And Liu Jing outside the door, listening to Lin Han and Han Yu's joyful shouts, leaned against the wall and fell asleep on the carpet.

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