my beauty fairy

Chapter 348 Catch You Away

After the police car arrived, Mo Yu led the police to arrest those guys, and shouted from the foreign devil: "Qiu Yue, you two bastards, I will not let you go!" The foreign devil was already very angry.

Qiuyue laughed loudly.

"Let's see if the police will let you go! Don't worry about others, you don't know if you can save your life! Next time I come here, I will give you a good time!" Qiu Yue said affectionately Looking at the Japanese devil nervously.

Mo Yu went up to shake hands with Qiu Yue and said, "Qiu Yue, I'm really sorry, this car can't go anymore, I'm shunting the car from the headquarters now. Can you wait a moment?"

"Oh, okay." Qiu Yue lit a cigarette and handed the cigarette case to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Qiu Yue, I really admire you two going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, as if nothing happened." Mo Yu looked at Qiu Yue excitedly.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Do you think our daily life is good?"

"Hahaha, that must be wow, I must feel great!" Mo Yu looked at Qiuyue excitedly.

"In fact, everyone's life is difficult, and everyone has difficult sutras." Qiu Yue slowly exhaled the smoke from his lungs.

"Agents are very mysterious!" Mo Yu said with a smile.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said, "That's because you don't understand agents. In fact, we are ordinary people, so don't envy us, just live well."

"Qiu Yue is right! Haha!"

"Hahaha, what Qiuyue said is unreasonable is not your brother! Hahaha!" Ling Feng laughed.

After a while, a black commercial vehicle came, and Qiuyue Lingfeng followed Mo Yu into the car. The speed was very fast, and he arrived at the train station in a short while.

"Okay, you go back! We'll get in the car now." Qiu Yue said to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu nodded and waved with a smile, "Bon voyage!"

After speaking, Qiuyue Lingfeng got on the train.

On the train Qiuyue Lingfeng changed the sleeper ticket again, "Qiuyue, it's so boring on the train!"

"If you're bored, just read the e-book. My brother recommends you a copy of "Cohabitation with a Beautiful Nurse". The further you go, the more shocking it will be!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Ling Feng clicked on Let’s Read together and started reading novels.

Qiuyue was smoking a cigarette and playing Zombie Defense on his mobile phone.

Feeling hungry, Qiuyue stood up, went out to buy something to eat and walked back, but when Qiuyue looked up, he found that a thief had stolen a lady's wallet.

"Isn't it, stealing money at such a young age? This is the way of the world!" Qiu Yue looked at the child who couldn't reach him and said depressedly.

Qiuyue didn't know whether he should intervene or not. Don't intervene. It's not good to ignore things like stealing things. Let's take care of them. The children these days are rebellious one by one. If they come to kill themselves on the spot, it's okay I can't live anymore!

When Qiuyue was having a hard time choosing between left and right, a dramatic scene appeared.

In the far car ahead, a beautiful girl waved at the boy, and the boy followed the little girl into a car.

Qiu Yue became more and more curious, so he followed secretly. After a closer look, he found that there were many children inside.I don't know what I'm doing.

At this time, the little girl didn't know what to say to those children at first, and after she finished speaking, the children were shocked and scattered away.

Qiu Yuexin said, could it be a gang that stole things?Now these little ghosts who steal things are getting worse and worse, they don't steal individually, they all form a gang.

So Qiuyue decided to figure it out, and then wiped them all out!

Following behind a little boy, the little boy looked at a man who fell asleep, took out a wallet from the man's bag, then turned and ran to the place where their group of children had gathered just now.

Qiu Yue watched from nearby. After all the children had finished stealing, they gathered together.

After the group of people just now, including the little girl who came back last, all came back, Qiu Yue walked into the compartment where only these children were.

"Ling Feng, go straight along our carriage and stop when you meet a group of children. Don't let the children go out." Qiu Yue whispered through the tiny earphones. I gave it to that girl, I don't know what I'm planning.Including the little girl, there may be nearly ten children in total.

When Qiu Yue saw Ling Feng coming from the opposite side, Qiu Yue stepped out and shouted: "Don't move, we are police uncles, we must be strict with confession, and even stricter in resistance!"

Standing across from Ling Feng, he didn't know what Qiu Yue was calling him to do, but since Qiu Yue shouted things with the tiny earphones, it was enough to show that it was not a joke, but a serious matter!

Those children looked at Qiuyue terrified, and they all approached the little girl.

Qiu Yue looked at the little girl with a smile and said, "I'm the police uncle, you can tell me if you have anything to do, but you can't do bad things, and the police uncle will help you if you have any difficulties!"

"I don't believe you police. You only wrong good people and can't do anything practical!" The little girl said angrily.

Qiu Yuexin said that it seemed that they and the police didn't know what was going on.

"Let me tell you, little sister, we are good policemen, not the bad policemen you think of. You can sit down and talk to me first, because the other way for you to have a good chat with us is to face being arrested. If we can seriously sit down and talk, if you really have difficulties, I can help you, but if you don’t have any difficulties, you should go to the police station with me!” Qiu Yue said kindly.

The little girl saw that Qiuyue really didn't have any malicious intentions, so she came over very scared, but the smart little girl said that there is no other way if she doesn't cooperate now, this is the only way, try it!

The rest of the children sat together with Ling Feng and they didn't know what they were talking about. They were teased by Ling Feng and made a group of children laugh.

Sitting opposite the little girl, Qiu Yue looked at the little girl who was probably just full and asked, "Little sister, why do you steal things? Don't you know that stealing is illegal? To steal something?"

"Oh, you don't understand, who understands the sadness of us children who can't eat enough and can't sleep well? You never go without food for several days! You just blame us and say that we are The moths of society say that we are bad, and say all the bad things about us, do you think I don't know?" The little girl said coldly.

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