Chapter 36 Mystery Conversation

Qiu Yue sat on the chair, stared at the captain fiercely, slapped the table angrily, stood up and cursed: "Your sister! Can you stop being surprised, if you continue to behave like this, I will resign tomorrow." !"

"What's the matter!" The security captain changed to monocular discharge.

Qiu Yue was so angry that his whole body trembled and his legs became weak. He stood up and walked out of the security room...

Seeing Qiuyue full of anger, Director Li was even happier, thinking that he must have been reprimanded, and there was no place to lose his temper, hahaha!It seems that I will save the night and ask my brothers to fuck you.

Qiuyue stood at the door and continued to greet customers. After half an hour, he was not too busy. The lobby manager Liu Xiaoyun slowly approached Qiuyue, thinking that Qiuyue was in a bad mood, so he should comfort him!

"Qiu Yue, you, are you..." Liu Xiaoyun said a little embarrassedly.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Yes, I was reprimanded by the president, but it's not too harsh!" Qiu Yue said in his heart that if Liu Xiaoyun, the manager of the lobby, and Director Li made a slip of the tongue, it would be troublesome for him.

Liu Xiaoyun fetched a glass of water and handed it to Qiuyue.Qiu Yue took the water and said, "Thank you!" He wondered if this girl fell in love with him?Why do you care so much about yourself? If so, it would be wonderful, wonderful!

So Qiuyue said: "Xiaoyun, you are so kind to me!"

Qiu Yue stared at Liu Xiaoyun without moving his eyes this time, and Liu Xiaoyun's face turned red immediately.

Qiu Yuexin said that it seems that most of them fell in love with him.

However, Qiu Yue said in order to avoid embarrassment: "I am here to work and you all take good care of me. I am so lucky. You should go back and work quickly, lest you be troubled by me. The director is still watching here."

After all, Qiuyue didn't dare to smile after saying a few words, because then the dead director might find out that he was in a good mood.

Just as Qiuyue turned back to the door, Liu Xiaoyun whispered, "I'll wait for you tonight!"

Qiu Yue was stunned, but when he wanted to ask again, Liu Xiaoyun had already turned around and walked in.

"Uh, isn't it, are you going to pursue me? Are you going to take the initiative?" Qiu Yue thought awkwardly.

"If Yuxuan and the others find out about this, will they call me lewd! When I first came to the city, I hung out with other girls. But dating is my freedom, and I have the right to date others. It's not like sleeping with someone, why are you guilty!" Qiu Yue thought to himself.

At this moment, a black BMW stopped outside the door!

When Qiu Yue was about to instruct the car to back up, the car stopped randomly, and a man got out of the car, dressed very extravagantly, and walked over with a smile, Qiu Yue was surprised, this, isn't that, that Shangguan Lan Feng? ?How could it appear here?What is he going to do!

Shangguan Lan Feng walked over with a smile: "We meet again!"

"Ugh! Why is it you again! If you're here looking for something, you'd better leave early! I'm too lazy to fight with you today, I'll just call 110!" Qiu Yue turned and walked into the bank.

The man smiled and said, "Let's go to the VIP area and talk about something!"

"Me and you? U, and, me? Are you kidding me!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

"Haha, that's right, it's me and you. It's okay. Your president won't blame you. He is my godfather! It's easy for me to let you rest for an afternoon!" The man haha said with a smile.

Qiu Yue nodded helplessly and said, "Okay!"

Accompanied by many curious and puzzled eyes in the bank, Qiu Yue and Shangguan Lan Feng walked into the VIP room.

The manager of the lobby, Liu Xiaoyun, is really helpless. Qiuyue is a small security guard, so why are there so many important people thinking about it? Even the godson of the president came to look for Qiuyue?

Director Li was even more dazed, thinking that this Qiu Yue must have offended the chief somewhere, and the president's son came to clean him up, yes, that must be the case, after thinking very happily, he returned to his office.

After walking into the vip room, Qiu Yue asked, "I don't know why you came to see me? You want to trouble me, right?"

"No, Brother Qiu, I have already investigated you. You are from the countryside, a good-natured young man, and have no grievances with our Shangguan family. But as for why I want to get close to you, I think you got the answer last night. Starting today, you can come to me for any troubles. At present, the other two families with similar strength to our family have started to go bad. I want to get rid of the evil forces of the other two families, not just about our Shangguan family, I I think you are also duty-bound, and I hope that from today on, we can get along with each other regardless of past suspicions!" Shangguan Lan Feng said.

Qiu Yue looked at him very sincerely, it didn't seem like he was here to play around, but why did he say that he could only rely on them, and he went to work as a security guard, so why did he get involved with them?Could it be that the other two families are a threat?But what is the threat? Do the other two families have arms?But if that's the case, it wouldn't be possible to unite with this little security guard. I can help them ass!What the hell is going on, why is my mind so messed up.

But what are the trump cards of the other two families? Why are such powerful and arrogant families like the Shangguan family so taboo?

"Yesterday she told me that I can only rely on your Shangguan family now. I don't understand this sentence!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Shangguan Lanfeng smiled and said: "Brother Qiu, it's my fault that I can't tell you for the time being. You will know about it gradually. It's just something you know sooner and later. We'll talk about it today. Remember to look for it at any time in the future Me, this is my phone number!" After speaking, Shangguan Lan Feng handed Qiu Yue a business card.

Qiuyue took it over and still didn't know what was going on, so helpless and hazy!

"Oh, okay!" Qiu Yue said in his heart, let's go quickly, the longer you stay here, the more confused I will be!Feelings Last night, the woman said that the other two families were messing with her, so she asked them to protect her from the Shangguan family?Why did the Shangguan family protect themselves?Could it be that he saw that he was a good security guard?Obviously this is not the correct answer!

Shangguan Lanfeng stood up, shook hands with Qiu Yue, and said, "Brother Qiu, I'm leaving first. I will come to see you when I have time. Remember, if you have any troubles, you must call me!"

Qiu Yue nodded, and walked out of the VIP room helplessly, thinking that Director Li, the thief's grandson, would be enough to drink a pot for himself every day, but he ran out of this Shangguan family and had to protect himself, if he had known this, Even if you beat him to death yesterday, you won't fight him anymore!

After Qiu Yue walked out, everyone looked at him curiously again.

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