my beauty fairy

Chapter 361 The Killer Attacks

Just as Qiu Yue finished speaking, Ling Feng ran over and looked at Qiu Yue with sweat profusely.

"Qiuyue, I'm back, haha!" Ling Feng laughed excitedly.

Qiu Yue rolled his eyes, looking at the "Internet celebrity" in front of him.

"Huh? Are you certified? Weibo is certified! It's time to blow you away!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Ling Feng said excitedly: "Qiu Yue, do you know everything? Ever since I posted all kinds of photos of you, I have become popular. I didn't expect to post the part where you scolded the witch today. After passing the exam, I took the exam, and it was a doll who clicked and reposted comments! When I looked back, all the upvotes almost blew my screen off!"

Ling Feng looked at Qiu Yue excitedly.

I saw Qiuyue staring at Ling Feng angrily and shouting: "What! Brother's photos are posted! You are really a good brother of my brother! Now I really think you and I are a duo of gay friends! No wonder everyone said You and I are gay friends. So that's the reason, see if I don't deal with you!"

Seeing that Qiuyue's momentum was not right, Ling Feng turned around and ran away.The two men ran after Mancuner.

Later, it was Wang Gui who said that he pulled Qiu Yue away so that he didn't beat Ling Feng.

When I came to the wheat farm to eat, Qiuyue smelled the aroma and suddenly remembered the pig-killing dish that I used to eat in the village. This is the pig-killing dish. In Qiuyue's heart, this dish will always be very delicious!

After eating with everyone, Qiuyue and Lingfeng drove towards the military area, halfway, Lingfeng was already driving at a speed of [-] mph, and there was a woman running crazily by the side of the road.And even with Qiuyue's car, the speed doesn't have to be slow at all.

"I took the test, what's going on, Qiuyue? Why is that woman running after us like crazy?" Ling Feng looked at the woman on the side of the road with puzzled eyes, filled with looked unbelievable.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said, "I don't know either. You can turn around and see if that guy is after us. Quick!"

Hearing Qiuyue's words, Ling Feng flicked his tail, turned around and drove in the direction he came from.

But I didn't expect that woman to turn around and run backwards, and ran crazily in this direction, that speed was simply not human speed.

"Qiu Yue, it's not good this time, it seems to be someone with supernatural abilities." Ling Feng said depressedly.

Qiu Yue was shocked: "It seems that Xiongqi Company sent someone here, and they found out that we are here! I took the test, Ling Feng, you useless material! Did your Weibo show your location when you posted it!"

"Me! Me! Qiuyue, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" Ling Feng looked at Qiuyue apologetically.

Qiu Yue was speechless, turned around helplessly and said: "Ling Feng, can you figure out who you are, you are a secret agent! You are not an ordinary person, can you just fuck and post things casually? What's more, you That stupid donkey even authenticated Weibo, aren’t you courting death? You’re afraid that the enemy won’t find us, and you’re the boss and they’re the ones!”

"I won't do it next time, I'll pay attention to Qiuyue!" Ling Feng said hastily.

Qiu Yue sighed and lit a cigarette, exhaling the smoke slowly.

"Qiu Yue, what should we do now?" Ling Feng asked.

Qiu Yue sighed and said: "What can we do, the fire will stop you, stop making trouble with him!"

"Oh, alright!" Ling Feng slammed on the brakes after finishing speaking.

When Qiu Yue opened his eyes again, his face was already stuck to the front windshield.

Qiu Yue sat up with difficulty and said: "Now I really doubt that you are the guy they sent to make trouble! If you brake more quickly, you can get me out of the way!"

Qiu Yue opened the door and got out of the car.

The woman jumped up and flew directly across the road.

"Wow, what's going on, I'm scared to death!" Qiu Yue exclaimed.

Ling Feng was very excited when he came out to see such a magnificent scene.

"Wow, Qiuyue is still a beautiful woman, so I'll give it to you, and I won't compete with you, but this figure is really..." Ling Feng praised.

Qiuyue looked at the woman's figure, she was dressed in a black leather jacket, with a body with long sleeves, under the crazy squeeze of the black leather jacket, she was still tall and straight, with her raised buttocks, her delicate face, her eyes Even more tender.

Qiu Yue squinted at the woman's chest.

"You pervert, no wonder they say you are perverted, you are a big pervert! You are really bad!" The woman gave Qiu Yue a sharp look.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Why do you always push the responsibility on others, and on me, but you don't correct your own mistakes!"

"Am I wrong? Then I should blame myself for staring at my chest lewdly, you pervert?" The woman was angry and helpless.

Qiu Yue laughed and said: "Nonsense, who made your pair of big tits so attractive, tell me whether it's this perverted one, or my good friend who is decent, calm and not immoral. , good friend, you are very attractive to the big murderer!"

"Yes, yes! Qiuyue is right! No, no, no, there is one sentence that is wrong, I am not sanctimonious." Ling Feng said.

The woman said coldly: "I'm too lazy to entangle you, I'm here to kill your dogs!"

"Haha, I'm afraid someone who can take my life has not yet been born." Qiu Yue laughed.

Ling Feng also laughed, but when the woman said a name, Ling Feng's mouth was wide open, he couldn't speak anymore, and he was choking, coughing for a long time before returning to normal: "My name is Leng moon."

"Ling Feng, what's the matter, are you sensitive to the word Leng Yue? Hey!" Qiu Yue waved his hand in front of Ling Feng a few times before Ling Feng slowly, slowly reacted.

Qiu Yue said: "What's wrong with you, what's the situation?"

"Oh, Qiuyue, do you think we can't surrender?" Ling Feng asked.

Qiu Yue shuddered at Ling Feng's head, and shouted: "Surrender your sister, surrender! Why are you so cowardly today!"

"Then Qiuyue, can we run?" Ling Feng asked.

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "Tell me if you can run away, why don't you try to run and see if she can catch up with you at her ordinary speed of sixty miles!"

Immediately, Ling Feng's eyes dimmed, and he said in a dark voice. "Qiu Yue, this is troublesome, what is your reason for getting here in Leng Yue?"

"Hehe, what's the matter with you, isn't this Leng Yue sent by Xiongqi to kill me? Isn't he a small killer!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Leng Yue kept silent, just stood there and looked at Qiu Yue coldly.

Ling Feng said nervously: "Qiu Yue, this Leng Yue is an internationally famous killer, one of the top [-] killers in the world."

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