my beauty fairy

Chapter 363 Too Far Away

There was no talking along the way, half an hour later, Qiu Yue and Ling Feng arrived at the military area.

Captain Ge stood at the door and saw Qiuyue very excited, "Brother Qiuyue, today's incident is really thanks to you, you don't know, there are mass demonstrations and troubles here every now and then, tell me , We were in a small-scale war with the poisonous country, but there was a demonstration at home, can you tell me that this is not a great harm to our country?"

Qiu Yue nodded, sighed and said: "This situation is indeed terrible. A country is most afraid of domestic chaos and foreign wars. This is the most troublesome thing. Fortunately, this time the incident is not too big, and it happened quickly. solved."

"Yeah, fortunately, not many people know about it, and the mainstream media understands it very well. They didn't report these things for their own self-interest. Otherwise, we would panic all over the country and the mainland, and we would be in big trouble if we were attacked internally and externally! Until today they didn't They swarmed to find me." Ge Zihao said.

Ling Feng laughed and said, "Let me tell you, it was the right time to let Qiuyue come. Let me tell you, in the secret service organization, there is no one else except Brother Tian!"

"That's right, I've heard about Brother Qiuyue's name for a long time, but this time I learned about it personally. Today I am very arrogant in front of the reporters, it's all because of Brother Qiuyue, otherwise I really I can’t explain to everyone.” Head Ge laughed.

Qiu Yue waved his hand and said: "Captain Ge, I'm overwhelmed, I'm overwhelmed, you two don't praise me, let's go in!"

"Haha, it seems that Qiuyue is shy, we are good friends!" Ling Feng laughed.

Qiu Yue raised his foot and scared Ling Feng to run in. Qiu Yue and Captain Ge walked in laughing.

The military region of Linzang City here is indeed extraordinary and highly valued. Looking at these huge modern equipment and all kinds of high-tech equipment, one can know that the Central Military Region attaches great importance to Linzang City. After all, this The poisonous country bordering on the border is always eyeing, so we have to be prepared!

Followed Captain Ge to the headquarters, commanded by the combat center.

"Old Xue, hurry up, come and see who is here! Our great savior!" Captain Ge said excitedly with a laugh.

Qiuyue Lingfeng walked in, and there sat a gentleman with an extraordinary temperament, wearing a neat military uniform. The man saw Qiuyue Lingfeng standing up excitedly, and said with a smile: "These two can't be Qiuyue Lingfeng The two generals are special agents! The uproar in Dongyang country in those days caused tens of billions of economic losses?"

Captain Ge laughed and nodded and said: "Old Xue, you are right! This is Qiu Yue, and this is Ling Feng! This time, Qiu Yue is here to solve the weird curse!"

"Ah, long-awaited, Comrade Qiuyue, thank you very much for helping us. We have minimized the exposure of this incident, but we still can't prevent a lot of things from being leaked. If you didn't come in time, really I really don't know what to do!" The soldier excitedly shook hands with Qiuyue Lingfeng.

Ge Zihao introduced: "Brother Qiuyue, this is my chief of staff, Xue Yunhan, a very experienced commander in combat command!"

"Comrade Qiuyue, don't listen to Lao Ge's nonsense, what kind of military strategist is there, that is, the chief of staff, who advises the leaders!" Xue Yunhan laughed.

"Okay, don't be humble, everyone, let's talk about things here, what's the situation in the army recently?" Qiu Yue laughed.

Ge Zihao waved his hand and said, "Sit down first, I'll make some tea. Let Xue Yunhan introduce our recent situation in detail. It's bleak, very bleak!"

"Okay, you guys sit down!" Xue Yunhan told Qiu Yue Lingfeng to sit down.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Staff Xue, please speak slowly, don't worry."

"En!" Xue Yunhan nodded.

Ling Feng looked at Xue Yunhan seriously, and listened carefully to what Xue Yunhan said.

"The recent situation is very pessimistic. Why do I say that? Let me start from the beginning of the war!" Xue Yunhan said.

Qiu Yue took the tea poured by Ge Zihao and nodded.

"When our two armies just started the war, it was initiated by their side. One day, a soldier patrolling the border was killed by a sniper on their side for unknown reasons. We asked them for justice, and our country made solemn representations. , But they didn’t admit it anyway, and later admitted, but said that the person who killed our country’s soldiers has disappeared, and there is no way to give us an explanation.” Xue Yunhan drank his saliva and continued: “Later we There is no way, the domestic soldiers are dead, we can’t leave it alone, not to mention that this is an unjust thing, so they responded with arms and threatened them to poison the country, but they didn’t expect this move to be angry, saying that we violated international conventions and would condemned, but we send troops and they will not back down and be afraid!"

Ge Zihao nodded and said, "In the beginning, they provoked us repeatedly, as if they were just trying to inspire us to speak up and seek justice with them."

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "So they actually have a conspiracy."

"Yes, this poisonous country has been spying on the territory of our Huaxia country since history, and now it is using tricks to provoke war. It achieves the purpose of occupying our territory!" Ling Feng said angrily.

Xue Yunhan nodded: "Yes, you are right. After the war started, we were very dissatisfied with their actions at the beginning, so the morale of the soldiers was very high, and our combat effectiveness was also very high. But after a few days, suddenly After one of our domestically produced G-11 fighter jets flew over the territorial baseline of the two countries, the plane disappeared. I don’t know if it crashed or what happened. It disappeared anyway. Then the morale of our domestic soldiers appeared decline."

"Did the momentum drop because the plane disappeared after crossing the dividing line for no reason? What was it like before it disappeared, and is the connection normal?" Qiu Yue said.

Ge Zihao nodded: "Before disappearing, the performance of the aircraft was very normal, and they were all ready to attack, but this kind of thing happened, we have not been able to give a very accurate reason for the troops , so everyone hears that the Lindou Kingdom is the son of God, we are sinning, and we are infringing on God. After these remarks, we have lost the courage to fight against the Lindou Kingdom. I know that today you have resolved the matter in Linzang Village , everyone decided that this matter was not God’s anger or God’s condemnation, but man-made. Our morale has picked up, but until there is no reasonable explanation for the disappearance of the plane, morale will not return to its peak. Good."

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