my beauty fairy

Chapter 369

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Okay, I will pay attention, don't worry, you will get the information I got tomorrow morning, don't worry about me."

"Come on, Qiuyue. Let me tell you where Wang Shuo's dormitory is!" said Captain Ge.

Qiu Yue nodded and walked to the side of the big three-dimensional screen, only to see a three-dimensional satellite map of the military area appeared on the big screen, "Wow, it's really awesome. Looking at this awesome equipment, I'm going crazy! It's so powerful !"

"Haha, these are satellites of our own country. It's amazing. This is the dormitory building of the third battalion. The soldier lives in the northernmost room on the second floor. There are four people in a dormitory." Ge Zihao laughed.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Okay, okay, you two should study it, I'll go to that dormitory to see what the hell this guy is doing secretly!"

"Be careful!"

"Be careful!" Ge Zihao and Xue Yunhan said.

Captain Ge and Xue Yunhan both turned on the map and equipment to find out where Ling Feng was.

Qiu Yue strode out of the regiment headquarters and came to a hidden place. He silently recited the invisibility spell secret book in his heart, and with a light wave of his hands, Qiu Yue's body immediately became invisible.

"I passed the exam. It's so cool. It feels like I've disappeared from this world. No one around me pays attention to me, and no one knows me. Is it possible to experience the feeling of a soul haha!" Qiu Yue strolled in the yard.

"I don't know if this invisibility technique can penetrate things?" Qiu Yue thought, walked towards the wall and stretched out his hand towards the wall, but his hand was blocked and he couldn't go in.

Qiu Yue murmured: "It seems that it can't be penetrated. Let's hurry up and see what that little kid is doing secretly. I don't know if this woman is an extremely beautiful master?"

Qiuyue's heart suddenly rang out what Shangguan Yifan said: "I heard that the poisonous country sent a woman from the Charming Sacred Cult to the border. That charming woman from the Holy Cult is very coquettish. If the other party is a man, as long as he wins her, even if the charming female disciple of the Holy Cult is a stunning beauty, she will have sex with the man who defeated her!"

"Is that soldier someone from the Charming Sacred Cult lurking here? If that's the case, after I fight with her one day, I can have sex with her?" Qiu Yue's mouth was about to drool.

Qiuyue suddenly rang something, and turned the phone to silent, so as not to be discovered later, it would be troublesome!

After arriving at the building where the soldier was, Qiu Yue walked in openly. The soldiers around him had already fallen asleep, only the battalion commander's light was still on.

Qiu Yue walked over curiously, thinking to himself why the battalion commander didn't sleep so late!

After getting closer, Qiuyue heard the sound of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)."

"I've passed the exam. Could it be that the battalion commander has hidden women?" Qiu Yue stepped forward and saw that the battalion commander was sitting in front of a small computer. The scene inside was very grand, with two women and a donkey, it was simply hilarious. flipped.

And the battalion commander put one hand in his crotch, not sure what he was doing with his bulging wobble, but I knew he was stretching and touching, not talking, you know!

Qiu Yue sighed, thinking that this battalion commander is also a person with a strong sense of taste!

The actress on the computer was stabbed upside down by a big donkey whip, Qiuyue felt nauseated watching it, and thought that these two women were also that saohuo, otherwise they would have to look for a donkey if they couldn't serve anyone?

Hearing the battalion commander's yell, he lay down on the table out of breath and felt refreshed.

"Hey, I'd better go and see Wang Shuo, and there's nothing there." Qiu Yue heard the occasional voices of soldiers in the corridor and came to Wang Shuo's dormitory.

Qiu Yue directly entered the dormitory with the wall penetration technique.

After entering the dormitory, Qiuyue's footsteps suddenly slowed down to a snail's pace, for fear that someone would hear footsteps in such a quiet night!

After Qiuyue walked in, he carefully looked around who was Wang Shuo.

Looking carefully, Wang Shuo's bed is the one in the corner, and it's on the dark side.

Since Qiuyue advanced in spells, the clairvoyant eye can not only see through, but also can be used as a night vision device, and it is a hundred times better than night vision devices!

So Qiuyue used clairvoyant eyes to see why Wang Shuo's bed was bulging!

Qiu Yue took a closer look and found that Wang Shuo was tinkering with something on the computer.

Qiu Yue approached slowly, and only then did he see the situation clearly. It turned out that Wang Shuo used the chat tool pp to send messages.

Staring at the screen carefully, Wang Shuo used PP to send messages to the PP group in their headquarters.

Qiu Yue memorized the p number of the other party: 258418083, and then Qiu Yue memorized the pp number of the fake Wang Shuo beauty in front of him: (33903133.

"Now you are the grasshoppers after autumn, you won't be able to jump for a few days, haha!" Qiu Yue laughed wildly in his heart.

After memorizing the pp number, Qiu Yue carefully watched what this chick was chatting with the headquarters.

It turned out that this chick was indeed a woman in disguise, and the pp number displayed the woman's information.Send something to their headquarters in the poison country. There is a mysterious person here, no, there are two, but one of them will dispel my witchcraft. It seems that I have to be careful.

"Okay, if you have any needs, please contact me in time! Your miniature earphones will be delivered at Xiaohe, west of the military compound at one o'clock in the morning! If there is any situation, please contact the miniature earphones directly. This pp number will be invalid after downloading today." The message came.

"Okay, in terms of organization, I will definitely live up to your expectations! I want to see what kind of tricks this Qiuyue has so arrogantly! I will see what the purpose of his visit is soon." The fake Wang Shuo said in a message.

"Proceed with caution, Lin Han is the guy who is doing pornography in Linzang Village. This person is not that simple. I hope you can pay enough attention!" A message was sent from the other side.

"Okay, then I'll get off. At one o'clock in the morning, I will appear by the small river as promised." Fake Wang Shuofa said the last sentence.


Looking at the content of the chat, Qiuyue was speechless. He was supposed to write down the pp number to flirt with this chick, but he didn't expect to destroy the number today?

After the fake Wang Shuo turned off the computer, he let out a sigh of relief. Qiu Yue looked at the surrounding soldiers who had been hypnotized. Qiu Yue was wondering why the others were so quiet and motionless.

"I'm so tired, let's take it off and get comfortable!" The fake Wang Shuo took off the human skin mask on his face, and immediately, a woman with a delicate face appeared in front of Qiu Yue.How to describe it, vixen!But it also has a very sexy and coquettish feel.

Qiu Yue sighed in his heart and thought: "Oh, it's just that the tits are a bit small, look, they look like a flat chest!"

Immediately after that fake Wang Shuo took off a holster on his chest, Qiuyue's blood suddenly swelled!

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