my beauty fairy

Chapter 375 Secret Detection

Qiu Yue's words immediately made everyone excited.

Ling Feng also said excitedly: "Down with the poisonous Xiguo dog! Give me a piece of sunshine in China!"

"Down with the poisonous Xiguo dog! Give me back the sunshine in China!"

"Down with the poisonous Xiguo dog! Give me back China!" All the soldiers shouted excitedly.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Hahaha, as long as everyone is united, we will definitely defeat those fellows who are poisoned!"

The barracks was immersed in a passionate atmosphere throughout the afternoon.

Qiuyue spent the whole afternoon treating the wounds of the soldiers. Everyone was very moved when they saw Qiuyue's hard work.

By evening, all the soldiers had been healed.

Head Ge came here by car.

Xue Yunhan also came over.

"Commander Ge, you are here! Thank you for sending Qiuyue, he made my troops stand up again, and regained the confidence to defeat the enemy!" Political commissar Liu was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

Head Ge smiled and said: "Don't say that, it's a family, where is Brother Qiuyue?"

"Qiu Yue is healing soldiers over there," Political Commissar Liu said.

Ling Feng also walked over and said with a smile: "Qiuyue said that there are still two people left and they will all be treated. Let's go to the barracks first. Brother Han said that he will come over after the treatment is over."

"Alright, alright, let's go!" Staff Officer Xue said.

A few people walked into the barracks, and after 10 minutes, Qiuyue treated all the wounds of the soldiers, and then brought a bowl of vegetables and two steamed buns from the head chef.

"Captain Ge, you are here!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Xue Yunhan smiled and said, "Qiuyue, I'm sorry to trouble you, because you are starving and treating our wounded!"

"Ah, what's the matter, don't say polite words, let's discuss the military situation quickly!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Head Ge smiled and said, "Brother Qiuyue, what do you think about this matter? Their miniature earphones have been completely controlled, and the two of them had a conversation this afternoon. Record it, we can issue the mission directly."

"We are going to make a big one this time. Let's do it tomorrow afternoon. During their lunch time, we send a message to their headquarters and say that we are attacking from the east. The number is very small, but we are attacking from the west. Their airport and The army base needs to be a little more serious. Tomorrow's battle must be fought well. If we fight well, we can almost win the next battle, but if we don't fight well, then we will fail all the way! "Qiu Yue said seriously.

Xue Yunhan nodded and said: "That's right, this time I will dispel their arrogance, lest they continue to mess around in the future."

"You can see for yourself how to allocate troops. I hope that when they respond, we have almost completed their military facilities. Aircraft that can quickly launch strike capabilities, as well as our cruise missile force, today Transferred here overnight, and then sent a false message to the headquarters of the poisonous country, saying that our morale is declining and the military strength is not good, but we will launch an attack at [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and then we will send a small team to lure it. " Qiuyue said.

Political Commissar Liu and Head of Ge Tuan Xue Yunhan agreed that Qiuyue's idea was very valuable, so they did what Qiuyue said.

"Then you two should go back and have a rest, you didn't sleep well last night!" Xue Yunhan said.

Ling Feng waved his hands and said, "Tonight, Qiuyue and I will go to their barracks to wreak havoc in a weird way, to lower their morale, so that our battle won't be difficult tomorrow!"

"Okay, since that's the case, let's do this!" Captain Ge said.

So Head Ge and his party dispersed and returned to their respective posts, while Qiu Yue and Ling Feng quietly and secretly came to the border.

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng opened the flying clouds and flew directly over the border. There were many guards and equipment on the border, but Qiu Yue and Ling Feng were still not found.

"Qiuyue, the equipment protection inside them uses very high-end protective equipment, all of which were transferred from Xiguo. I think we should be discovered if we go further inside." Ling Feng said.

Qiu Yue said with a strange smile. "Isn't there a launcher in our bag? Use a black cloth to wrap our time bomb, and then use the launcher to throw the package empty, so they won't find it so late. Wait until half an hour, boom With a bang, all their communication equipment was blown up!"

"Well, good idea, when their communication equipment is broken, they can only rely on our undercover agents, they will believe whatever the undercover agents say! Hahaha!" Ling Feng laughed.

Qiu Yue said with a smirk: "You said that we should use a thicker cloth to wrap our high-explosive bombs, and then put them in the time bomb and throw them together. When the time bomb explodes, add the high-explosive bombs." How does it feel to be powerful?"

"Oh my god, Qiuyue, that power can't be underestimated. This kind of method can only be thought of by an elite like Qiuyue. He is really awesome. Just do as Brother Han said!" Ling Feng hid in the corner excitedly and began to assemble the time bomb.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Let them know about the poisonous country, and the Huaxia country will have the same fate as the Dongyang country!"

Ling Feng was once again infected by the kingly temperament emanating from Qiu Yue.

Qiuyue wrapped more than a dozen small high-explosive bombs together, and then wrapped them all with a large cloth ball. Ling Feng aimed the launcher near the radar equipment over there, passing by many infrared detection places during this period. , If the direction of the bomb is not set properly, it is likely to call the police when it touches the infrared ray.

Fortunately, when Ling Feng was a special soldier, he got full marks all year round in this subject of shooting, so he got it right with one shot!

At this moment, a few soldiers patrolled and passed by, shouting, "Who are you?"

Qiu Yue walked over with a smile, and the two soldiers from the poisonous country pointed at Qiu Yue with guns, Qiu Yue said with a smile: "We are from the Huaxia country!"

As soon as Qiuyue said something, Ling Feng moved!Suddenly Qiu Yue rushed out and cut the necks of the two men with a knife, killing both soldiers on the spot.

"Okay, shall we go back?" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Ling Feng nodded excitedly and said: "What's left is for us to watch the explosion of the small mushroom cloud from a distance. It's really enjoyable. Thinking about it makes me feel so good, Qiuyue! Hahahaha!"

"Okay, don't waste any more time, come here." Qiu Yue said pretending to be angry.

When Ling Feng came over, Qiu Yue summoned the flying clouds and flew Ling Feng back to the military area directly.

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