my beauty fairy

Chapter 4 Shady Agreement

Now Qiuyue understood what his mother meant, scratched his head and said with an excited smile, "Really? Mom, it seems that we have a chance to counterattack! I will definitely practice hard!"

The mother knocked on Qiuyue's head, pretending to be angry and said: "Immortal cultivators, you can't think about revenge all day long, not to mention that you can't rely on immortal methods to deal with the village chief. You have to use immortal methods to cure diseases and save people. The village chief has done it." So many bad things, we can use legal means to protect ourselves."

"Ah! Yes, yes, hehe, mother is right!" Qiu Yue said.

But Qiuyue and his mother were surprised to find that Qiuyue stood up.

Moreover, Qiu Yue closed his eyes, obviously feeling that warm current was still surging through his body.

"Son, you actually stood up, that's great!" the mother said excitedly.

Qiu Yue was also very excited, reading this book happily, it was really amazing.

Qiuyue was anxious to open the first page, but was stopped by his mother, who said with a smile: "After eating, practice in a better state! And the progress must not be too fast at the beginning, step by step, otherwise it will be over if the foundation is not good !"

So Qiuyue nodded and said: "Okay, my son understands!"

"Mother, you take this egg away. Wang Xiaoqian thanked her for treating her for so long without asking for money. This 500 yuan is too much. I have to take it back for her." Qiu Yue was about to leave the house. said the door's mother.

Qiuyue's mother turned around and took the egg away and said, "Well, return the money, we only take the money we earned."

"En. My child understands!" Qiu Yue said.

The mother walked out of the room and looked at the sky, and whispered: "Father, please protect us. I think Qiuyue will become a master in the future. If there is a demon in his heart, there will be a demon. If there is no demon in his heart, how can there be a demon?"

Qiu Yue opened the first page of the book, on which was written the content of each page, and Qiu Yue saw that Chapter 1 was a chapter of concentration and calmness.

Mysterious energy is a necessary condition for practicing spells. Without profound energy, one cannot practice spells. Mysterious energy is determined by various abilities of a person. Each level of profound energy can practice spells of the corresponding level, and each level of cultivation can All kinds of spells can improve a cultivator's abilities in all aspects. That is to say, as long as the spells are well practiced, the profound energy will be improved. After the improvement, the profound energy can be promoted, and the next stage can be learned. related spells.

Mysterious energy is universal, whether it is an immortal or a mortal, everyone has a different level of profound energy, but the profound energy of ordinary humans may only be at the first level, while that of immortals may be at the peak of profound energy.

Therefore, the level of profound energy, that is, the level of a person's abilities in all aspects, is just that ordinary people cannot see their own profound energy with their naked eyes, but people who have practiced immortal arts or immortals can see it.

The first step for Qiuyue to learn is to concentrate and calm down, that is, to calm down one's heart no matter when practicing immortal arts.

At this time, my mother shouted from outside the door: "Qiuyue, your sister Xiaoyu has come to see you for medical treatment!"

So Qiuyue hid "Xianshu" under the pillow.

Xiaoyu was Qiuyue's neighbor in the past. She took good care of Qiuyue since she was a child, and would give Qiuyue some delicious food.It's just that now that they are married and moved to other villages, fewer people come back. This time, they came back to visit their parents and went to see Qiuyue for medical treatment, because Qiuyue knew her illness best.

"Qiuyue! My sister is back to see you!" Xiaoyu looked at the vicissitudes and emaciation of Qiuyue at this time, tears could not stop streaming down her eyes.

Qiu Yue suppressed his tears and said with a smile: "Sister Xiaoyu! You are back! I miss you so much!"

Said the two hugged each other.

Seeing this scene, Qiuyue's mother couldn't help but shed tears, and said, "You guys talk first, I'll go out and wash the bitter vegetables, and I'll scramble some eggs and eat some bitter vegetables later!"

After a while, Qiuyue smiled and said, "Sister Xiaoyu, how are you doing?"

Xiaoyu said with a smile: "Well, my sister's life is much better than before. My sister has heard about you, but now she has a child, and she never leaves people for a moment, so she can't come back to see you."

"Thank you, sister, I want to see you too, but this, alas!" Qiu Yue said with a sigh.

Xiaoyu wiped the tears from Qiuyue's face and said, "Brother, your brother-in-law has returned from a business trip, and now he can make decisions for you. You go to the police station where he works to make a record, find witnesses, and we will sue the village chief!"

Qiu Yue knew that his brother-in-law was a policeman at the police station, but last time Qiu Yuezhan couldn't stand up because of this incident, not to mention that he didn't think about resisting at the beginning, so he passed it with patience, but until the village head led someone to smash the hospital After that, Qiuyue suddenly became angry and determined to fight the village chief to the end.

"Sister Xiaoyu, I thank you in advance, but it's not like you don't know that the power of the village head is no longer what it used to be, and everyone in the village is afraid of him, so how dare you testify for me, maybe everyone will have to get involved " Qiu Yue said with a frustrated face.

Xiaoyu said: "Then we can't just let him act like this and bully us!"

"Sister Xiaoyu, I remember someone above said last time that our road construction project was more than 300 million yuan, but it is said that the contract signed by the village head and the road construction contractor was only 50 yuan, and the rest of the money He must have been hacked by them, during this time I want to collect some evidence to expose him and let him step down." Qiu Yue said.

Xiaoyu nodded and said, "Well, this is the right thing to do. I think that as long as we all work together this time, we will definitely be able to drive this hateful village chief out of power and put him in jail!"

At this time, her mother came back, and Xiaoyu and Qiuyue's mother cooked together.

We had dinner together at noon, Qiuyue learned some knowledge about this from Xiaoyu, what kind of evidence is needed for evidence, it is best to get that contract, even some shady agreements signed with other people It's even better when you get it.

After eating, I opened a pharmacy for Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu will go home in the afternoon, and the children at home cannot be weaned.

"Brother Qiuyue, if you have anything to do, ask your sister to help. This is 1000 yuan. My sister's parents-in-law are very kind to us, and their family is also rich, so you can accept it!" Xiaoyu insisted on putting the 1000 yuan in. In Qiuyue's pocket.

Qiu Yue was not polite either, nodded and said: "Sister, thank you, I have money, I will definitely pay you back!"

After sending Xiaoyu out, Qiuyue and his mother returned home.

Qiuyue thought that since Wang Xiaoqian's husband signed the road construction contract with the village head, her husband must also benefit a lot from it, and there must be a private agreement besides this contract.Didn't Wang Xiaoqian ask for a massage by herself?Then find out the two agreements of her husband and expose their illegal activities.

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