my beauty fairy

Chapter 409 Super Traffic Jam

After the puppet was shot, it suddenly let out a strange cry, fell to the ground and twitched for a while, and did not move.

Xiongyue watched from above and shouted: "Wonderful, a desperate escape was staged in front of me today, which made me very happy to watch. Okay, I'm leaving, you guys are busy! By the way, I forgot to say It’s gone, you can’t catch up with them anymore, let me tell you a little secret, only the first three cars have what you’re looking for, and the remaining ten cars take a different route from the drug cart, sorry Ah, you have been played. I will dodge first, and I hope you can survive our hands next time."

"Damn it! I said **** is weird today. It turns out that these guys have discovered us a long time ago and replaced all the lines!" Ling Feng shouted angrily.

Qiu Yue smiled: "It seems that Jiang is still old and hot! We were finally played by them."

"Then, what should we do with Qiuyue now?" Ling Feng looked at Qiuyue and said.

Qiu Yue thought for a while and said, "Do you remember where they left when we parted from the last cart here?"

"The left hand side!" Ling Feng said.

Qiu Yue nodded and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Ling Feng nodded and said.

Qiu Yue turned and walked towards the car, "Get in the car!"

"Qiu Yue, how did you decide?" Ling Feng started the car.

Qiuyue clicked on the navigation, looked at the map and said, "Look, at this intersection, to the left is the last car that just left. Since they are going to separate, Xiongyue disturbed us when they separated, which means they split at this intersection. , that excludes the direction we came from, the direction that those cars went later, and the intersection that is directly heading towards Tuwujiao, the rest is the intersection they walked.”

Ling Feng asked curiously: "Then why did they take a long way, and they don't know how we can find their way."

"They must think that we will think that they have already taken the shortest road to Tuwujiao, so they will not take that road, and the rest must be the long road." Qiu Yue laughed.

Ling Feng nodded and said: "Qiu Yue, what you said is very reasonable, let's chase at full speed!"

"Well, we have to speed up. Originally, one car after another drove for many 15 minutes. In addition, the time wasted by the Li family interfering with us here just now is not short. We must now go full speed Followed up." Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng nodded and directly hit the accelerator to the end, like an arrow, he shot out quickly, the speed was already staggering.

Qiu Yue looked at the scenery passing backwards on both sides, and said: "This is not good, keep a speed, you can't go faster, keep going faster, I guess we should hang up before we can catch up, I said fast One hundred miles to 110 miles, isn't it not on the highway after all!"

"Well, good Qiuyue, let's slow down a little bit." Ling Feng slowed down the car.

Qiu Yue turned on the operating system and quickly changed the color of the car body, even the license plate.After a while, I got on the expressway. There were a lot of cars in front of me, about dozens of them. For some reason, the traffic jam was very serious.And here is far away from the urban area, so there has been no traffic police to manage it for a long time, not to mention it is at night.

Qiu Yue got out of the car and walked forward, seeing that the cars in front of him were tightly blocked. After walking for a long time, he found that there was a car accident in the front. serious.

Qiu Yue took out the police card that Shangguan Yifan had prepared for himself and said, "I'm telling you now as a policeman, because of your accident, the traffic jam is very serious, and it's all in the urban area, so I ask you to Take a picture of the scene with a mobile phone or a digital camera, and then find the insurance company to deal with it, and get out of the way first."

Qiu Yue was very depressed. The two cars collided at the narrowest part of the expressway, and they could only pass two cars side by side. However, these two cars collided so skillfully that they directly occupied more than half of the road.

After hearing Qiuyue's words, the two drivers stopped arguing in dejection. They each took out their own shooting tools to take pictures of the accident scene, then drove the cars to a slightly spacious place, lined up vertically and parked on the road. side.

Qiu Yue turned his head and waved his hands to direct the team behind to move forward slowly.

Gradually, the car began to flow forward. At this moment, when it was passing by Qiuyue and started to speed up, it suddenly poked its head out and shot at Qiuyue. Something that threatened him, so he quickly jumped to the side of the road.

After the man took aim, when the gunshot sounded, Qiu Yue had already jumped towards the grass by the roadside.

"I took the test, it's really his mother's danger!" Qiu Yue stood behind the tree, took it out and was about to shoot at the car that hit him just now, but the car had already driven a long way.

Qiu Yue cursed secretly, and by the way greeted the elders in that guy's family, then turned around and continued walking towards Ling Feng.

As the car gradually cleared up, Ling Feng also drove towards this side slowly.

"Qiu Yue, get in the car!" Ling Feng stopped the car.

After Qiu Yue got into the car, the car slowly walked forward with the convoy, "Damn it, a car shot me when it passed me just now, luckily I jumped out to the side of the road after feeling it, Otherwise, I would have to die there today."

"No way, ***, I don't know who these grandsons are. Logically speaking, they shouldn't be from the Li family, but why don't they dare to confront us head-on?" Ling Feng asked curiously.

Qiu Yue smiled, "Close the windows, turn on the air conditioner, try not to open the windows, so as not to be destroyed by bullets coming in through the gaps. We should be careful when we come to such an unfamiliar place!"

"En, good!" Ling Feng closed the window.

Looking at both sides of the expressway, Qiuyue saw that there were forests everywhere, and thought that this might be the place where you need to be most careful. Once there is a traffic jam, if hundreds of people with guns rush out of the forest here, then no one can save themselves, so Once there is a traffic jam, be careful.

"Qiuyue, you should sleep for a while, we can't catch up with them yet, let's watch each other," Ling Feng said.

Qiu Yue nodded, pushed the seat down, and lay down flat.

"This car is really good. It's a good place to fight wild battles." Qiu Yue joked.

Ling Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "No, no, I feel the car shaking, Qiu Yue, you are out of control!"

After a while Ling Feng shouted: "Damn it! Another fucking traffic jam!"

Qiu Yue sat up suddenly and saw that the traffic jam ahead was serious.

"Damn it, isn't it? I really guessed it right? Damn it!" Qiu Yue cursed angrily.

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