my beauty fairy

Chapter 411

Every fight or confrontation involves a psychological and tactical issue. Brothers who have played the game of manipulating heroes on the computer know that when the heroes are of the same level and the skills of the two sides are similar, for example, there are two groups of heroes duel. , the three heroes in group a are all half blood, and the three heroes in group b have two full blood and one half blood. Come up and rush together, it is entirely possible to win Group B.

Overwhelming the opponent in terms of aura is a very important issue. When you are very afraid of the opponent's hero, you can obviously win, and if you run away without releasing the move, the result will be obvious.

Qiu Yue knew this principle very well, he knew it from playing the game "Zombies vs Plants".

At this time, Qiuyue was one vs three, and if he overwhelmed some of them first in terms of momentum, it was equivalent to having an extra helper for himself, while the other party lost an accomplice.

"You kid is not afraid of us? Are you determined to die?" The woman laughed.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "You're half right!"

"What?" The woman looked at Qiu Yue curiously.

"It's true when you say I'm not afraid of you, but it's false when you say I'm determined to die!" Qiu Yue said unhurriedly, and his tone was full of disdain.

The woman looked at Qiuyue a little shaken: "Haven't you heard of our Dugu Sansha?"

"You guys are very famous in the world of killers in the poisonous country, how could I not know about it!" Qiu Yue smiled.Not at all nervous.

"Heh! You're smart!" the woman said domineeringly.

Qiu Yue lit a cigarette and said with a sneer, "But do you know that you are so good in the poisonous country that you can go abroad to be arrogant? It's not like I haven't seen an international killer before. You are not ranked well. I am an international killer." They killed a lot too, don’t you think you’re hitting a rock with an egg?”

At this time, the slightly fat man behind the woman had a slightly frightened expression on his face, but he was professionally trained after all, his expression was fleeting, and he suppressed his fear with an arrogant look.

But who Qiuyue was, one could tell at a glance, and the man glanced at the man next to him, as if he was seeking opinions.

Suddenly Qiuyue knew what to do.

"The killers in our poison country are the most powerful!" the woman said angrily.

Qiu Yue waved his hand and said, "Could it be possible to fight ten against one?"

"Nonsense! You Huaxia Kingdom are all scum, you are all useless, you are all bastards! You are not worthy of lingering at our feet, kneeling and passing through our crotch!" The woman was extremely angry and furious.

Qiu Yue knew that his verbal anger was working, so he had to grasp this time well.

"Since you can fight ten against one, let's fight one-on-one. Let me be convinced to death. The most important thing in our Huaxia Kingdom is to defeat a person physically and mentally. The most important thing is to convince the other party." You, this is the most powerful winner. Today you represent the poisonous country, and I represent the Huaxia country. We are now a confrontation between the two countries. Winning or losing is very important, but you can't use dirty tricks, which will give you Your country is discredited! May I ask you to represent the three killers of the poisonous country, dare you?" Qiu Yue deliberately provoked the three generals. They may have trained too much on weekdays, so their IQs are not very developed, and they are not very smart killers.

And Qiu Yue said heartily: "Damn, with you guys who do all kinds of evil and try their best to deal with others, I don't use dirty tricks just because I'm sorry for you!"

"Okay, do you think that our poison country is afraid of your Huaxia country? If it weren't for a little misunderstanding between us and the Shata country this time, we would have killed you long ago!" The woman looked at Qiu Yue arrogantly .

Qiu Yuexin said that it was a small misunderstanding. Because most of the northern troops in your poisonous country were transferred to China, it is inevitable to fight with our Huaxia country. The north is like an empty city. It was almost beaten to the capital by the Shata country. No less than dozens of missile bases have been destroyed, and they are still bragging about a little misunderstanding!

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "That's that, then we won't have any misunderstandings this time, and no one will bother us. It's just the four of us. Let's fight one-on-one. Dare to fight!"

"How could we in the poison country dare not! Come on!" The woman said arrogantly looking at Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue smiled: "Is it true that the three of you are so powerful that any one of you can easily kill me?"

"That's right! You can choose among the three of us!" The woman looked at Qiu Yue arrogantly.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "I'll choose the slightly fat brother behind you. I think his majesty and force will convince me the most."

The woman hesitated for a fraction of a second and smiled arrogantly: "Luan Gan Shejing, come and show him some color, we are now representing the poisonous country, don't shame the poisonous country!"

Immediately, Qiuyue laughed and said: "Hahahaha! Mess with 1 ejaculation? Such an awesome name. Judging by your name, you are not a mortal. I think I will admire you very much!"

"Qiu Yue, let me tell you, since we are fighting on behalf of the two countries, you can't use tricks, and you can't call your teammates to hurt us by surprise!" The capable man at the back shouted loudly.

Qiu Yue nodded: "You too, if I abolish him, you won't be able to do it!" Qiu Yue said in his heart, I'm here to comfort you, I'm more worried than anyone else that you gangsters will attack together I.

"We help him when you are dueling? Are you kidding me? The most sacred of our country, the Dugu Sansha, will not keep his promise and bully you together? It's ridiculous!" The woman looked at Qiu Yue arrogantly, like Qiu Yue. There is no doubt that the more you will die.

Qiuyue was already happy in his heart. At the beginning, he felt that the reason he would fail was because he was afraid that the three of you would go up together, but now you are so motivated that you will not go up together no matter what. So, wait for your death !

"Come on! Qiuyue, let me show you the most arrogant force in our poison country!" Luan Gan Shejing said with a smile.

Qiu Yue settled his posture, looked at the man with a smile and said, "Okay!"

As soon as Qiuyue finished saying that word, Luan Gan Shejing turned around and threw out a lethal weapon. It was an iron chain with countless small balls on it. There were small iron pillars as thin as needles on the small balls, sharp Very soon, Qiuyue looked at Xin and said that throwing it on his body was a blood hole!

I saw that the iron whip was thrown directly at Qiuyue's stomach, and Qiuyue jumped up at the back at this time. This move actually seemed simple, but it was actually very difficult.

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