my beauty fairy

Chapter 420 Gobbling

Qiu Yue hurriedly said: "We are just curious about how this place has become the largest drug producing area in China, so let's take a look. By the way, why are you busy here alone?"

Qiu Yue had an idea to change the topic, turned his head and glared at Ling Feng, wishing to stick his mouth with tape.

Ling Feng covered his face and smoked aggrievedly, knowing that he had said something wrong.

At this time, Qiu Yue smiled and said: "I'm curious why there are so few people here? At lunch time, there are very few people. I'm very depressed about this, but when we entered the village, we didn't see any adults except a few children. That surprised me even more."

The proprietress smiled and said: "You may not know, after all, you are foreigners, and we all live on poppies here, and poppies need to be weeded every day, so that the poppies can grow well." Come on, not to mention that the harvest has started in the past two days, and there are big and big trucks coming to pull the goods every afternoon, so everyone is busy harvesting during the day."

Qiuyue's heart was moved immediately when he heard it, and he said, "Oh, do the carts drive up the mountain every day? Can the cart go up?"

Qiu Yue said this on purpose, if this is the case, the proprietress will definitely tell the place of the transaction, as expected by Qiu Yue.

The place where they handed over is just a few hundred meters west of here, and there is a barley field where wheat used to be threshed, but now poppies are so profitable, who still grows wheat, they all ran to wash poppies.

Qiu Yue nodded and smiled, "Oh, that's right!"

After chatting with the proprietress for a while, the two booked a room with the proprietress and went upstairs.It's hot and humid here.

After entering the room, he found that the room was spotless and very clean. Qiu Yuexin said that this place is really a good place to cultivate one's mind and nature. When staying in those big hotels in the city, you can sometimes find pubic hair mixed with it.It's really disgusting, but it's different here, it's very pure and clean, and there won't be too many filthy things.

"Qiu Yue, what should we do next?" Ling Feng smiled.

Qiu Yue closed the door and said with a smile, "Cold salad, ha ha!"

"I'm telling you the truth!" Ling Feng said depressedly.

Qiu Yue put the mobile phone on the bed, took out a big white vest from the bag and put it on, and said with a smile: "I haven't thought about it yet, I think the Li family company may have a processing factory here, it's not a simple matter. It's just buying and selling drugs."

"Then how do we investigate? Should there be any drug processing factories here, and we'll kill them one by one?" After Ling Feng finished speaking, Qiu Yue was shocked.

"Ling Feng, please think carefully before you speak. Tell me that there are so many big drug lords here. If we stab a hornet's nest, we can't survive. There are so many big drug lords here that even our country's troops dare not Move, you dare to provoke? It’s your fault if you don’t waste it! Or you just don’t want to go back alive, if you want to stay here forever, I won’t accompany you!” Qiu Yue said speechlessly.

Ling Feng suddenly laughed, and said, "Oh, then let's find out the drug processing factory of the Li family company before we talk about it, ha ha!"

The two of them hadn't slept all night, and they were both very sleepy.

"Ling Feng, go to bed quickly, I'll go to sleep after turning on the computer to check some information." Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng drove all night so hard that he couldn't keep his eyes open, and he was very full after eating this meal.Naturally sleepy and added.

"Okay, then I'll go to bed first. Go to sleep after you're done working. I'm so sleepy that I can't help but close my eyelids." Ling Feng yawned and said.

Qiu Yue turned on the computer and checked the information about Tuwujiao. It didn't matter. He used to only know the place where the drugs were produced, but now it seems that he is an adulterer, which made Qiu Yue speechless.

"I took the test, isn't it, so powerful? The drugs exported here are worth [-] billion Western dollars every year? Mother, if a small country is established here, wouldn't it become a world-class financial country?" Qiu Yue Looking at the news about Tu Wujiao all over the sky, I opened my mouth and couldn't close it.

The annual output of drugs here is about 20.00 to [-] tons, accounting for about [-]% of the world's drug trade.

Since this place belongs to the junction of the three countries, it is not easy to manage, and each drug processing factory here has its own independent armed force, and some drug lords have even infiltrated the military of several countries, so every time they send troops to encircle and suppress it, they fail.Even many soldiers, officials, and political personnel in the surrounding border areas have been engaged in drug trafficking to make money all year round, and some of them have used drugs themselves, so the investigation here is carried out every year, but nothing is found.

The drug sales here are divided into three routes, one route enters the mainland from the Huaxia Kingdom, and the other two are sold from the North Country and the Xiaofang Country to the east, west and southwest respectively. Many world-class triad members come from The goods are picked up here, some go back to be processed, and some are directly built here for factory processing before being shipped back.

Qiuyue looked at the news one by one, honestly, he was quite speechless, the water was too deep, and now he suddenly had the feeling that he was really too small.

And as the people here have more and more funds, many world-class entertainment venues have been established. At the same time, girls' trafficking and body trading are also engaged in here.

In recent years, the nightclub karaoke here has sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. Many girls have been trafficked here for prostitution, and there is actually a large entertainment venue with more than 1 girls in it. After entering You can choose your favorite lady from the big screen, and you can see the physical information of each lady and some other aspects of information from the big screen.

Several big drug lords have even established their own small army groups, purchased missiles, and sent a group of people to the army to receive training in missile launching, and a group of advanced armed helicopters for military use were also sold in the here.

"This, this, this, this is too exaggerated. It doesn't look like a drug producing area at all, but like a small kingdom. And it has its own armed forces. It's really, really... "Qiu Yue said helplessly.

After closing the page, he found that his pp was flashing non-stop, so Lin Han opened the pp.

It was a message from Shangguan Yifan.

"This is the map of Tuwujiao. Use your all-purpose computer to print out the map, delete the information, and give me a call when you're done!" Qiu Yue deleted Shangguan Yifan's information, and the map was printed out.

This all-around computer is so good that it even prints out in HD quality.

Qiu Yue suddenly felt a little excited, high technology is high technology!

So Qiu Yue took out his mobile phone and called Shangguan Yifan, and by the way, he talked to the old man to see if he could get other information...

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