my beauty fairy

Chapter 425

Qiu Yue walked back slowly, and whispered through the miniature earphone: "Ling Feng, retreat, gather outside the backyard wall of the proprietress, quickly, and check to see if anyone is following you!"

"Okay, I'll pay attention!" Ling Feng turned his head and looked around.

After about ten minutes, Qiuyue saw a black shadow running towards this side quickly outside the wall, and at first sight it was Ling Feng.

I saw Ling Feng standing in front of Qiuyue panting, and was about to say something when Qiuyue made a gesture to go back and say it!

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Yue threw Ling Feng into the courtyard.

Ling Feng landed on the ground in a graceful arc again.

"Wow, Qiuyue, you threw it so hard this time, I almost fell down." Ling Feng rubbed his calf and said with his mouth open.

Qiu Yue came in through the wall from outside the wall, and said with a smile, "Isn't it because you are afraid that if you throw it lightly, you will be useless if you fall on the glass!"

"Ah! I'm speechless!" Ling Feng said helplessly.

Qiu Yue smiled, strode directly upstairs, opened the door, and Ling Feng followed closely.

"Qiu Yue, what's the matter, what conclusion have you come to?" Ling Feng caught up with Qiu Yue excitedly and smiled.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said: "The thrill just now! Before I could react, a Tibetan Mastiff rushed over. If it wasn't for the distance between me and the Tibetan Mastiff, then I would really be doomed. The speed is really fast! "

"Ah? Have you met a Tibetan mastiff? A Tibetan mastiff can only fight three wolves at a time. The highest record is that all five wolves were defeated by a single Tibetan mastiff. It's really awesome! No wonder you were almost bitten. You can bite off a leg, this is not a cover!" Ling Feng said excitedly.

Qiu Yue shook his head, lay down on the bed, lit a cigarette, and said with a smile, "Yeah, why don't I know, the people here are too cruel to raise such a bastard, I guess I didn't know it unintentionally How many people have been killed by these things, you must know that they don't recognize anyone except the owner!"

"Yes, alas! Headache, by the way, what happened to you Qiuyue?" Ling Feng asked excitedly.

Qiu Yue smiled wryly and said: "What can I do? I said a lot of good things to him, and finally he stopped biting me, but it promised me to report the information to me tomorrow night, and I will eat bones for him, haha hehe!"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot that Qiuyue can speak the language of animals, so how did you talk, it actually listened to you?" Ling Feng said excitedly.

Qiu Yue wiped the sweat off his head speechlessly, and said, "Please, can you move your mind?"

"What's the matter Qiuyue, I seem to be a bit unable to turn the corner again!" Ling Feng said, smiling helplessly.He lit a cigarette for Qiuyue and smoked one himself.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "You say that this dog is a dog, and its IQ can beat you? If I am packed up and returned to the capital by what the dog said, then I will be a Tibetan mastiff as a pet in the future!"

"Hahaha, why did I forget this, the IQ of a dog is no match for us humans! Hahahahaha!" Ling Feng burst out laughing, even tears streaming down his face.

"Tell me about you, you've been so busy with this kind of thing, I don't know what to say about you!" Qiu Yue took a deep breath of salt.

At this moment, Qiuyue thought that he had to learn some things about these people from the proprietress. Although the dog can tell them what to do there, there are some things that the dog cannot express, so he had to find a way to resolve the conflict with the proprietress. Get something out of the boss lady's mouth.

Ling Feng sat next to Qiuyue at this time, thinking that Qiuyue was still thinking about what happened just now, so he said with a smile: "Qiuyue, are you still thinking about the Tibetan mastiff?"

"To be honest, I really didn't think about it. What I was thinking about was the situation here. Where should we find it? There are so many roads here, so we can't stay here every day, can we? There are cars hauling drugs everywhere. The same car, how can you tell which one belongs to the Li family?" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Isn't that easy? Ask people directly! Or if we see all the cars and send them the license plates to Shangguan Yifan and ask him to check the ownership?"

"You really don't use your brain! Who are you going to ask? Ask the proprietress? Who knows if she opened a shop to cover up herself, and actually sold drugs behind her back. She notified other drug dealers when we leaked our identities. You still want to find someone from the Li family Just a little bit, it’s good to save your life! Also, you know that if you change the license plate, people don’t know how to create a fake one? According to your understanding, the drug dealers are all fools, and they should have been arrested long ago!” Qiu Said more helplessly.

Ling Feng took a puff of cigarette, shook his head and said, "Oh! That's right, why didn't I think of it? I wiped it!"

Qiu Yue stood up and went downstairs, fetched water to wash up, and went back to the house to get ready to sleep.

"What are you doing, sneaky? Don't wash up!" Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng showed a beautiful smile and said, "I'm texting my sweetie! She misses me so much!"

"Damn! Speechless!" Qiu Yue lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Seeing Qiuyue snore very loudly, Ling Feng said goodnight to Xiao Tiantian and went to bed.

The next day the rooster crowed early, Qiu Yue looked at his watch in a daze and turned over to sit up, Ling Feng Qiuyue woke up and slowly sat up.

"Qiuyue, are you awake? Didn't you say that you don't have to work during the day? Why are you up so early!" Ling Feng rubbed his eyes in a daze and got up, took out a cigarette from under the pillow and lit a cigarette.

There are a lot of mosquitoes here, it is very hot if you don't open the windows, and you will be eaten by mosquitoes if you open the windows.

"Well, but I still want to look around, in case we go out at night and can't find our way, or can't tell where we are! Wait a moment and ask the proprietress to find us two plain clothes worn by the villagers here, so as not to The two of us are too eye-catching, and it will be troublesome if people find out!" Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Hehe, Qiuyue is more thoughtful, so that's it, I'll go later!" After speaking, he took a deep puff of cigarette.

"In the future, try not to smoke when you wake up in the morning, or it will be harmful to your body!" Qiu Yue said.

Qiu Yue turned back with a smile and said, "I don't think it's useless. Smoking is already harmful to the body, so why talk about morning and night!"

"Well, this analysis is more thorough haha!" Qiu Yue stood up, put on his clothes, and went downstairs with the basin.

Ling Feng looked at Qiu Yue's walking figure and said to himself: "Let's see Qiu Yue and the proprietress put on another shy, red-faced and embarrassing performance later! Hehehe, staying here is quite fun, Hahaha!"

Walking out the door, Ling Feng said to the proprietress, "Madam proprietress, can you find a place to buy us two shorts and half-sleeve tops that you wear here? The ones we brought are very thick and very hot!" Ling Feng stared straight at the proprietress. The top-quality twin peaks are white and flawless, and they feel like they are about to pop out and squeeze out water.

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