my beauty fairy

Chapter 428 What's wrong with the challenge

Brother Long was very angry when he saw it, and said furiously: "Fuck me! You two are useless!" After speaking, Brother Long stood behind and pushed the two younger brothers out.

The two little brothers thought that they would die anyway if they pushed it out, and they would die if they didn't come out. Fight it!

One of the men suppressed his eyes, raised his knife and slashed at Qiuyue, but he couldn't catch him, but accidentally dropped the knife.

The man dropped the knife and opened his eyes only to find that Qiuyue was already on his left hand. Looking carefully at Qiuyue's raised fist, which was attacking him quickly, he remembered the scene of the pair of fists just now, and suddenly the man's head twitched. Dizzy, slowly fell to the ground.

Qiuyue was helpless, and Brother Long shouted angrily: "F*ck, you are really scum, three people can't beat one person! You give it to me, or I will abolish you now!"

The man finally seemed to have made some important decision, and he gritted his teeth, strode up quickly, raised his knife, ran towards Qiu Yue, and slashed horizontally, because they saw Qiu Yue in the fight just now. With Yue Yue's strength, there is a sense of fear immediately, so his speed is not so powerful.

Before the knife approached Qiuyue, Qiuyue kicked the man in the stomach, and the man flew backwards and fell to the ground as if weightless.

Now only this brother Long is left.

Immediately, Brother Long's eyes were full of horror and fear.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Brother Long, didn't I just say that if you leave, nothing will happen."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I know it's okay! Please give me a chance, let me go back, I will never do evil again in the future! I deeply understand my mistake!" Seeing the pitiful expression on Brother Long's face, the pitiful expression was like the feeling of a family member who had just passed away, very tragic.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Brother Long, it's a shame that you didn't learn to act when you were young and went to the Beijing Film or Shanghai Opera. Look at your acting skills, it's really top-notch! You usually harm the people, murder and set fires, but now The poor make one want pity."

"Yes, yes, yes, brother, uncle, let me go, let me go, I still have money, I just received more than 1 protection fees from me, I will honor you first, and I will never charge you again The protection fee, can I give you the rest of my money? Please, please!" Long Ge said pitifully.

Speaking of which, Brother Long put all his money, mobile phone and wallet on the table, and cried: "I will never dare again! Big brother, brother! I beg you!" Tears came out while talking A few drops, it is full of voice and emotion!

Qiu Yue smiled helplessly and said: "There is only one way for you now, and that is to surrender to the police station, otherwise you will have to die!"

"I don't want to go to the police station even if I die, I will fight with you today!" As he said, Brother Long took out a pistol from his waist and was about to shoot at Qiu Yue. The gun kicked away.

Immediately, Brother Long was beaten back a few steps, and after standing still, he was angry: "You bastard! Me!"

I saw Qiuyue running up quickly again, raised his foot and kicked Brother Long to the ground. Brother Long was lying on the ground twitching. Even so, he still didn't forget to scold Qiuyue angrily: "You poor boy!" Knife, you..." Just as he was about to continue cursing, he coughed continuously due to his injury.

Qiu Yue turned back with a smile and said, "Boss, let me tell you. The shutter door is closed. You closed the restaurant. Let's ask the police to take these guys back. Liu Jun, contact the police station here through the people above. Send someone to bring these guys back low-key, don't drive the police car, we can find a place near Heyang Village to meet up. By the way, let them not announce this matter!"

"Alright Qiuyue! I'll do it now!" Ling Feng nodded and went upstairs.

The proprietress didn't understand what Qiuyue was going to do, but through what happened just now, the proprietress also saw that Qiuyue was a courageous, resourceful and far-sighted person, so she nodded and came over excitedly to open the store together with Qiuyue. The door is closed, and it is very hot here at this time, and there are fewer people on the road, so everyone does not know what is going on here.

When Brother Long heard that he was going to be sent to the police station, he was stupefied. You know, he had been to the police station before, and he was almost beaten to death by those policemen last time. No matter what mistakes you made, go to the police station. The first thing waiting for you is a severe beating, and then if you confess, you can get less beatings, but if you refuse to admit it, haha, then you are finished!

Thinking about it made me tremble all over, and Brother Long was so frightened that he became dizzy and fell to the ground.

Qiu Yue and the proprietress immediately laughed: "You are so cowardly! You are so cowardly and yet come out to do evil, what kind of thinking is this? I really don't understand how these people understand it in their minds."

"Qiuyue, everything is settled. They said that we will be on a small road outside Heyang Village in 10 minutes, and we will meet there." Ling Feng walked downstairs excitedly.

Qiu Yue nodded and smiled and said, "Okay, let's put them on the car quickly! Don't make them wait for a long time, so as not to cause trouble if people here see something!"

Ling Feng nodded, and he, who is strong and strong, directly lifted the two men out one by one.

Qiu Yue also carried the other two people into the car. After directly changing the color of the car body, he changed the color of the glass from brown to pure black, making it difficult to see the inside from the outside.

Looking at Qiu Yue and Ling Feng's professional quality and physique, the proprietress wondered whether these two people were in business, drug dealers?

"It's done! Ling Feng, hurry over now! Let me know if there is any situation!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Ling Feng nodded, opened the backyard door, got into the car and started the car with a roar and rushed out.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Okay, let's clean up the dining room quickly, and open the door quickly to avoid being suspected."

"Do you think it's a bit too much for us to treat those people like this?" The proprietress softened again.

Qiu Yue smiled helplessly and said: "You, you are too soft-hearted, you tell me how they treat you, such a weak woman wants to bully, and even think about you!"

"Oh, it's true, I don't know what to do, maybe my heart is too soft! I just listen to you!" The proprietress arranged the fallen chopstick holders on the table and wiped them. table.

After tidying up, the proprietress was going to the kitchen. Qiu Yue opened the shutter door and said with a smile, "I want to talk to you."

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