my beauty fairy

Chapter 430

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "That's good, let's have breakfast quickly, I'll go to heat it up, Lianhua, sit here and rest, it seems that your mood is not very stable."

Yun Lianhua nodded, sat on the seat, and fiddled with her fingers.

"Ling Feng, you forgot to change the color and license plate of the car, go and fix it, and then lock the door of the backyard!" At this time, Qiu Yue has a kingly demeanor inside, making everyone feel that from Qiu Yue Kind of domineering.

Ling Feng smiled and said: "Ah, I forgot, I forgot when I got excited just now, okay, I'll get it done."

Qiuyue walked into the kitchen. The kitchen gave Qiuyue the feeling that it was very clean and spotless. In fact, whether it is a big restaurant or a small restaurant like this, the standard of the kitchen should have a common standard. condition.

Regardless of whether the equipment is good or not, the only condition is that it is clean!

After Qiuyue warmed up the breakfast, he put the eggs, milk and bread on the table.

Sitting at the table, Ling Feng was already so hungry that he wanted to eat, but Yun Lianhua was a woman, so she couldn't stand such things, and it seemed that he still hadn't fully recovered.

Qiuyue patted Yun Lianhua on the back, and said with concern: "Lianhua, let's eat, we'll think about things after we eat. Besides, there are us two!"

"En, good!" After hearing Qiu Yue's words, Yun Lianhua's face recovered slightly.

Ling Feng also came: "Yeah, don't worry about these things, there will be a solution, there is a good saying, any car will have a road when it reaches the front of the mountain!" He said and ate eggs into his mouth.

After several black lines appeared on Qiuyue's face, he lowered his head and continued to eat.

Everyone was worried about this breakfast. The proprietress was worried that Qiuyue’s idea would not work. Brother Long’s family members came back to make trouble. Brother Long's cronies will definitely find out after investigating.Besides, what Qiuyue said about makeup and disguising Yun Lianhua still felt unreliable, how could it be possible to play a thin man as a fat man, isn't this an international joke!

And Qiuyue was thinking about what he would need to know if he went to lurk with Brother Long, such as Brother Long's character, temper, and speaking movements and speed!

After breakfast, Yun Lianhua and Qiuyue Lingfeng cleaned up the dishes together.

"Go and do your business! I'll clean it up myself!" Yun Lianhua said.

Qiuyue saw that the lotus was much better, so he didn't argue about it, and now he really had important things to do.

"Let's go, then let's go back to the room and make an action plan!" Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng nodded and followed Qiu Yue upstairs.

After entering the room, Ling Feng asked curiously: "Qiu Yue, it seems that you have already figured out how to calm down this Brother Long matter?"

Qiu Yue lit a cigarette, and slowly exhaled the blue smoke from his mouth.

"Well, yes. I figured it out. But it's not so difficult to implement!" Qiu Yue said with a sigh.

Liu Jun suddenly became interested, and said with a smile: "Brother Han, what do you think? Tell me quickly!"

"I want to play the role of Jackie Chan, let's see if I pass the performance course!" Lin Han said with a smile.

Ling Feng's face was full of astonishment, astonishment, which can even be described as shock, and he said, "It's not wow Qiuyue! Is it true or not? You mean we are undercover agents? It's so handsome. It's not in TV dramas or novels. The plot? It’s so fucking dazzling! I wanted to participate in such a mission before, but there was no such mission for me, I didn’t expect that there is no such mission now, Qiuyue created it himself, so hilarious!”

"Hey, sister, hey! It's very dangerous! If you think it's so easy to be an undercover agent, I guess those drug dealers will have no one of their own, and they should all be replaced by police!" Qiu Yue rolled his eyes and took a puff of cigarette. .

"Oh, it's really difficult, so what should we do?" Ling Feng asked curiously.

"Damn it! Isn't this just thinking about it? If you can think about it, help me think about it. If you can't think about it, you can take it to sleep as soon as possible. Don't disturb my thoughts!" Qiu Yue pinched out the cigarette Said speechlessly.

Ling Feng nodded and lay on the bed and really went to sleep.

"By the way, I'll ask Shangguan Yifan, he must know and have the information, right?" Qiu Yue thought excitedly.

After thinking about it, he turned on the computer and clicked on the video of the old man's work department.

"Beep!" After two beeps, it wasn't the old man who appeared on the screen, but the glamorous beauty agent, Xu Xiaomin.

Xu Xiaomin said coldly: "The team leader is in a meeting now and will be back soon. Just wait!"

Suddenly Qiu Yue was speechless. When will this Xu Xiaomin melt her cold heart? Forget it, let's wait. When Qiu Yue was about to say something, Xu Xiaomin had already turned off the video.

Qiu Yue was about to check the information first, when the video was sent, Qiu Yue picked it up, and Shangguan Yifan appeared on the other side of the screen.

"Qiuyue, did you look for me just now?" Shangguan Yifan smiled, still kindly.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "I didn't expect it to be the glamorous and beautiful agent Xu Xiaomin in our team. The coldness of the words made me feel a chill in this hot tropical climate."

"Hahahaha!" Suddenly Shangguan Yifan burst out laughing.

"Have you stabilized over there?" Shangguan Yifan asked.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Yes, now we live in a small restaurant owned by a big sister. We have housing and delicious meals. We also know her situation, and it is very safe."

"Well, you did a good job, did you ask me for anything this time?" Shangguan Yifan laughed and said, thinking that Qiuyue had encountered some kind of trouble.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "There are many things that I can't do now. After I came here, I realized that the water here is so deep. It's not easy to handle."

"Hehehe, yes, I came to you because of the depth of the water, otherwise I would not be so sure about others. You must know that the police station has been fighting wits and courage with them for decades, and the drug transportation from Tuwujiao to China has not yet been completed. Intermittent, so there is no rush for this matter!" Shangguan Yifan said.

Qiuyue immediately cursed in his heart: "I passed the exam, the fucking police may not be able to handle it for decades, you let me do it, what if I can't do it for decades, and I can't do it if I stay here for decades? I have contributed to the drug trade all my life, so why am I accidentally infected with drugs and become a drug addict? Just thinking about it makes me very angry!"

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