my beauty fairy

Chapter 432

Qiu Yue was immediately amused and burst out laughing.

"You said that you are still messing around at such an old age. You were not very willing to persuade you to find another one in those days, but now you secretly found one yourself. You are laughing at me! You still pretend to be in front of me!" Qiu Yue haha smile.

"Okay, okay, okay, don't make fun of me, time is running out, hurry up and get me something, I need it urgently at night! I promised to be the one night gojiro tonight!" the dean said anxiously.

"Eh! It's just nonsense, I don't dare to promise so many times in one night. You said that you promised so many times in one night at such an age, really..." Qiu Yue said with a helpless smile .

The professor looked aggrieved and said: "It's not because I promised others that I can't handle it. Your medicine is so powerful. I believe it will be fine if you take it seventy or eighty times a night. Hurry up!"

Qiu Yue withdrew his smile and said, "I'll give you a phone number. You can call them according to this phone number, and then ask them which of our authorized pharmacies has real medicine, and then you can buy it."

"Okay, then send it over quickly!" the dean said excitedly.

Qiu Yue nodded and sent the phone number, and after turning off the video with the dean, he looked at his watch and it was already past ten o'clock.What to do in the morning, boring.Why don't you take a shower, it's so hot.

He just left, packed his things and went downstairs.

"Qiuyue, what are you doing?" Yun Lianhua was busy in the outer room.

Qiu Yue said: "I'm going to take a bath in the river, it's killing me from the heat."

"I sewed two pieces of clothes for you last night, they are not very pretty, you can take them and change them." Yun Lianhua said.

Qiu Yue was very happy to see the dress that Yun Lianhua sewed herself. She didn't expect this woman to care about him so much, so she said: "It's very beautiful, and I like it very, very much. Thank you, Lianhua!"

"You are welcome, you have helped me a lot! Bring back the clothes you took off and I will wash them for you. You have so many business affairs every day, I will help you." Yun Lianhua said enthusiastically.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "No need, my clothes are full of sweaty smell, I just washed them by the river, bring me a washing basin!"

"Well, I'll go find it for you!" After speaking, Yun Lianhua found a pot from the backyard outside and gave it to Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue walked out with a basin of washing powder and a clean towel.

Although Qiuyue is a familiar face on the road, people who see Qiuyue are not curious, because in this Tuwujiao area, there are often many strangers who come here to sell drugs, take drugs, and invest here. Poppies abound.

So everyone didn't take Qiuyue's appearance seriously.

Qiuyue came to the river. There were many people in the river today, but most of them were on the other side of the river.

Many people come to take a bath, but everyone is wearing underwear. Generally, women seldom come, and some of them have clothes to cover the chest double pendant and the Grand Canyon.Everyone try not to think in a wrong way.

Qiu Yue took off his half sleeves and shorts and jumped into the river, feeling refreshed immediately. Because the weather was very hot, the water was slightly warm.Even so, it's cool.

So Qiuyue swam to the inner part of the river for tens of meters. The river here is not too deep, and the middle part is only in the middle of Qiuyue's neck. Qiuyue is about 1.8 meters tall.

The water here is also very clear.I have the desire to continue swimming, unlike in a swimming pool where I can see everything, sometimes when I open my mouth, even pubic hair and stinky water with urine enter the mouth.

"It's still very good here, hehehe!" Qiu Yue laughed excitedly.

Swimming ten laps and eight laps in one breath, I returned to the shore. I was almost done with the shower, so I went to change my clothes and put on the clothes that Yun Lianhua sewed.

"Then Lianhua is still very careful, uh heh heh heh!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

After washing the clothes, when he was about to go home, Qiuyue heard someone shouting for help in the middle of the river, and someone was splashing in the water!

Qiuyue was shocked when he saw it, put the things on the ground, took off his clothes and only his shorts, jumped into the river, and sprinted at a speed of [-] meters per second.Since Qiuyue's current physical condition can no longer be seen from the perspective of a normal person, those around who saw Qiuyue like this stared at the distant water splash in surprise.

In less than 30 seconds, Qiuyue swam from the shore to the scene of the incident.

I saw a boy thumping in panic.

Qiuyue rushed over and hugged the boy, and brought the boy to the surface of the water. Qiuyue swam vigorously in the water with one hand and two legs. This time, because he was carrying a person, Qiuyue swam at a faster speed. Much slower.

After 2 minutes, Qiuyue swam to the shore under the surprised eyes of everyone.When he was about to go ashore, Qiu Yue noticed the young man's strange gaze, and when he was distracted, he took a sip of water.

And the man still hugged Qiu Yue tightly after he went ashore, and there was a different feeling in his eyes that made Qiu Yue tremble all over.

"Little brother, are you alright?" Qiu Yue looked at the little brother with concern.

The little brother didn't show any expression on his face, he just stared blankly at Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue thought he was choking on water, picked him up and put him on a flat place, let the young man lie on his back and ready to press his stomach with his hands.As for mouth-to-mouth blowing, Qiu Yue won't take it for now, kissing a man will drive Qiu Yue crazy.

But at this time, more than a dozen tall and extremely strong men walked out from behind, and they all wore black sunglasses, very imposing, and they looked like people from the underworld.Looking again, there is a Maserati parked on the tree-lined path of the grove on the shore, and two Mercedes-Benz parked in front and behind.

Qiu Yue was speechless at once, what's going on, who are they, how can so many people come out after saving a drowning person, is it wrong to save people?Could it be that these people wanted to kill this young man, and they were angry when they saw me rescuing this young man?

Suddenly Qiuyue fell into endless imagination, but Qiuyue still didn't know what was going on.

At this time, the handsome young man stood up, and then he could see clearly that this young man had fair skin and a very handsome appearance, with long eyelashes, he was not a child of ordinary people at first glance.

I saw the young man with a cheerful smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Qiu Yue said speechlessly, he was just dazed just now, but now he is so clever.

At this time, more than a dozen people got off the Mercedes-Benz in front and surrounded Maserati.A man gets out of the Maserati.

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