my beauty fairy

Chapter 436

Qiu Yue looked back and forth at the father and daughter, wondering if it was true.

The woman said with a smile: "My father can still lie to you. You should know who he is. Don't be single-minded if you keep your word! Let's go, I will send you out!" Said the beautiful woman Pulling Qiuyue up, some women are so magical and heart-stirring, and this woman's eyes blinked as if she could talk, which made Qiuyue's heart beat.

"Then Uncle Dong, I'm going back first, and I'll come to see you in four days! By the way, I'll take my clothes." Qiu Yue said awkwardly.

The housekeeper brought the clothes, and Qiuyue's move made everyone respect him more instead of despising him. The most important thing for a person is not to forget his own nature. A person's nature is the most important. If a person loses Nature, then there is nothing.

"Okay, I'll call you if something happens!" said the man.Although there is no expression on the surface, but I still like this young man very much in my heart.Of course, everything Qiuyue has in Dong's house now is due to Qiuyue's outstanding acting skills!

After walking out of the villa, the woman smiled and said, "Qiu Yue, if you're okay, take me for a drive before going back?"

Qiu Yuexin said that this little ancestor should be taken care of, and if something happens to him, this little ancestor can also say good things for him, can't he?

Qiu Yue nodded and smiled and said, "By the way, I don't even know your name. You are so beautiful, so you must have a beautiful name too, right?"

"How beautiful is it! How can it be, my name is Dong Ziyan." Dong Ziyan said shyly.

Let me tell everyone here, any woman, you just need to praise her for her beauty, if she doesn't smile tactfully and happily, and comes up to beat you up, please ask Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "This name is beautiful, and you are also beautiful. It really matches well!"

Suddenly that Dong Ziyan laughed happily.The smile is like a flower.His eyes blinked like he could speak.

"Okay, let's stop messing around, let's go for a drive, I'll take you to a very fun place on our side!" Dong Ziyan smiled happily.

Qiuyue and Dong Ziyan came to the parking lot, and saw a white Mercedes-Benz convertible that could automatically lift and lower the roof parked there.

"Damn it. Is this for me?" Qiu Yue said excitedly, his eyes were wide open and his mouth couldn't close.

Dong Ziyan smiled and said: "Who is not driving for you, get in the car!"

Qiu Yue got into the driving seat and started the car.

After a sound of the engine starting, the car rushed out of the parking lot like an arrow, drifted and swayed, and went directly onto the main road. The cool and classic racing moves in the yard made the maids feel very sorry for Lin Han. The fascination is more realistically weighted by three points.

The car drove Dong Ziyan screaming again and again, with very high music playing in the car, and galloped on the main road very fast, passing those people and cars like a gust of wind.

Although these people see a lot of luxury cars every day, when they see the car driven by Qiu Yue, many people turn their heads and stare at it, because Qiu Yue not only drifts when driving, but also the people in the car are handsome men and beautiful women plus luxury cars !Very seductive!

All of a sudden, people looked in amazement.

At this moment, a speeding Ferrari chased up, and that Ferrari caught up with Qiuyue and drove to the front of Qiuyue, slowly forcing Qiuyue to slow down.

Qiu Yue was sitting in the car, the man looked like a rich second generation, and he was also one of the bad guys.

"Hey, little ball, you actually dare to drive our gorgeous princess, Miss Dong Ziyan, do you want to live or die? Miss Ziyan, please get on my Ferrari sports car. The maximum speed of this car is It can reach the speed of a plane taking off, would you like to feel it?" The man said with a smile.

Originally, Dong Ziyan hated this guy very much, but because of her father, 30.00% of Dong Xuanyuan's drug business was sold to other countries through this man's father. In the local area, everyone hugs each other and is very united. If they are destroyed by themselves, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

"Who are you calling Xiao Qiu?" Qiu Yue laughed.

Since that man had never met Qiu Yue and had risen in a huge family power since he was a child, he was very disdainful to see Qiu Yue.

"Damn it, I'm talking about you, you're so arrogant, little ball! Where are you going?" The man looked at Qiu Yue contemptuously.

"Either way, let's come out and see who Xiao Qiu is?" Qiu Yue laughed.

Suddenly the man looked at Qiu Yue angrily.

Dong Ziyan said: "You want to drive me too, and he wants to drive me too. How about this, let's have a race, we'll go for a drag race at the aristocratic stadium, whoever's car is faster, I'll go for a ride with him, how about it? "

"Okay! I agree!" the man said triumphantly, as if the car was bound to win.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "I agree too, let's see how fast this big request is? Is it a waste of such a precious sports car as Ferrari?"

The man was so angry: "If you lose, kneel down in front of my car and apologize!"

"What if you lose?" Qiu Yue asked back.

"This car is for you! Damn it, I've never lost!" The man said domineeringly at Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue nodded in satisfaction and said that this price is 2000 million plus a Ferrari limited edition sports car and a Mercedes-Benz convertible, not for nothing!

The man got into the car angrily, and the man took the lead, driving directly out of Qiu Yue's sight.

"Qiu Yue, did you go too far this time? It's all my fault. If you got into his car just now, you wouldn't have been bullied. What if you lose!" Dong Ziyan said sadly.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "It's not your fault, it's also my own fault for not admitting defeat."

"The top speed of this car may only be [-], but his car may run nearly [-], how good is that." Dong Ziyan said.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said, "It's okay, the fire will cover the earth, and the soldiers will block it. Is the runway straight or curved?"

"There are three corners, and the rest are straight lines!" Dong Ziyan said aggrievedly.

Qiu Yue patted Dong Ziyan on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I will do my best!"

"Well, if you lose later, it will be a big deal. With me here, I don't believe he won't give me face!" Dong Ziyan said.

Qiu Yue smiled, didn't speak, and picked up the speed. The huge Ferrari engine sounded very arrogantly and galloped on the road, followed by Qiu Yue.

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