my beauty fairy

Chapter 439

At this time, Dong Xuanyuan and his party had already sat down in a corner of the stand, watching the match from afar. Since this place was very hidden, Dong Ziyan and the other little nobles didn't even know about it.

Qiu Yue sat in the car and was ready, waiting for the start of the competition. Han Fei also got into the car. The referee saw that the two contestants were ready, so he stood by the side, raised his gun, and shouted: "Get ready!"

The people on the field were nervously waiting for the gunshot, and Dong Ziyan also looked at the two cars very nervously.

At this moment, Han Fei turned his head and glanced at Qiu Yue, his eyes were full of disdain and arrogance, as if to say, you are finished!

Qiu Yue raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at the gun in the referee's hand, and there were nervous sounds from the engines of the two cars.

A few seconds later, the gun in the referee's hand glowed a little, and Qiuyue's car rushed to the front of Han Fei in a second.In today's race, Qiu Yue will not let go of any chance to draw a small distance with Han Fei, nor will he let go of any chance to overtake Han Fei. With an advantage of nearly [-] second, it is about two meters faster than Han Fei.

Qiuyue remembers that when he was in junior high school, the physical education teacher said that when you start running, you should not lower your head to listen to the gunshot, but look at the muzzle of the gun. When you see the gunfire, you will blister, and if you If you just listen to the sound with your head down, the sound travels slowly, and it takes time for your brain to process the information, so it takes at least a second for you to react.

Seeing Lin Han's excellent start, Dong Ziyan jumped up excitedly, thinking that Qiuyue did not disappoint herself at last, but the starting point of the runway was a long straight line.To laugh or to cry.

Some girls around saw Qiuyue's excellent start, and immediately jumped up excitedly, but they were chilled watching it. When Qiuyue's car was running forward and the speed was about to be saturated, the Ferrari next to it whizzed by.

In fact, Qiuyue remembered what Han Fei said: "No matter what method you use, just get to the key point first!" He was going to prevent him from overtaking in front of Han Fei, but Han Fei is unreasonable, if he is arrogant They blocked him, who knew they would challenge him again, so let's wait until Han Fei committed a crime and do it again!

So Qiuyue speeded up to the fastest speed of more than 240 miles, because there was a curve ahead, and if he went too fast, he would inevitably crash out of the runway.

After the first corner, the Ferrari limited edition turned the corner gracefully, sprinted, and rushed forward.

Qiuyue's curve was obviously more graceful, closely sticking to the inner line, and crossed the curve gracefully.

Since the distance opened just now was not large, the distance between Qiuyue and Han Fei is much smaller after a bend, followed by a S-road bend. If you can stay close to the inner road and flow smoothly, it will be very easy to pass Han Fei of.

I saw that Han Fei's car went straight into the S road, turned left and right quickly, and grasped the elegant strength very well.

But it is not without flaws, Qiuyue sticks tightly to the inner lane, and at the last small bend, Qiuyue pretends to stick to the inner lane, but in fact, he stepped on the accelerator to the end and floated out from the outer lane, because Qiuyue This curved classic can be said to be on par with Han Fei.

But after walking out of this curve, there is a big straight road ahead. Qiu Yue stepped on the accelerator to the end and wanted to overtake Han Fei quickly. However, Han Fei has competed here countless times. Does he know that the curve here is over? Is it a straight road?So Han Fei's car also flew past Qiu Yue's side at full speed like the wind, and screams came from the field again. Since this straight line is long, on the way at full speed, Han Fei pulled Qiuyue farther and farther. Qiuyue jumped to the acceleration gear and stepped on it to the end.

"What should I do? One more turn is the key point. If this lap doesn't narrow the gap, I can only use magic to control Han Fei's brain in a while. What should I do? I really don't want Dong Ziyan to be disappointed for me!" Qiuyue thought to herself.

Qiu Yue patted the steering wheel, put the cigarette in his mouth, and lit it. Since he was still on the straight line, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and there was no problem with the steering wheel not moving.

Qiu Yue took a deep puff of cigarette, sneered, and said with a smile: "This time, let me have a good time for you, see if you can play?"

At this time, it was about to reach the curve, and Han Fei had already floated half of his body into the curve.

Han Fei's car slowed down, but Qiuyue's car didn't intend to slow down at all, which made all the people present worry about Qiuyue and looked at Qiuyue worriedly.

"Hey, take a look, I only wiped the distance of more than 200 meters, which Mercedes-Benz still hasn't slowed down at all, my God, what is he going to do, can't you think about it?" A handsome guy shouted excitedly, and a fat man next to him The daughter and daughter also jumped up excitedly, didn't they!What is Mercedes going to do?

Seeing Qiuyue's speed, Dong Ziyan was worried to the extreme, "Qiuyue, what are you going to do, why are you so overwhelmed with what to do, what are you doing!"

"Could this kid want to..." the housekeeper next to Dong Xuanyuan said hesitantly.

Dong Xuanyuan laughed and said: "Today I want to see how this kid is doing, I only saw this kind of trick more than ten years ago, it was really shocking, this trick is simply gambling, good job , he can tighten more than half of the distance with the car in front, but if he doesn’t drift well, I guess it’s unknown whether he can live or not, really desperate Saburo! Let the brothers prepare the car and the stretcher, and go out If something happens, send it to the hospital immediately."

"Yes! Master!" After speaking, the butler stepped off the viewing platform.

Dong Ziyan's tears kept streaming down here, involuntarily.

"It's all my fault. If only I had gone with Han Fei just now, I wouldn't have to work so hard for Qiu Yue. I have seen such tricks, but there may not be one successful one out of a hundred people. How did I win? I didn't win the game in the end It’s gone, my life is gone!” Dong Ziyan cried and thought, she hurriedly stepped off the viewing platform, called the ambulance, and asked them to wait outside the gate of the Noble Arena.

Qiuyue's car was only 150 meters away from the curve, and Qiuyue's speed was still over [-] mph. Qiuyue looked at the approximate distance and shouted: "It's almost there, get up!" Drift sideways!But because the speed of the car was too fast, the car was still floating towards the outside of the runway. At this time, the car was out of control, and the force just now was beyond his control.

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