Qiu Yue said with a smile: "This is because your little partner often has sexual intercourse, resulting in insufficient blood supply. You also know that the yin meridian is a cotton body. If there is enough blood, your little partner will appear very big. And the blood supply In the case of insufficient, the buddy cotton body is not held up, so your buddy looks very petite."

"No, it seems that I am really serious, my God! Is the treatment okay?" the president said excitedly.

Qiu Yue nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, as I said, it worked right away."

"Oh, then let's hurry up and treat him?" The president couldn't even utter a word of excitement.

Qiu Yue pointed at the floor over there, and said with a smile, "Go over there and take off your pants, and jump on the ground three hundred times."

"What? What did you say?" The president looked at Qiuyue in shock, as if he felt that Qiuyue was telling a myth.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Yes, I took off my pants over there, and I will explain the principle to you, what is it, when your little partner jumps up and lands with your body, jumps up, and lands, little The partner is also swinging back and forth. During the process of swinging, the activities of the little partner become more and more frequent, so the blood circulation will gradually increase automatically. Persisting in this way for a long time is also a way of health preservation, and jumping itself is very important for human beings. , is a kind of exercise that is beneficial to physical and mental health!"

"Really? Why am I still a little skeptical?" the president scratched his head and said.

Qiu Yue smiled, and said to himself that if you make your dick hard, you will know if it is right!So Qiuyue said: "Take off your pants and start exercising. Apply this bottle of medicine on your little friend, and then you can jump non-stop. This way of jumping and moving your genitals is certainly good, but if you don't have this With the penetration and assistance of drugs, you cannot achieve good curative effect."

"Oh, okay, then I will do as you said, I took off my pants and jumped!" So the president took off his underwear, stood on the sofa, and kept jumping up and down in the hall. Dare to dance, Qiu Yue said hehe: "President, I am also a man, I also have this object, so you don't have to worry about being shy!"

Only then did the president let go, and he jumped up and down with all his strength, jumping up and down, the president's second child kept up and down with two eggs.In addition, the president's stomach is too big, like a large tropical balloon, ups and downs, like a big leather ball with two small sticks swinging back and forth.

"Come on! 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6,7,8,9, [-], [-], [-], [-], [-], yes, that's it, the seventh, the eighth!" Qiu Yue took advantage of the president's sweaty face while counting. When I didn't care about anything, I turned around and counted again, so the president jumped for three hours.

"I'm so exhausted, I won't dance anymore, I won't dance anymore!" The president lay motionless on the ground, his eyes almost rolled, looked at Qiu Yue, breathed out, gulped, his eyes widened.

Qiu Yue sat down next to the president, gloating, "President, you're not very tired, are you?"

"It's not very tired, I'm so tired that I can't even stand up! You still say I'm not tired!" The president was sweating profusely, and his eyes were dull.

Qiu Yue came over and pointed at the president's little friend. The president casually took a look, my god, suddenly the president's eyes were bigger than that of an orangutan.

"How about it, is it curative?" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

The president stood up excitedly, raised his head to the sky and screamed three hundred times, and shouted excitedly: "I am a man of one foot again! I am a man of one foot again! Isn't it a woman? I will stab you to death!"

At this time, the president's goods are like a beer bottle. The president is excitedly thinking about this situation, why don't he stab the woman to death and come back to life?

"Damn!" the president shouted angrily, picked up a cotton pillow, and directly put it on with his little friend, only to see a big hole in the pillow directly through a dick like a beer bottle.

Qiu Yue turned around and looked, then laughed and said: "President, you are being bullied to death now, that woman was caught by you, so it's not a two-hundred-and-a-half-year-old man? I guess you can't even close your legs when you walk. gone."

Standing proudly at the head of the bed, regardless of the helpless eyes of the security guards in the yard, he held his head high, vigorously flicked his cock, trembling up and down, and said furiously: "I am no longer a one-finger marksman! I am a beer bottle Buffalo shooter! Half an hour is not a problem!"

At this time, the president's emotions were already at their peak, and no words could dissuade the president from calming down. Qiu Yue was really helpless, so he said awkwardly: "President, you..."

But at this time the president suddenly fell down, Qiu Yue hurried over to feel the pulse, only to find that the president fell due to exhaustion.

"Hahaha! Mr. President, don't you have women waiting for you at night? I'll tell you now, you can't go there at night, and don't even think about moving your lower body this week. The muscles in your legs have not been exercised for a long time. , I did too much exercise today, which caused severe muscle strain, so you have to rest for a while, but it is true that your dick has become bigger, hahaha!" Qiu Yue said haha.

So Qiu Yue left a note on the table, writing those precautions, and said that he would come to see the president when he had time.

After settling down with the president, Qiu Yue saw a lot of expensive lychees on the tea table in the president's house, and there were many precious fruits, many, many, and many of them were things that Qiu Yue had never seen before, so Qiu Yue So he jumped onto the sofa excitedly and killed the fruit directly.

Thinking about it, she said to go to Sun Yuxiao on the motorcycle, Sun Yuxiao is looking for something to talk to her, she should go over there and talk to them first.

So Qiu Yue locked the door, walked out, hailed a taxi, returned to the residence, and drove his motorcycle.

"I've been busy these days, and I haven't practiced spells yet. If it's like what the Shangguan family said, I must improve my abilities as soon as possible, otherwise before I get up, I will be killed by the Li family and the Ouyang family." The family's demon cultivators killed it instantly!" Qiu Yue thought to himself.

There was a roar of motorcycles, and Qiuyue's motorcycle disappeared from people's sight. It didn't take long for him to go up Xinhua Street, but Qiuyue didn't know much about other roads except Xinhua Street, so he asked a lot of people to find this police station.

"Stop! What are you doing?" The guard closed the electric door and stopped Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "I'm looking for Sun Yuxiao from your place, do you know Sun Yuxiao?"

"Let her pick you up! Otherwise, you don't want to go in today." The man said flatly.

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