my beauty fairy

Chapter 455

Qiu Yue thought that this would be easy to handle, so Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Then come and play with the most amazing person you know!" Qiu Yue urged her to use a more advanced illusion this time, if she If I decipher this most advanced illusion technique this time, I will be overwhelmed, this woman's morale will drop, and the day when I can defeat her is just around the corner, and Ling Feng can definitely be saved.

But if he can't solve it, Qiuyue's result may be very miserable. Not only can he not save Ling Feng, but his own life is also a problem!

I saw that Shi Cibu Gou stood still, his expression became serious, his eyes were fixed on Qiuyue, his hands were closed and opened, and they were placed in a lotus shape, with a very serious expression on his face. Strange, with a half-smile, his eyes were confusing, and his brows were slightly frowned.

Immediately afterwards, he shouted: "Phantom magic! Come on!"

Suddenly, Qiuyue's surroundings changed, and he appeared in the pharmaceutical factory. Qiuyue looked at the pharmaceutical factory where he was fighting, and the fire was burning behind him. Fang Jingxuan was lying on the ground, covered in blood, Wang Xiaoyue and Fang Yun were crying Knelt beside Fang Jingxuan.

The smoke filled the air, and Qiuyue was so choked that he couldn't breathe. The voice of Shi Cibugou appeared next to Qiuyue's ear, "Look, your drug processing factory has been burned, your father-in-law, and your two Girlfriends are dead! Aren't you going to save them?"

But after listening to Shi Cibugou's words, he raised his head and saw that Wang Xiaoyue and Fang Yun were in the big factory, crying and shouting, tears and blood pooled together on their faces.

Qiu Yue was dragged in by this painful scene, and immediately saw the flames all over the sky and the horrific cries.

"Damn it, I'm here!" Qiuyue cried with two lines of tears in the corner of his eyes, "Wang Xiaoyue! Fang Yun! Although I have several beloved women, each of them is my true love. Go to hell, I won't allow anyone to hurt you!"

After Qiu Yue yelled angrily, he ran towards the fire crazily. Looking at Wang Xiaoyue and Fang Yun who were kneeling on the ground, Qiu Yue felt extremely heartbroken. Tears could not help but flow down, and he clenched his hands tightly. It became a fist, angry and sad, and ran towards Wang Xiaoyue and the others in pain.

But Wang Xiaoyue and the others seemed to be getting further and further away from themselves.

"Xiaoyue, you!" Qiuyue looked at a wooden pillar falling on Xiaoyue's head, and was so heartbroken that he couldn't say anything, but suddenly Qiuyue touched his heart, "Why do I feel like myself on this occasion? The grief, but the feeling of heartache is not so strong? Why are Xiaoyue and the others getting farther and farther away from me?"

Suddenly Qiu Yue pinched himself hard, but he didn't feel any pain at all, and seeing Wang Xiaoyue and the others getting farther and farther away from him, they couldn't even see them.

It was only at this time that Qiuyue realized that he had once again fallen into the illusion of Shi Cibugou, and he was unable to extricate himself at this time.

"What the hell, I really am in the illusion, how can I get out after entering the environment, how can I get out!" Suddenly, Qiu Yue's mind seemed to explode.

Moreover, the scene at this time began to change slowly, the fire became more and more intense, and the fire spread faster and faster, so that in the blink of an eye, the surrounding area was plunged into a sea of ​​flames.

The flames became more and more intense until they reached the horizon, and even the sky was full of flames. At this time, fear, anger, fear, anger, obsession, and grief all surrounded Qiuyue, making Qiuyue's mind explode. .

Suddenly, two wild beasts appeared in the distant flames. In fact, they were not wild beasts, but monsters. Their bodies were on fire, and their eyes were blood red, like two big blood beggars.

"I took the test, what is that, it's a monster, it seems that if I can't resist these two big monsters, I will die here, this is my only way to survive!" Qiu Yue thought sadly in his heart.

In fact, Qiuyue would have easily figured out a way to break this phantom in the past, but at this time, because of the middle-level ninja Shijibugou, Qiuyue's thoughts were frantically blocked, and he kept using fear, worry, and fear These dark things came to confuse Qiuyue, so it was difficult for Qiuyue to think of going there.

Those two big monsters both had two heads, four horns, and two red eyes, which were covered with blood. I don't know what to call them.

So Qiu Yue didn't take any action, because at this moment everything is an illusion, nothing works, everything is futile, everything is powerless, it's better to calm down!

Whenever Qiuyue can control himself well and calm himself down, this is what Qiuyue appreciates about himself.

The lower half of the two huge monsters were covered with a large piece of fiery red flames, I don't know if there is enough.In short, it flew towards Qiu Yue quickly, very fast, and appeared in front of Qiu Yue in the blink of an eye.

Qiu Yue looked at the two monsters calmly, and thought that panicking at this moment is death, and calmly facing the reality is also death, why not die calmly?

Suddenly, Qiu Yue saw a common feature of the two monsters, and it was very obvious!

"Damn it, I've finally cleared my mind!" Qiu Yue said heartily.

Qiuyue saw the two red blood cells that looked like big red lanterns, and how to deal with the sudden sound. Just now, his thoughts had been blocked by Shi Cibu Gou, but Shi Cibu Gou didn't know. Once a person is awakened, he will no longer be able to seal that person's thoughts!

So Qiuyue's pain is a good choice to get out of dreams and illusions. 90.00% of people use this method to get out of dreams, but everyone who has their thoughts blocked and enters the illusion is forced to use illusions. People say that the mind is blocked, so everyone knows how to get out, but they just can't think of it.And Qiuyue saw two monsters with red eyes like lanterns today, and thought of blood, and then thought of how to do it from the blood!

Suddenly Qiuyue felt that everything was ok, everything was hopeful, and everything was solved.And those two monsters have already jumped up and landed on Qiuyue immediately. They all showed fierce and cruel eyes and expressions, not to mention that they opened their mouths with fire in their mouths. If they were bitten, they would definitely melt immediately. For ashes!

Qiuyue act quickly!

So Qiuyue put his hand into his mouth, bit his thumb, a red liquid filled Qiuyue's mouth, and a real pain was transmitted from the inside out to Qiuyue's brain, suddenly Qiuyue's eyes opened, and the surrounding scene was still the same grove, but the grove was no longer gloomy, no longer a hopeless grove!

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