my beauty fairy

Chapter 467 Acting Well

After Qiu Yue delivered Tang Xue to Yun Lianhua, he drove the car by himself, changed the color of the car, opened the navigation directly, and drove towards the location Ling Feng sent him.

Shangguan Yifan called on the way.

"Shangguan Yifan, what's the situation?" Qiu Yue answered the phone while driving.

"Hehehe, you did a good job playing Brother Long. You fooled a lot of people. It seems that when you come back next time, I can recommend you to go to Beijing Opera (Beijing Drama Academy) to study! What about being a first-class actor then? Hahaha!" Shangguan Yifan laughed.

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "Please, can you be a little bit straight, why don't you become an actor, but what you said is still very right, my acting skills are surprisingly good!"

"What progress have you made recently?" Shangguan Yifan said.

Qiu Yue sighed and said: "I know where Xiongqi Company is organized, but I always feel that something is wrong. I went to Xiongqi's interior today. They don't know why they still ask me to join Xiongqi. , I have stated my position to them many times, why are they still so hot on their feet.”

"Their biggest stumbling block at present may be you. Before you, many of our agents died at the hands of Xiongqi, but since you came, many of their powerful killers have died at your hands. They They definitely want to win you over, but they don't understand that it's not a matter of profit. It's not that you can leave with them if you give them a lot of money. It's that they have different beliefs. They are reactionary organizations, anti-country, and anti-society. Some are even anti-human. And we maintain national and regional peace, so the reason why you can’t join them in the end is that your beliefs are different.” Shangguan Yifan said with a smile.

Qiu Yue nodded and smiled, "Shangguan Yifan, your analysis is really good! They are the forces of darkness, and we are the forces of light. How can it be possible for these two incompatible forces to come together!"

"So, it's precisely because we don't have the same belief that we can't come together, Qiuyue, as long as we persevere, I believe we can give Huaxia a bright future!" Shangguan Yifan laughed.

Qiuyue laughed and said: "Hahaha, it makes sense, alright, alright, I have to go to Ling Feng, so I won't say more, you should hurry up and do your work!"

"Well, keep in touch whenever there is any situation! Keep our high-tech equipment with you, it will be of great help!" Shangguan Yifan laughed.

Qiu Yue smiled: "Well, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Qiuyue's car had already driven near the location given by Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng is standing by the side of the road, I've already come over." Qiu Yue said with a wireless miniature earphone.

Ling Feng received the news and stood on the side of the road, Qiu Yue flicked his tail, kicked up a cloud of dust and stopped beside Ling Feng.

Ling Feng got into the car, and Qiu Yue drove Ling Feng to Yun Lianhua's backyard for a meeting with full power.

After getting out of the car, it was already getting late, so Qiu Yue changed the license plate of the car's color.

"Lianhua, we are back!" Qiuyue shouted.

Yun Lianhua and Tang Xue were cooking in the hall, Qiu Yue and Ling Feng walked into the dining hall, "Wow, what delicious food are you making, I'm so hungry!"

Ling Feng and Qiu Yue sat in the hall waiting for the delicious meal.

"Hahaha, it's my favorite fish! Stewed fish!" Ling Feng shouted excitedly.

Tang Xue said with a smile: "It's good if you like it, Sister Lianhua cooked several delicious meals today!"

"I have a big appetite, I need to drink some wine today!" Ling Feng smiled and went to the back of the counter to take out a dozen beers.

Qiu Yue also laughed.

The beer was placed on the table, and the meals were served one after another.

"Let's eat, let's eat!" Qiu Yue said excitedly.

I don't know why, today I have an urge to get drunk, I don't know if it's the past events that filled Qiu Yue with a little sadness, or what.

Ling Feng drank bottle after bottle of beer, and so did Qiu Yue, and the meal quickly wiped out two of them.

Yun Lianhua was also very happy today, but Tang Xue didn't know why, her eyes were red, she didn't want to look at Qiuyue, she didn't want to raise her head, and she supported drinking and eating.

"Come on, let's have a drink!" Qiu Yue suggested, and the four of them had a drink.

The meal was finished soon, Qiuyue and Lingfeng drank so dizzy, Yun Lianhua also cried and yelled about the sad things in the past, but Tang Xue's eyes were swollen from crying, and she kept crying, drinking wine.

Qiuyue and Ling Feng finished their wine happily, stood up and helped Yun Lianhua staggered to close the store door, lowered the shutter door, locked the backyard door, and pulled Ling Feng to push and yell to go upstairs.

Yun Lianhua and Tang Xue supported each other upstairs and went back to Yun Lianhua's room to sleep.

"Brother Qiu, let's sit on this step and look at the moon!" Ling Feng suggested, and when Qiu Yue turned his head, the moon in the sky was very round.

Sitting on the steps, Qiuyue lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, staring at the moon in the sky, and said with a silly smile: "People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has cloudy and sunny cycles."

"Brother Qiu, I know you are very sad, you can cry!" Ling Feng said slowly: "It will be much better if you cry!"

"Hahaha, what's sad, the past is the past, who doesn't have a sad time, what's wrong with me being sad, it doesn't matter what is sad! Hahahahaha, if you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and if you don't have wine tomorrow, come back Sleep at home! Hahaha!" Qiuyue laughed, Qiuyue hadn't drank like this for a long time, because of work, someone might assassinate or something during the time, or because drinking delayed things, but today, on the surface, everything It was all flat, normal, nothing wrong.

"Brother Qiu, I found that you are a person who doesn't seem to be upright on weekdays, but you are a serious person who works hard, but you like to bury a lot of sadness and pain in your heart, and you never reveal it to others. What's wrong in the future? Is it okay to talk happily, seeing you like this makes me feel so sad!" Ling Feng lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and said.

Qiu Yue smiled, and there was an inexplicable sadness hidden in the smile, and said: "I am no longer a child, I am an adult, I am a man, and a man has to bear what he should, protect his own woman, and protect his own woman. Safeguard the interests of the country and look at things from a higher standpoint!"

"Yes, yes, but Brother Qiu, aren't you tired like this?" Ling Feng smiled wryly.

After Qiuyue smiled mysteriously, he stood up, walked up slowly, opened the door, lay down on the bed and slowly smoked a cigarette. Became sober a lot.

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