my beauty fairy

Chapter 471 Qiuyue's Tears

Liu Can laughed and said, "Brother Qiuyue, do you think money comes a little too easily?"

Qiu Yue also smiled and said: "No, no, it's only natural to owe money and pay back money. Brother Liu Can also obeyed this rule hahaha!"

Seeing Liu Can like that, Ling Feng wanted to rush up and beat him several times, but Qiu Yue stood in front and kept pulling Ling Feng, otherwise Liu Can would have fallen to the ground long ago.

But even though the money had already been obtained, Qiu Yue still felt that something was wrong.

But what's wrong, I can't tell. After Qiuyue's experience for a while, my feeling seems to be very accurate. I can't say what the specific situation is, but at least I can feel the danger or something bad!

So Qiu Yue picked up the money box, smiled and said to Liu Can, "Brother Liu Can, let's go first!"

Liu Can just looked at Qiuyue with a faint smile and didn't speak.

Qiu Yue didn't bother to care about him, he exchanged a glance with Ling Feng and walked out the door.

But after two steps, a few men with guns came in and blocked the way.

"I don't know what Brother Liu Can means?" Qiu Yue smiled. In fact, he wanted to rush forward and abolish Liu Can a long time ago. If he didn't understand the specific situation now and couldn't mess around, Liu Can, you would have been a long time ago. It became Lao Tzu's soul!

Liu Can looked at Qiuyue with a strange smile, and said with a smile: "I don't know if brother Qiuyue knows this person. I didn't know the situation before, but later I found out that this person knew you, and what's more, the relationship is still close." Isn’t it normal? Hahahahahahahahaha! Hahaha!”

"You bastard, what kind of tricks are you trying to play?" Qiu Yue finally knew where the uncomfortable feeling just now came from!

"Bring it in!" Liu Can clapped his hands and laughed.

As soon as Qiu Yue looked up and saw the person, Qiu Yue was stunned.

Ling Feng didn't know who this person was.

Tang Xue's mouth was stuffed and her body was tied up with rope.Followed by three men with machine guns, all aimed at Tang Xue's head.

Liu Can laughed and said, "Hahaha, I don't know if brother Qiuyue knows this beauty?"

"Brother Qiu, what's the situation?" Ling Feng asked in a low voice.

Qiu Yue didn't answer, but just looked at that person blankly.

Tang Xue, as mentioned earlier, is Qiuyue's first love girlfriend. When we first got together, Tang Xue was a very well-behaved girl, not greedy for wealth, not for expensive!But gradually, as many girls in the school were comparing clothes and so on, Tang Xue began to change, and gradually became estranged from Qiu Yue.

Although Qiuyue saved money by eating instant noodles and working secretly to satisfy Tang Xue many times for Tang Xue, in order to make Tang Xue live a happier life, but in the end he liked to compare with them, liked to pursue prosperity and wealth, and was no longer satisfied with his current life. Situation, no longer help Qiuyue in the same boat, no longer have the same dream as Qiuyue, no longer willing to follow Qiuyue through the poor days!

The final result was of course: Tang Xue left with Liu Can.Resolutely, without a trace of nostalgia.This was the most painful thing for Qiuyue, but now Qiuyue has gone through all kinds of time and experience, and has become less restless than before.

"No mistake!" Tang Xue saw sad tears streaming from Qiu Yue's eyes.The pupils are full of sadness and despair.

Qiu Yue gave a wry smile, took a step back, and immediately burst out laughing, "Hahaha, hahahaha! I laughed so hard! Hahahahahaha!"

"Qiu Yue, you don't have to hide the pain in your heart. I know that your heart is in more pain than anyone else at this moment. The one who should laugh is me! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!" Liu Can said with a laugh.

After laughing for a long time, Qiuyue's eyes were full of sadness, and she shed two drops of clear tears.

Ling Feng looked at the situation and didn't know what to do, what was going on, what was the situation, this situation had happened.

"Qiu Yue, you go away, don't worry about me, I betrayed you back then, I'm a complete bitch! You go away!" Tang Xue struggled to spit out the things in her mouth and shouted, her eyes were dry with tears.

Qiu Yue said with a tearful smile: "Back then you and I were so innocent, you said you would be with me forever, you would accompany me to the end, you would accompany me to the ends of the earth and never be separated, have you forgotten, you Said that when I am admitted to a good school in the future, I will study hard and work hard to earn money in the future. I will buy you a diamond ring, stand in the park where we met for the first time, stand on the lawn, and bring the diamond ring to you. Actually, I think It is also a kind of happiness for people to live in the world without being too rich. We just live our simple life. In order to be rich, how many things have you betrayed, how many things have betrayed your heart, how many things have you betrayed? In the end, you have gained What?"

A person who has been poor since he was a child suddenly finds an opportunity to own wealth. Maybe he will jump into it desperately, but after jumping in, he realizes that he has deviated from his dream, his pursuit, and the person he loves. , deviated from my own heart!

In the end, I realized that the time when I was the happiest and most fulfilled was actually when I still had dreams, pursuits, and ideals. Although I didn’t have much at that time, we were the most innocent at that time.

"Woooooo! Qiuyue, stop talking, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you! Wuwuwuwu! But what's the use of saying this now? Go away! Go away!" Tang Xue couldn't open her eyes from crying.

Qiuyue saw that Tang Xue not only had dark circles under her eyes, but also some scars, and her expression was very haggard. It seemed that the days with Liu Can were not happy at all.

"What a life-and-death love affair! If I kill her, will Qiu Yue be happy? Would you still like this shameless and obscene woman?" Liu Can said with a laugh.

Ling Feng looked at it for a long time and finally got some clues, knowing the relationship between Qiuyue, Liu Can and that woman.

"With me, it's just for money, for money, this kind of woman is the most despicable, ten thousand times lower than a fucking chicken!" Liu Can looked at Tang Xue with a contemptuous look.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Qiu Yue quickly rushed up and slapped Liu Can, whose eyes were dazzled, and the eyes were full of shining stars.He fell to the ground, stood up slowly, and said angrily, "You fucking woman, why are you still caring for her!"

Liu Can did this to arouse Qiuyue's love for Tang Xue, the tiniest little bit in his heart, and then used Tang Xue as a weight to ask Qiu Yue to join Xiongqi, or quit this Xiongqi In the battle!

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