my beauty fairy

Chapter 483 Accident

At this moment, Qiu Yue's cell phone rang, it was Dong Xuanyuan's call, Qiu Yue thought to himself, did something happen to Dong Xuanyuan?Impossible!He is a big drug lord, how could he have any troubles.

After answering the phone, Dong Xuanyuan seemed very anxious.He said hastily, "Qiu Yue, where are you?"

"Ziyan and I are driving the helicopter for a ride, what's the matter godfather, what's the matter?" Qiu Yue said with a smile, although he didn't say anything, but Qiu Yue has already vaguely felt that this matter is not good thing.

Only listening to Dong Xuanyuan's voice, he was still so calm, and said: "Qiuyue, something happened here, I want you to help me deal with it, you all come back now!"

"Okay, godfather, I'll be back in half an hour!" Qiu Yue said.

Dong Ziyan said excitedly: "What's going on? What did my father say?"

Qiu Yue shook his head and said: "I don't know what's going on, your father is the leader of such a powerful force, how could he express his joy, anger, sorrow and joy in his voice, if he just said that there is something wrong, it means that there must be something wrong, otherwise He wouldn't say that."

Dong Ziyan also immediately calmed down, frowned and said: "Okay, then let's go back quickly, I originally said to have fun! Really!"

"By the way, is that Amin your father's right-hand man?" Qiu Yue laughed.

Dong Ziyan nodded and said: "Yes, he grew up with me since he was a child, and he is my father's good helper, but no one can tell his origin. When he was picked up by my father many years ago, I also I don't know the specifics, but his life experience is very mysterious!"

"Oh, that's right, I said, I really have the right to reject me!" Qiu Yue smiled and nodded.

Dong Ziyan waved her hand and said: "You can't think like this. In fact, there is no one here who does not reject you, except me and my father! Because, because you think about it, you used to be an unknown person in the village, but now you suddenly become The godson of a drug lord who has a film as big as Tuwujiao, who can bear this kind of thing! Everyone is envious and jealous, plus super hate!"

Qiu Yue burst out laughing and said: "Yeah, I also feel super lucky, super lucky, to be trusted by Dong Xuanyuan, and to have such a beautiful woman as Dong Ziyan by my side, I'm really flattered! Hahahaha!"

"C'mon, you're still flattered! Didn't it frighten you?" Dong Ziyan rolled her eyes and said.

Although Qiuyue's driving skills are not very good, but he drove very steadily, Dong Ziyan patted Qiuyue's arm, and the elder said in a tone: "Qiuyue, is your driving good? I didn't expect you to be both civil and military. Are you a very A very perfect person?"

"Perfect, perfect, I'm not perfect at all!" Qiu Yue said depressingly.

"Hehehehe, hehe, you are so funny! Did you always farm the land? Your muscles are so strong!" Dong Ziyan laughed.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said: "I have done a lot of things before, driving a cart to deliver carbon to coal mines, working on construction sites, distributing leaflets, everything, and then I came back here to farm obediently. I don’t want to toss anymore, although there is a good saying that failure is the mother of success, or you have to toss, but if you can’t get anything out of tossing, it’s best not to continue to toss!”

"Oh, you were so pitiful before!" Dong Ziyan's face was full of pity.

I saw Qiuyue cast a helpless glance at Dong Ziyan and said: "In my eyes, my previous life was not pitiful at all. In comparison, I think your background is much more pitiful. You lived in a wealthy family since you were young. Living a prosperous life, you can open your mouth when you want food, and stretch out your hands when you want clothes. You don’t have to think about anything. You can get anything, as long as you can buy it with money, right? Even if you are a human being, as long as you want it, you can still get it. Spend money to hire it to play for you!"

After Qiuyue finished speaking, Dong Ziyan's face showed a touch of sadness.

"Isn't this great? Why do you say it's pitiful? We live like this?" Dong Ziyan said.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said: "The reason why your life is said to be pitiful is because although you have gained everything, your hearts are still empty and you will never have real friends, right? That's why you think I'm very nice Well, you are willing to play with me. In fact, this is just an illusion. In fact, you just think that when I play with you, you will feel very real. Only your real side can be revealed. In fact, we are still good Friendship."

Qiuyue's words made Dong Ziyan fall into deep silence.

"Okay, think about it carefully!" Qiu Yue turned the plane, and all the rest were straight roads, going straight to Dong's mansion.

Qiuyue's words have two meanings, one is that it really seems to tell Dong Ziyan the truth, because after all, Dong Ziyan is a fan of the authorities, and Qiuyue is a bystander, letting Dong Ziyan know where the problem lies.

On the other hand, Qiuyue wants to turn Dong Ziyan's feelings for her into friendship, pure friendship, but this kind of friendship is very deep. Under such circumstances, in the future, when she is about to leave here, this dead girl Insisting on staying with himself, and this special friendship will also allow Qiu Yue to hold Dong Xuanyuan back in the future.

"Qiu Yue, I really woke up after knowing what you said today. Thank you very much. Since I was a child, I didn't have to worry about food and clothes. I just need my dad to make a phone call for everything. No one dares to say no to me. They can only obey my words. Although I live a life that everyone envies every day, it is indeed as you said, my heart is empty, and it is extremely empty! There is no one to talk to, no one to play with me, those rich kids like me often want to ask me out, but I feel uncomfortable with them, it is not what I want at all! Until you show up , changed me! Can we be good friends for life like we are now?" Dong Ziyan immediately reflected a lot after listening to Qiuyue's words, learned a lot, and understood a lot. Wrong!

Qiu Yue was overjoyed in his heart, surging with excitement, but said calmly on the surface: "Of course we have been good friends all our lives, now and in the future!"

At this time, the plane slowly entered the Dong family compound, and Qiu Yue saw more than 100 people gathered in the Dong family compound, all of them were in black suits and black sunglasses.Suddenly a kind of cold air filled the air.

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