my beauty fairy

Chapter 495

Then the big man looked back at the other two contestants who were together, and both contestants nodded.

"Hahaha, let's go ahead, let's go to the front desk and let everyone see it, so that no one will blame me if I kill you." The big man said.

Qiu Yue looked back at the guide and asked, "Can I play? Is it allowed to warm up before the game?"

"Our competitions here are all allowed, as long as you confirm that you can bring honor to the family, no matter what, come in front of the stage!" The guide said.

The big man laughed and said, "Why, you don't dare? Hahahahaha! A trash, trash, trash!"

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Who will become a waste, you will know later, won't you?"

The guide greeted the judges, and the judges stood up and shouted into the microphone: "Everyone present, please be quiet. First, Mr. Dong Xuanyuan will give us an opening speech."

Dong Xuanyuan stood up, holding the microphone next to the seat, speaking slowly, with an indelible air pressure, all the people were a little out of breath under the strong pressure.

"Thank you to all the guests present, the elders of the major families..." After a 3-minute speech, there was thunderous applause, and everyone stood up and shouted.

after speaking.The judges said: "Before the swimming competition, two contestants warmed up before the competition and fought for the honor of their respective families. Everyone applauded!"

Everyone applauded.

But when Qiuyue and that man stood on the stage, everyone burst out laughing. Seeing Qiuyue standing next to a big tree like a grass, they all laughed, unable to restrain their excitement. Laughed.

Everyone was discussing: "Which little skinny guy is going to die, he will be beaten into a meatloaf. And his upper body is naked, you see, he has no muscle mass."

"This is too much wanting to gain the trust of the patriarch, and fighting with others without looking at one's own physical strength."


When the judges mentioned Qiuyue and the man's name, everyone laughed: "I want to be arrogant here too, do you think it's driving? Hahahaha!"

"Hahaha! It's beyond your own power!"

"Oh, how could you choose such a path of no return at such a young age? Really! Oh..." people sighed.

Dong Xuanyuan was not too curious when he saw Qiuyue leaving the factory. After all, the water here is also very deep. Those who are not strong like Qiuyue will definitely be bullied, but they did not expect Qiuyue to be so impulsive. In case of being hanged, the Dong family will not even have a swimmer. Swimming can lose, but if there is no swimmer, it will make other families laugh out loud, not to mention this time to fight for honor, isn't it To be ridiculed.

Dong Ziyan was surprised and said: "Daddy, how could Qiuyue be like this? He didn't know that his body was so thin, alas! It's really disappointing. Why are you so impulsive at this time? You don't have any muscles on your body. What can you do to compare yourself to others? A strong body fights, if I knew it, I wouldn’t let him come, and I didn’t look at the occasion. This is a fight, not a racing car!”

Dong Xuanyuan didn't speak either, just looked at Qiuyue quietly.

There is no referee to judge this kind of fight, just two players fight back and forth, whoever wins can continue the game, and the loser can just get out.

Qiuyue stood there alone, like a delicate but withered flower, everyone supported that strong man, but all comments on Qiuyue were reckless, and wanted to see Granny Meng sooner.

"If the loser shouts that the opponent's family will win and his own family is incompetent, how about kneeling and apologizing to the opponent?" The big man became arrogant when he saw that so many people supported him. About ten to fifty times more arrogant.

Qiu Yue stretched out his hands helplessly and said: "If you think this is the only way to show your majesty, I am willing to accompany you."

The man rubbed his hands excitedly, and shouted angrily: "Come on, Qiuyue, I want to bring glory to the Ouyang family, let your Dong family see how disgusting it is to invite an incompetent person to be a contestant! "

"Hehe!" Qiu Yue smiled faintly, with an unknown expression on his face.

The audience was chaotic, and suddenly the judges proposed, excitedly saying: "Since we are here to gamble, why don't the two of them spend some money to play?"

"Good idea!" Everyone had this idea, but if they can't play it, everyone will definitely give the money to the strong one.

All the plutocrats say yes with a microphone.

When the funds were injected, of course Dong Xuanyuan spoke first, and Dong Xuanyuan said without any expression on his face: "[-] million, invest in Qiuyue."

Everyone was stunned, the little friends were all dumbfounded, and even Dong Ziyan sighed helplessly and said: "Daddy, [-] million, you are crazy, this is a game that is guaranteed to lose, and you still throw money, not for nothing. The bastards of the family?"

"I like the feeling of seeing Qiuyue create miracles." Dong Xuanyuan said lightly.

"That's not enough..." Just as he was about to say something, Dong Xuanyuan glanced at Dong Ziyan, who immediately shut up.

Everyone was excited to vote, even those who didn't gamble to watch the excitement threw a lot of money. If the strong man wins, why not take money from the Dong family for nothing!

There is a bet increaser for all the actions in the field. After adding the bet, the data will be refreshed on the screen.

All the rich people threw money like crazy for this 1000 million, and after looking at the last look, the result was [-] million. Even Dong Ziyan secretly threw [-] million to that strong man, lest her father's money flow into the hands of outsiders.

"Okay, let me announce the result of the bet. Mr. Dong Xuanyuan gave [-] million yuan to Qiuyue, and all the other distinguished guests at the scene unanimously gave the money to another player from the Ouyang family. [-] million against [-] million." The referee said slowly declared.

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't wait to speed up and see the inevitable result they had imagined.

"Is there anyone else voting? After three seconds, stop voting and prepare for war!" said the referee.

All the famous families around turned their heads to look at Dong Xuanyuan, with half-smiles, some were watching the show, and some thought that Dong Xuanyuan was smart and confused for a while.

There were also many people who wanted to tear down Dong Xuanyuan's tower, all gloated at Dong Xuanyuan in unison, to see what to do if Dong Xuanyuan was ashamed.

"Okay, our time is up, we can start the game, please stand in the middle of the court." After the referee finished speaking, he left the stage.

Qiu Yue and the man slowly stood in the middle of the stage, Qiu Yue had no expression on his face.

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