my beauty fairy

Chapter 498 Finding a sense of existence

Looking at the results of Qiuyue, a big brand in the rankings, many of the people who spent money on Qiuyue became depressed, and shouted helplessly: "I'm speechless, and I said maybe Qiuyue can give me a good result." Well, but ***, look, No.9, look at that guy from the Ouyang family, it seems that I have to throw 50 to the player from the Ouyang family, lest I lose all!"

"Uh, Qiuyue is a piece of shit, you can't even make it to the finals, can you? Damn it!" a man with a swollen face shouted angrily.

Most of the audience members who voted for Qiuyue or those behind were very angry, while those who voted for the player from the Ouyang family were full of passion and high spirited, determined to win the hundreds of millions of dollars. Bonuses too!

Qiu Yue stood helplessly and waited for the staff to clean the swimming pool.

About half an hour later, the swimming pool was completely cleaned up, Qiu Yue stood up and moved his arms crossed.Very relaxed look.

People in the audience had mixed opinions on Qiuyue, some were sure of Qiuyue and felt that Qiuyue was about to explode, but the people on the other side thought Qiuyue was a waste material and would only waste everyone's expressions and money, so they were very angry.

During the finals, the beauties of the cheerleading team also entered the arena. They were all dressed coquettishly and charmingly. They only covered two key points in the panties. The bra on top was the same, only covering two little cherries. , making people daydream.

Immediately, the venue reached a peak of anger again, very excited.

Seeing such a beautiful woman, many young men couldn't bear to go down to dance with the cheerleaders. By the way, they put their hands on the plump buttocks of such a beautiful female cheerleader from time to time, making them coquettish.

When the atmosphere in the arena was high because of the arrival of so many beauties, the referee stood up and announced that the game was about to start, and the athletes on the stage entered the preparation period.

Qiuyue was lying on the sofa, and a staff member came over to relax Qiuyue's muscles.

After everything was ready, Qiuyue and the other contestants stood on the springboard, and all ten contestants were in place.

The female members of the cheerleading team also withdrew, and everyone looked at the athletes on the springboard in unison.

The referee had the bullet in his gun, and Qiuyue and the others stood in unison. When the referee's gun rang out, several athletes jumped very quickly and jumped a long distance.

But how could they be Qiuyue's opponents, Qiuyue's jumps were no longer comparable to their mortals.

So Qiu Yue jumped forward with all his strength, and saw that when Qiu Yueguang jumped forward, he was at least three meters ahead of other athletes.

After falling into the water, Qiuyue swam forward quickly without a trace of delay, but the speed was not very fast, so as not to be considered inhuman, and it would be bad to catch him back and study it.

But the man in the back obviously didn't want his life, that is, the man from the Ouyang family, instantly killed Qiu Yue, and directly passed Qiu Yue to swim forward. When the man touched the opposite pool wall, he kicked hard After kicking in the opposite direction and rushing for a long distance, Qiu Yue said in his heart that there is no need to fight so hard with you now, and let you relax your vigilance first.

The players behind are not too fast. Although they are working hard to move forward, they still can't surpass Qiuyue, and the speed of the man in front has indeed been maintained. It seems that the Ouyang family spent a lot of money to hire someone from abroad Here come the swimmers.

When swimming to the last back and forth, the player from the Ouyang family in front kicked the wall fiercely and rushed far away in the opposite direction. Qiu Yue also reached the wall of the pool, glared hard, and then the advanced player just swam around. The speed was astonishingly fast, and the entire audience was speechless.

Without any suspense, two seconds later, Qiu Yue passed the Ouyang family's players and crossed the red line first.

At the end of the game, everyone was dumbfounded by Qiu Yue, and many people were dumbfounded.

The whole audience was once again set off a wave of passion. The cheerleaders of the Dong family were all models, and they walked onto the stage one by one, twisting Nini to make people lust.

Qiu Yue completely conquered everyone's hearts, everyone, no matter if they threw money on Qiu Yue or those who threw money on others, they were all overjoyed, shouting loudly " Qiuyue! Qiuyue! Qiuyue!"

The referee Yue was moved by Qiu Yue's outstanding actions, and excitedly announced loudly: "Today's champion is! Qiu Yue!"

"Oh yeah!"

"Qiu Yue, you are so handsome!"

"Qiuyue! You are my idol!"

People shouted excitedly.

Qiu Yue stood there calmly. He accidentally saw Ouyang's family acting abnormally. From his intuition, another disharmonious banquet was about to be staged today.

The referee announced that Dong Xuanyuan and the Dong family received a bonus of 13 billion.

"Mr. Dong Xuanyuan from the Dong family will speak next!" said the referee.

Dong Xuanyuan stood up and said slowly: "I'm very happy today. Qiuyue represented my Dong family in the competition. Qiuyue gave me the feeling that he was not competing, but challenging difficulties and bravely overcoming them. His ranking It didn’t shock me, but his persistence and his belief in never admitting defeat made me admire. I hope we don’t just see the results and forget that the most important thing is to dare to fight Spirit! As I said just now, all bonuses still belong to Qiu Yue!"

Dong Xuanyuan's speech set off a wave again. Many people scolded Dong Xuanyuan for being artificial. Many people said that Dong Xuanyuan didn't hurt his back when he stood up and spoke. If someone else takes the first place, they can talk like that!

However, there were also some people who greatly appreciated Dong Xuanyuan's speech, and appreciated the momentum of the Dong family very much.

"That's right, Qiuyue really gave me this feeling!" There were also people who saw something from Qiuyue.

Everyone has different opinions on today's events, but the overall atmosphere is still very passionate.

Qiu Yue also happily stood on the podium, the referee gave Qiu Yue a gold medal and hung it around his neck, Qiu Yue smiled happily.

After the awards, it was Qiuyue's speech.

"Next, our athlete, today's champion Qiu Yue, will give us a speech! Everyone applaud!" The referee shouted excitedly.

Qiuyue held the microphone, stood on the awarding platform, and said calmly: "Actually, our life is like a swimming competition. If you don't fight hard, you will not only be unable to move forward, but may only stay where you are. , life is like a wave, coming against us, when we are not struggling, there is no advance but only retreat! I am really honored to be No.1, thank you!"

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