my beauty fairy

Chapter 528 Wow Celona

So Qiu Yue stood up slowly, although he drank a lot of wine, he was still sober, walked to Dong Ziyan's side, gently helped Dong Ziyan up, put Dong Ziyan's arm on his neck, and gently hugged Dong Ziyan At the waist, at Dong Ziyan's breasts at this time, two large and white meatballs made Qiuyue suddenly feel that the volcano was about to erupt, and the little friends below were no longer depressed.

Qiuyue's fingertips felt elastic and sensual, and Qiuyue's body was shocked by his slim body.I almost couldn't hold it anymore.

"Well, Qiuyue, Han, you help me, ah, I, I..." Dong Ziyan fell asleep again while talking.

"Uh, let's cooperate!" Qiu Yue staggered and helped Dong Ziyan upstairs.

After a lot of hard work, Qiuyue finally helped Dong Ziyan upstairs.

Open the bed room, help Dong Ziyan into the room, and put her on the bed.

Qiu Yue closed the door, and when she took off Dong Ziyan's shoes, Dong Ziyan looked at Qiu Yue affectionately and said, "You left me alone last time, are you going to leave me alone again today? "

Seeing the tears in Dong Ziyan's eyes, her pitiful and lovely appearance was really insane, Qiu Yue walked over slowly, and said quietly: "I'll stay with you tonight!"

"Really?" Dong Ziyan's blinking eyes were as charming as two bright little stars, which made Qiuyue almost unable to extricate himself.

Dong Ziyan sat up and stood on the ground, barefoot, and the ground was covered with gorgeous carpets.

Qiu Yue walked forward slowly, gently hugged Dong Ziyan into his arms, and said with a smile: "Baby, you are so beautiful!"

"Really?" Dong Ziyan smiled charmingly, Qiu Yue was immediately intoxicated by the expression on her face, and her eyes were full of excitement.

Dong Ziyan also hugged Qiuyue, and the lips of the two slowly joined together. Qiuyue could only feel that the soft, slippery lips, like jelly, were gently attached to his own mouth, with a faint fragrance,* Healthy Tongue.

Qiuyue's front is firmly attached to Dong Ziyan's two mountain peaks, full of elasticity and sense of movement.

Dong Ziyan voluptuously hugged her body like a water snake, and gently took off her dress, revealing her sexy shoulders. Further down, the black bra made Qiu Yue's blood almost flow backwards. The black bra inside The things simply made Qiuyue intoxicated.

So Qiuyue gently put Dong Ziyan on the bed, Dong Ziyan wrapped around Qiuyue's body like a water snake, and the two started the most wonderful exercise.

Immediately, love was strong in the room, and the fierce collision between the two brought happiness to the room.

More than 40 minutes later, Qiu Yue gently hugged Dong Ziyan, and the two lay on the bed hugging each other.

"Qiu Yue, have you finally promised me to be with you?" Dong Ziyan said with a smile.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "It's just that being with me may be very hard. The nature of my work is too special. I don't have much time to accompany you, but it's fine if you stay here or go back with me. In the future I will quit my job to be with the people I love when I have done so much for my country."

"Well, okay, I'll stay here for now. You will go to the North Country soon after you go back. When you come back from the North Country, I will go to find you. Or you can come to me!" Dong Ziyan was happy smiling.

"Okay, yes!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Dong Ziyan said with a smile: "Qiuyue, tell me about the thrilling things you did before! I really want to hear it!"

"Uh, well, well, well, let me tell you about going there..." Qiu Yue said as the two fell asleep exhausted.

"Qiu Yue, guess who I am? I am your cute little bunny! Why are you still awake? Do you want the big bad wolf to eat you?" Qiu Yue slowly opened his eyes , I saw Dong Ziyan grinning next to her pretending to be a little bunny to scare Qiuyue.Immediately Qiuyue saw such a cute Dong Ziyan, his lust became aroused, and he said in a daze: "Little Tutu, do you believe that I will instantly make you into a real big bad wolf right now?"

Dong Ziyan was naughty: "I'm not afraid, I want to fight bravely with the big bad wolf!"

"Really?" Qiuyue sat up, and threw herself directly on Dong Ziyan's body. She squinted and threw Dong Ziyan onto the *, and directly took off the bra and trousers that Dong Ziyan had just put on.

"Are you still arrogant? Little Tutu! Hehehe! My old wolf is merciless!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Immediately, Dong Ziyan pretended to be very scared and struggled, yelling slightly: "Help, the big bad wolf is coming to eat me, this little bunny! Help, I'm a little bunny!"

Qiuyue didn't care what the little rabbit shouted, and went straight to the deep depths of the **** with all his might!

"Oh!" With a sound, Dong Ziyan closed her eyes and slowly enjoyed this comfortable pleasure.

The two were galloping at an extremely fast speed, and the rhythm became faster and faster. As the speed increased, the two of them reached the peak together after nearly four or ten minutes.

"Huh!" The two lay on the bed panting for breath.

Qiuyue seductively teased: "Little Tutu, how are you? Do you still dare to challenge Brother Big Bad Wolf? Brother Big Bad Wolf wants you to look good! Hehehehe!"

"You big pervert, I don't care, I'll take advantage of you! I'm ignoring you!" Dong Ziyan turned around and deliberately didn't look at Qiu Yue, who gently moved Dong Ziyan hug.Dong Ziyan is like a cute little bunny, curled up in Qiuyue's arms.

After more than ten minutes, the two went into the bathroom to take a shower. After a few minutes of fighting in the bathroom, Qiuyue got dressed and Dong Ziyan walked out of the room. It happened that there was a housekeeper outside the door picking up the trash. Dong Ziyan blushed and looked at each other. He glanced at Qiu Yue, and thought that he had heard everything today, how would he face these housekeepers and servants in the future.

Seeing Dong Ziyan's blushing, Qiu Yue smiled pitifully, and said, "It's okay, little Tutu, don't be afraid, now Big Bad Wolf Brother won't eat you, Big Bad Wolf Brother will protect you! Hahahaha!"

"Cut! Who wants your protection, I'll go eat!" Dong Ziyan deliberately ignored Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue walked downstairs slowly, Dong Ziyan blushed when she saw everyone, as if everyone knew what happened last night.

"***, why are you blushing?" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Dong Ziyan came over and punched Qiuyue with her fist, and said coquettishly: "You are not allowed to mention this to me! You are too bad!"

Dong Ziyan simply didn't go ahead, and followed Qiuyue with her head down, and followed Qiuyue into the dining room for breakfast.

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