my beauty fairy

Chapter 531 Attack

Ling Feng said with a smile: "Ayou, Ms. Shuang'er, you are living a good life, with a bright future and development. It seems that the task of making this small shop flourish in the future depends entirely on you hahahaha!"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you. I haven't been in shape all day long. I really convinced you!" Zheng Shuang'er coldly threw a cold light over her.

Ling Feng was directly stabbed in the heart, and after trembling all over, he continued to look at Zheng Shuang'er with a smile.

Zheng Shuanger asked with a smile: "Brother Qiuyue, what are your plans for coming back this time?"

"We are leaving today. We set off today, and we will arrive in China tomorrow. We still have a lot of things to do, so we can't waste a moment of time." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Zheng Shuanger nodded.

"I thought you could stay for a while longer." Zheng Shuang'er was extremely frustrated.

Qiuyue sat next to Zheng Shuanger, smiled and said: "Shuanger, don't be so depressed, Ling Feng and I still have a lot of things to do, we will find you to play next time we have a chance, or if you have time to go to Dalu , contact me directly when you arrive in China!"

"Really, I really want to go to Huaxia Kingdom to play. I heard that there are many ancient cultural relics and some rare things there. I really want to see and see!" Zheng Shuanger said excitedly.

"Well, when you have time in the future, you can go there at any time, and brother Qiuyue will help you pay for the whole journey!" Qiuyue said.

Zheng Shuanger nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, let me make some special dishes for you to eat on the way. The dishes I cook don't need to be hot, and they are delicious when eaten cold!" Zheng Shuang'er said with a smile.

Qiuyue and Lingfeng immediately salivated, and said excitedly: "Okay, no problem, then thank you Shuanger!"

Zheng Shuang'er stood up and walked into the kitchen, looking at Zheng Shuang'er's busy figure, Qiu Yue felt that Zheng Shuang'er had indeed absorbed some of Yun Lianhua's capable qualities, hardworking.

"Brother Qiu, let's go up and pack our things." Ling Feng said.

Qiu Yue nodded and stood up and said: "Well, let's go, pack up and save a little time, we have a tight schedule on the road."

The two went upstairs, opened the room, and saw that it was a mess, with shoes, socks and some clothes that had no time to tidy up, but now Qiu Yue and Ling Feng felt that it was very clean and tidy. I think Zheng Shuanger is indeed a good girl.

"Uh, why do I feel like I can't get used to such a nice room, it's really great, what do you think, Brother Qiu?" Ling Feng said with a smile.

Qiu Yue also nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, it's a pity we can't live here, so hurry up and tidy up!"

The two began to quickly pack up their things. Qiu Yue lit a cigarette after packing up, and slowly exhaled the smoke. After Ling Feng packed his backpack, he took the cigarette handed over by Qiu Yue and lit it too. .

"We are leaving here soon, and we still have a little nostalgia for leaving suddenly, hahahaha!" Ling Feng laughed.

Qiu Yue didn't speak, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke from his mouth, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

After an unknown amount of time, Zheng Shuang'er shouted from downstairs: "Brother Qiuyue, Brother Lingfeng, the meal is ready, come down!"

"Well, let's go, Shuang'er is teaching us!" Qiu Yue stood up.

Ling Feng followed Qiu Yue downstairs.

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng went downstairs to see that the sumptuous meals had been packed, and there were still a few dishes left unpacked, "Brother Qiuyue, Brother Ling Feng, you two should eat something first before leaving!"

Although it wasn't long after eating breakfast, Qiuyue and Lingfeng still couldn't hold back seeing such a rich and delicious meal.

The two of them were so excited that they opened their mouths to eat.

Zheng Shuanger was also very happy to see Qiuyue and Ling Feng eating deliciously.

After more than half an hour, Qiu Yue and Ling Feng were full of food.

"Brother Qiuyue, Brother Lingfeng, are you full?" Zheng Shuanger laughed.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "That's quite full. Thank you, Ms. Zheng Shuang'er, for your hospitality before I left."

So Qiu Yue and Ling Feng packed their things and got ready to go.

At this time Qiuyue's phone rang, and it was Shangguan Yifan calling.

Qiu Yue picked up the phone and asked, "Team leader, what's the matter?"

"Qiu Yue, according to intelligence, a person with supernatural powers from the Western Kingdom has entered the Huaxia Kingdom. It's here, so you must be careful on the way. Make preparations early." Shangguan Yifan's voice was very anxious, and Qiu Yue immediately knew the seriousness of this matter, and asked, "What supernatural power?"

"Stealth, blood sucking." After Shangguan Yifan finished speaking, Qiu Yue shivered all over.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said helplessly: "I can still suck blood, what kind of ability is this? I wiped it. I really want to know me to death."

"This is not the most amazing. He is very fast and has a strong jumping ability. He is like a bat, sucking blood everywhere, and once this supernatural being sucks more blood and turns red, then his killing power will be reduced." His strength is not as strong as usual, and I am afraid that no one can beat him." Shangguan Yifan said worriedly.

Qiu Yue nodded, and said seriously: "Okay, we will pay attention, we will pay enough attention to this supernatural person, and we will take some measures against him."

"Okay, then I won't tell you any more. After escaping from this supernatural person, take the Jingwu Expressway and kill him directly!" Shangguan Yifan said.

"Well, I got it, grandpa, don't worry, we're going to set off now, we'll definitely be careful along the way." Qiu Yue said.

So Qiu Yue hung up the phone and walked out of the restaurant with Ling Feng.

Zheng Shuanger sent Qiuyue Lingfeng out and shouted with a smile: "Brother Qiuyue, Brother Lingfeng, you have to be careful along the way!"

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng turned their heads to Zheng Shuang'er with a smile and said, "We're leaving, goodbye! Come and see us when you have time!"

"En!" Zheng Shuanger replied with a smile.

Qiu Yue handed a wireless communicator to Ling Feng and said, "As we walk, I'll tell you about the current situation!"

"En!" Ling Feng didn't say much, and got into the car directly with the wireless communicator.

Both of them started their cars and drove slowly out of the village.

"Ling Feng, I received a reply." Qiu Yue lit up the car windows.

Ling Feng said, "Brother Qiu, what's the matter?"

After Qiu Yue turned off the music, he said: "The situation of the two of us is not very optimistic now. Someone is coming to kill us. It is a person from the West Country and a person with supernatural powers. Judging from Shangguan Yifan's accent, I guess it is not ordinary. A person with supernatural powers, and it is now confirmed that he will be invisible and suck blood."

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