my beauty fairy

Chapter 546 Interview

The man shouted excitedly: "I took a big box today, it's so affordable, and I often need it hahaha!"

"Uh, okay, okay, I can buy it later!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Qiu Yue walked to the side of the stage and watched the workers put up the banners, which made Qiu Yue very satisfied.

"Nephew Qiuyue, why did they post it?" Dean Zhao walked over with a smile.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "It's okay, just stick it right, and the live stage is almost cleaned up! When my goods are in place, let's start."

"Don't worry, don't worry, hehe!" Dean Zhao said wretchedly.

Qiu Yue looked sideways at Dean Zhao, thinking that this Shangguan Yifan didn't know what kind of plan he was planning, look at his complacent look.

"I don't know if Dean Zhao and Uncle Zhao still have something to settle?" Qiu Yue smiled maliciously.

Dean Zhao pointed to a car that had just come in and said, "It's nothing serious, it's just that the people from the TV station just arrived, we have to communicate how to do the interview first. If so, wouldn't that be troublesome, haha!"

"Um! This old guy must be trying to betray me, cheating money with some of my information, isn't he?" Qiu Yue thought to himself.

"I think you want to hype me up. I never accept interviews on weekdays. If you say that I am your son-in-law, will you be very popular in the future?" Qiu Yue rolled his eyes.

Director Zhao excitedly pointed at Qiu Yue and was speechless for a long time.

"How do you know what I think?" Dean Zhao said excitedly.

Qiu Yue rolled his eyes helplessly: "I can communicate with them on the TV station, and you can also say that you have something to do with me, but please say it when I'm not in front of the camera, you can say whatever you want, that's hype, Don't drag me into this muddy water!"

"Okay, okay, I'll let you reveal a little secret while you're done interviewing later!" Dean Zhao said with a smile.

Qiu Yue saw that Dean Zhao's smile didn't seem like he wanted to expose his good things, so he asked, "Uh, what are you going to expose me for?"

"Of course it's to expose the relationship between you and my daughter, or something!" Dean Zhao said.

Qiu Yue immediately touched the sweat on his head, looked around to see if there were no Han Yu, Liu Jing, Xiaoyue and the others, and then he turned around in peace of mind, "Shangguan Yifan, I hope you will be calm and wise? Tell me about you and expose me and you. Why is my daughter falling in love and killing me? Are you dragging your daughter into the water? Do you think it’s a good thing to gossip every day and be looked down upon by others? I really convinced you!"

"Um, that's true, when the time comes, those girlfriends of yours will kill you!" Director Zhao laughed.

Qiu Yue suddenly said helplessly: "You know that you still have to expose such a topic? I'm really convinced, I'm convinced!"

"Then what should we do? Let's do this, then, I won't say anything, just say that you are often in Jinlin Town Medical Affiliated Hospital, fans who like you will come here often, right?" Dean Zhao said excitedly.

Qiu Yue thought that it would be impossible for Dean Zhao not to make fun of him today, so he nodded helplessly and said, "Um, alright, alright! Let's do it like this!"

"Well, then it's a deal hahaha!" Dean Zhao pulled Qiu Yue towards the interview car.

The interview vehicle is a commercial vehicle with a total of three rows of seats. The driver's row and the two rows behind are face-to-face, which is convenient for interviews in the car.That way it won't be too noticeable.

The head of the station has a half-Mediterranean and half-prairie hairstyle, and he stretches out his hand to shake hands with Qiu Yue with a smile.

There is also a reporter and a cameraman. In fact, the driver is the cameraman.

The female reporter said with a smile: "Mr. Qiuyue, this is our director!"

"Hi, Director!" Qiu Yue nodded and said friendlyly.

The director smiled and said: "Old Zhao, you have found me an excellent person. My interview is not in vain."

"Haha, you guys communicate first, I'll find someone to bring you some water." Dean Zhao said with a smile.

The station director finished answering with a smile, Dean Zhao turned back and said with a smile: "Qiu Yue, many media want to interview you, but they just don't have the opportunity. This time, they are willing to let us do the interview, which really makes our station flourish. !"

"How can there be! You are being polite to the director. First, I didn't do anything too shocking. Second, I just want to live an ordinary life, but when I don't accept media interviews, they put me The reports are even more mysterious, and I am really overwhelmed!" Qiu Yue complained bitterly.

The director laughed a few times and said: "Yeah, how about this Qiuyue, we will interview you later, interview some about your life, everyone cares about your life. Then wait for you to introduce on stage During the signing of the Hanzhan brand aphrodisiac medicine, then you can perform on the spot, and we will not limit it!"

"Well, yes, I agree with this, but my private life can't be too private, or my whole body will be exposed at that time! Maybe I will be fleshed every day, and then I won't be able to survive!" Qiu Yue thought about these things in fear .

The director nodded understandingly and said: "We can understand this. We often interview some celebrities, and they are all worried about this. Besides, our interviews are not live broadcasts. When the time comes to get the film out, we will ask you for the purpose, no It will be broadcast directly, so you can rest assured!"

"Okay, let's do the interview first. After the interview, my goods have arrived, so we'll introduce the drug sale directly on the stage." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

The director nodded and smiled: "Well, okay, Xiao Liu, you can communicate with Mr. Qiuyue, and then start the interview. I'll go down and watch outside with Lao Zhao first, don't let anyone make trouble."

Qiu Yuexin said that the head of the station and Dean Zhao must be trying to make a good stunt this time, but they have already reached this point, they have already boarded the thief ship, so if they are counted, count it as a trick!well!

"Mr. Qiuyue, let me first ask you what you usually do, and then the next question is what hobbies you have, the third question is your future ideals, and the fourth question..." After listening to the woman After the reporter's questions, Qiu Yue immediately felt relieved that they would definitely not sell out their too-sexy questions, because after listening to these questions, he felt that even the kindergarten children might not be interested.

So the interview started, and the interview went very smoothly. Qiuyue didn't feel nervous, didn't stumble in his speech, and didn't have a single omission, so the harmonious interview ended in less than 10 minutes.

After getting out of the car, Dean Zhao and the head of the station laughed and walked over excitedly.

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