my beauty fairy

Chapter 555 Good Partner

Walking into the building, Qiuyue found a very familiar feeling, many familiar staff, many comrades you have provided information to yourself, everything is very kind.

But Qiu Yue hated their bitter face towards everything, as if everyone owed them millions.

Smiled and said hello, in fact, this time is already very good, at least many people went on the TV for Qiuyue, became an Internet celebrity Weibo certification on the Internet, and the search rate on Qiandu Encyclopedia reached No.1, It was because of so many things that he was willing to say hello to Qiuyue, otherwise, according to the usual style, everyone would ignore everything about Qiuyue.

After opening the elevator with his fingerprint, he went upstairs, and as soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw the indifferent and beautiful agent Xu Xiaomin he had dreamed of countless times in his dreams!

Qiuyue looked at Xu Xiaomin, his mouth was open and he couldn't close it for a long time, trembling with excitement.

"Qiu Yue, you pervert are back." Xu Xiaomin looked at Qiu Yue contemptuously.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Hi, Xu Xiaomin, long time no see!"

"Oh? I haven't seen you for such a long time. Your complexion seems to have calmed down a lot! It's not easy!" Xu Xiaomin said coldly.

Qiu Yue nodded with a smile and said: "Time is the best medicine to fix everything. For me, I have experienced many things during this period, and I have also undergone many changes. Although it is dangerous and I almost died. Although I am very nervous, but I I got through it, I got down. Proved myself."

"Tch, this has been on TV for a few days, and you can chew on words, right? It really makes me sick! I hate people like you the most. They are actually demons, and they are scum of angels on the surface!" Xu Xiaomin was merciless in his words, and the black tight leather jacket tightly wrapped two plump rice.

"It seems that Comrade Xu Xiaomin has a lot of opinions on me. In this case, I'd better avoid you, so that you won't get angry when you see me!" Qiu Yue politely stepped aside with a smile.

Xu Xiaomin's tall figure, and a tight black leather suit set off her figure almost perfectly.

"Hey, thump, thump!" Xu Xiaomin walked into the distance wearing high heels, and when he walked away, he still did not forget to turn his head and cast a cold contemptuous glance at Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yuexin said that this Xu Xiaomin absolutely dislikes men, otherwise how could he be like this? He didn't provoke her much, but seeing him was like seeing an enemy he hadn't seen for more than ten years. Resentment, fortunately this is in the secret agent base, there are surveillance facilities everywhere, otherwise, if there is no one, this Xu Xiaomin will definitely use the fierce flashing eyes as a cover, the fierce fists to charge, and the evil feet to break the rear.Then he beat Qiu Yue hard, hard.

"Forget it, it's really boring who has the same knowledge as a little woman like him." Qiu Yue muttered with a sneer.

So Qiu Yue strode into the team leader's office, that is, Shangguan Yifan's office.

"Dong dong dong!" After knocking on the door three times, Qiu Yue saw Ling Feng and Shangguan Yifan inside.

Qiu Yue and Shangguan Yifan saluted, and shouted loudly: "Qiu Yue, a member of the Central Military Commission of Huaxia State, reports!"

"Well, good boy, you're finally back, and you didn't disappoint me!" Shangguan Yifan excitedly stepped forward to pat Qiuyue on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

"We must not let the organization down, we must work hard to complete the task with all our strength!" Qiu Yue was still very serious about Zhan Zheng.

Ling Feng smiled softly at the side, thinking that Qiuyue didn't have any respect for Shangguan Yifan before, but why does he respect Shangguan Yifan so much now? Could it be that Qiuyue's Buddha's sea has no boundaries, and has he turned back?

After a few words of politeness, Qiu Yue hugged Shangguan Yifan tightly, and said excitedly, "Shangguan Yifan, I'm back! I'm here to accept the new task given by the organization!"

"Hahaha, Qiuyue, you little bastard, I just saw that you were so polite and well-behaved when you walked in the door, I'll be impressed by you for three days, thinking you've really reformed yourself, but you boy, It returned to normal in a blink of an eye!" Shangguan Yifan said with a laugh.

Qiu Yue scratched his head embarrassingly and said with a smile: "Isn't that, isn't that what? Mine, anyway, I changed something!"

"All right, all right, you have changed, have you changed?" Shangguan Yifan said helplessly.

Only then did Qiu Yue release Shangguan Yifan with a satisfied smile, turned around and came to Ling Feng's side, and quickly punched out more than ten small fists, which rained down on Ling Feng's body.

Ling Feng also tried his best to fight back, to deal with Qiu Yue's little strategy and tactics.

After 2 minutes, the two of them had finished arguing, and Qiu Yue asked with a smile: "By the way, what are you two busy with in the office? Do you want to talk about something shameful?"

Ling Feng was speechless immediately, and Man was sweating profusely.

"Uh, what shameful things can we two elders do? Why are you so helpless!" Ling Feng rolled his eyes and looked at Qiu Yue and said.

Shangguan Yifan also sat down with black lines all over his face.

Ling Feng looked at Shangguan Yifan, as if he was seeking Shangguan Yifan's opinion.

Shangguan Yifan laughed and said: "It's okay, you can talk to Qiuyue, let me tell you, we are discussing Ling Feng's action plan, and Ling Feng's next step is to punish the terrorists of the Xiongqi Group in the capital. We're talking about this!"

"Oh, that's it, it's nothing important, right? You should talk about my affairs first. After all, Ling Feng is staying here and I'm leaving, so let's discuss something face to face!" Qiu Yue said.

Shangguan Yifan nodded and smiled and said, "Yes, yes, by the way, your partner this time is Xu Xiaomin!"

When Shangguan Yifan said that Qiuyue's partner was Xu Xiaomin, Qiuyue suddenly felt that his whole brain was short of oxygen, and his whole brain was about to break down.Helpless, helpless, still helpless!

"Please, Shangguan Yifan, can you figure it out, don't you know what I'm going to do this time?" Qiu Yue said angrily.

Shangguan Yifan nodded and said, "I know! You are escorting the beautiful princess!"

"I wiped it, since you know that I'm going to escort my beautiful princess, why did you take that Xu Xiaomin with me, like a big pervert, super pervert, why did you let me go with her? Be a light bulb? Do you want me to succeed in chasing the princess, or do you want to mess with me?" Qiu Yue said angrily.

Immediately Shangguan Yifan was amused by Qiuyue and burst into laughter, and said with a smile: "Of course I want you to catch up with the princess! How could it be possible to disturb your affairs?"

"Damn! Then explain to me what it means to let that shrew Xu Xiaomin follow you! If you don't explain clearly today, I will never end with you!" Qiu Yue shouted angrily.

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