my beauty fairy

Chapter 557

When Qiuyue heard it, it made a little sense, who cares, even if Xu Xiaomin explodes to zero later, he would be a little bit of a big deal, isn't the escape technique just for escaping, let Xu Xiaomin come faster !

"Okay, okay, what the team leader said makes sense, so that's it. If I can double push, I will ask the team leader to provide a one-stop service for dinner and massage!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Shangguan Yifan nodded and said with a smile: "The potential buddy is you! Hahahaha!"

At this time, someone knocked on the door "dong dong dong".

Shangguan Yifan stood up and opened the door. He saw that Xu Xiaomin was really good.

However, Xu Xiaomin put on a light makeup in a blink of an eye, wearing a black leather jacket, black leather shoes, straight and long legs with long sleeves, and a proud pair of peaks, but what comes out of her beautiful eyes is a touch of loneliness and strong passion angry color.

When she is a beautiful woman with a lot of temperament, when she puts on a black spy suit and a cold face, there will be a kind of pressure, that kind of arrogance and domineering, like a feeling of the return of the king.

This strong sense of oppression, that kind of aura, even Qiuyue almost failed to hold back and collapsed, thinking that it was really not easy for the team leader for so many years.Qiuyue was so overwhelmed that he didn't dare to sit any longer, so he stood up and stared blankly at Xu Xiaomin.

Xu Xiaomin cast a cold glance at the team leader outside the door, then glanced at Qiuyue, walked quickly into the office and sat on a chair next to Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue was a little out of breath, and the group leader at the door, after so many years, still couldn't withstand the high pressure, so his nervous voice trembled a little.

Only then did Qiuyue truly realize that everyone has an aura, but when the aura is too strong, the people around them will feel a sense of oppression. If there is only one person to face it, it is likely to be suppressed by high pressure die.

"That, that, that!" Shangguan Yifan came in and stammered, his words were a little slurred, it seemed that he was already intimidated by Xu Xiaomin's aura.

Xu Xiaomin said coldly: "Leader, if you have anything to say, please tell me quickly, wasting other people's time is tantamount to murder, blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"

A sentence is quick and neat, without muddling at all.

All of a sudden, the office was so quiet that even whispered conversations far away could be heard clearly.

Qiu Yue lit a cigarette, went to the door and closed it, went to the sofa and sat down, showing a very calm look on the surface, but in fact, Qiu Yue was quite oppressed by Xu Xiaomin's strong aura in his heart. When I was young, I had never talked alone in a room. This time I really felt that it was too stressful.

Suddenly Qiuyue was helpless, thinking that Qiu Shangguan Yifan hadn't gotten used to being suppressed for so many years, or that Xu Xiaomin's pressure was increasing every year, and the team leader hadn't gotten used to it yet.

Seeing the group leader looking at Qiu Yue for help, Qiu Yue took a deep breath of cigarettes to relieve the pressure, and said with a smile: "The group leader has a sore throat recently, so let me tell you about the general situation of the group leader first." mean."

Qiu Yue walked to Xu Xiaomin and sat down.

Xu Xiaomin's expression remained unchanged and he said lightly, "Talk!"

"Damn! It's so indifferent, you made me feel the extreme cold in the warm Huaxia country!" Qiu Yuexin said.

Qiu Yue slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a smile: "This time, after careful consideration in the organization, I decided to let you and I escort the princess across the northern kingdom."

Originally, Qiu Yue was going to pause for a while before talking, after all, he was a little nervous and couldn't keep up with the rhythm, but Xu Xiaomin thought that Qiu Yue had finished speaking, so he said coldly: "With you? Isn't that a bad thing?"

Suddenly, Qiuyue's small universe was about to explode, and he asked, "What do you mean?"

"One, do you and I get along well? How can you complete the task when you are in a bad mood. Second, you are a star now, isn't it too conspicuous to go out?" These words stabbed Qiu Yue like a needle.

Shangguan Yifan watched Qiuyue and Xu Xiaomin confront each other, and immediately cheered silently, thinking that Qiuyue, you have met your opponent this time, right?Xu Xiaomin, isn't your pressure high?Isn't it possible to reach tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of kp?Today you guys have a good duel, I will secretly count the results for you haha!

Qiu Yuexin said that it seems that if you don't show the charm of your brother's outlook on life, you won't be caught.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "I want to ask, can I understand Comrade Xu Xiaomin's meaning that you think there is no tacit understanding between the two of us?"

"Yes!" Xu Xiaomin said lightly.

This sentence is actually Qiuyue leading Xu Xiaomin into a misunderstanding. Xu Xiaomin actually said that the two of them have different personalities and cannot work together. Qiuyue translated it as no tacit understanding. Although it is similar, but it is more profound. is completely different.

Seeing Xu Xiaomin being fooled, Qiuyue immediately shouted and cheered in his heart, you, Xu Xiaomin, are a novice, aren't you very good, maybe you don't have to!

"Everyone has an inexplicable tacit understanding with others. Sometimes when you do things with a, you happen to think of it together, and you feel that you have a good understanding. Sometimes when you do things with b, you think of it by chance. You will I feel that you and b have a tacit understanding, do you have such a time, Comrade Xu Xiaomin?" Qiu Yue said with a smile, step by step to trap Xu Xiaomin into the circle.

What Qiuyue said made Xu Xiaomin feel that Qiuyue was serious even when he was profound.

Then he looked a little better and said, "Yes!"

"Actually, you and the people around us have a very weak tacit understanding, because human beings are a race, just like patriotism is the tacit understanding of all our Chinese people, and even if we dig a little bit, there is still a lot of tacit understanding between everyone. I discovered that there are still a lot of tacit understandings, which are slowly cultivated because of more contact. I wonder if Comrade Xu Xiaomin agrees with this point?" Qiu Yue said with a serious smile, saying this sentence in his heart If you answer correctly, you will be hooked, and you will be hooked!

Shangguan Yifan also gradually realized the meaning of Qiuyue's words, thinking that although Qiuyue is usually careless, he is actually very careful about some subtle things, and he can even be said to be professional, and he is also very good at setting up speech. .

Xu Xiaomin thought about it, and suddenly felt that Qiuyue really made sense. The tacit understanding of every Chinese is to love the country and hate the East Country, and they will have a tacit understanding with everyone once or twice.

"Almost." Xu Xiaomin said.

Qiuyue was already happy, and continued to ask with a smile: "Then I don't know if Comrade Xu Xiaomin has more tacit understanding with those who have more contact with people around him, or does he have more tacit understanding with some people who have just met?"

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