my beauty fairy

Chapter 571 Angry Birds

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Yue directly increased the speed of the car, got on the overpass and circled back and forth.

"Hello, Xu Xiaomin, please answer!" Qiu Yue shouted through the wireless communicator.

Xu Xiaomin replied: "Got it!"

"Well, you must arrive at the airport before five o'clock in the afternoon. When you see a man with a red hat and black shoes in the lobby, he will give you a ticket. That's it!" Qiu Yue said and turned off the wireless communicator.

Qiuyue drove the car in the direction of Yunnan Province, pretending that he was going out of the city, but at this time Shangguan Yifan sent a text message showing that there were two cars following behind.

Qiu Yuexin said that they were indeed recruited, and that's it!Qiu Yue drove the car directly out of the city. At this time, Qiu Yue saw that it was already [-]:[-].Xin said that I should go back to the airport as soon as possible, and if I don't go back, I won't be able to catch up.

So Qiuyue drove the car into an alley, went in and made seven turns, at a very hidden corner, Qiuyue jumped out of the car, stepped on the wall and turned over, the two cars behind him followed and began to search for Qiuyue and the three of them whereabouts.

But I didn't know that Qiuyue had already run to the corner and used the flying cloud to wrap himself up and flew up. In less than a minute, Qiuyue had already flown to the airport, got off the flying cloud, and Qiu Yue strode towards the security check. The special agent team in the red hat People are already waiting.After handing over the ticket to Qiuyue, he left quickly.

Qiu Yue took out his special agent card and handed it to the security personnel. In fact, Shangguan Yifan also said hello, so Qiu Yue went directly to the plane through the security check.

Qiu Yue boarded the plane at the last moment after closing the door.

After getting on the plane, Qiuyue found his seat. Qiuyue remembered that his seat was next to Xu Xiaomin and the princess. How could there be two men next to him? Qiuyue suddenly wondered if the organization didn't get it It's a ticket for three people next to each other.

At this moment, a man next to him touched Qiu Yue, and Qiu Yue turned his head to look in surprise, but he couldn't see it, and after a few careful glances, he found out, isn't this fucking Xu Xiaomin?

So Qiuyue once again admired the art of makeup really can reach a certain level!

Qiu Yue looked helplessly at the two handsome guys and greeted them briefly with a smile. Qiu Yue's awkward and helpless appearance made Xu Xiaomin and the princess want to laugh.

This plane is a non-stop plane, and it arrived directly on the ground in Yunnan Province two hours later.

Qiuyue watched the princess and Xu Xiaomin fall asleep tiredly leaning on the backrests, but Qiuyue wondered what would happen when the three of them arrived in Yunnan Province, would they be hunted down again?

According to the organization, if the princess is sent to Yunnan Province, someone will come to pick her up, but Qiuyue thinks that if she wants to complete this task, it is best to hand over the princess to the most trustworthy person before leaving, rather than sending her to Yunnan Province , it would be better not to give it away, not to mention that now I and the princess are also good friends, how can the princess be ignored when she is in danger.

So Qiuyue silently decided to go to Yunnan Province, let the organization arrange the car, and deliver another section by himself.

It was very peaceful along the way and nothing happened.

After more than an hour, we arrived in Yunnan Province, and the plane landed slowly.

After getting off the plane, Qiu Yue turned on the phone and dialed Shangguan Yifan.

"Qiu Yue, have you landed?" Qiu Xuebin asked.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Well, it's landed. Where will their people follow?"

"The King of the Trans-North Kingdom has already known about your recent series of situations, and thinks that you and Xu Xiaomin's actions are very reliable, so the King of the Trans-North Kingdom decided to invite you two to escort the princess to the Trans-North Kingdom again. This also expresses our respect for our Huaxia Kingdom. If the two of you get it done this time, it will really be a very honorable thing for the country!" Shangguan Yifan said.

Suddenly Qiuyue was speechless, this is quite good at doing it, the resources must have been used up.

"Okay, I agree, then how do we go across the North Country from here?" Qiu Yue asked.

Shangguan Yifan said: "The Humvee you left behind was quickly found by our people, and now it has been transported to Yunnan Province for you. Do you still have the car keys with you? It's in the parking lot of the airport. "

"Okay, that's it." After Qiu Yue finished speaking, she walked towards the parking lot with Princess Xu Xiaomin.

"Where are the people my father sent? Where are they?" asked the princess.

"The people sent by your father are now in the North Country. They said that my partner and I are more reliable, so I decided to let my partner and I continue to send you back to the North Country." Qiu Yue said with a smile .

Xu Xiaomin nodded and said, "That's fine, but I don't trust them very much either?"

"Okay, that's great!" The princess's beautiful face was full of joy, and she seemed very happy.

Qiu Yue turned around and said helplessly: "Since we all agree, let's leave quickly, shall we? You didn't see what time it is, if you don't leave, we won't be in a hurry? Do you want to sleep on the street tonight? "

"Okay, okay! Cut!" The princess gave Qiu Yue a coquettish look.

I don't know why, when I first saw the princess, I felt that the princess was very honorable, and I didn't dare to climb high.

But gradually, I felt that the princess was like a good ordinary woman by my side.And the character is not as irritable as it was at the beginning, not to mention that the princess had a reason in the beginning.

In short, the feeling has changed, changed, the feeling with Xu Xiaomin has also changed, it is not the same as before.

And the most important thing is not that the relationship with the princess has become much more delicate, and the relationship with Xu Xiaomin has also become weird.

"Let's go, Sao Nian! Let's make noise!" Qiu Yue took Xu Xiaomin and the princess out of the airport and saw the Hummer not far away.

The three got into the car and Qiu Yue started the car.

Qiu Yue said: "We are likely to see the four heroes appearing in front of us, so you two should be prepared, the people he brought this time may not necessarily be the weak ones last time, so you two should Well get ready."

"En!" The princess nodded nervously. She knew that the closer she was to her home, the more dangerous she would be.

Xu Xiaomin also nodded.

At first, the princess hated Qiuyue very much, thinking that Qiuyue, like other agents, was very professional and didn't understand human relationships.

And gradually getting in touch with Qiuyue, the princess saw the passion in Qiuyue's heart.

"We may have already encountered trouble." Qiu Yue said.

Qiu Yue saw seven people approaching from the opposite side, staring at Qiu Yue's car coming from the side of the road.

"Then let's run! Run!" said the princess.

Qiu Yue turned back and smiled, "It's easy to say, you think you can run if you want?"

"Then what should I do!" the princess asked anxiously.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "We have to go up, even if they run away, they can still chase us."

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