my beauty fairy

Chapter 576 Tired

Chapter 440

Seeing the solemn expression on the princess's face, she knew that the princess must not have understood the meaning of her words, so she repeated with a smile: "Princess, our identities are really not a match, how beautiful we are, you love me , I love you, I keep this wonderful feeling in my heart, it will be sweet when I think about it, but if this love has to end with us coming together, it will bring a lot of trouble. I am facing a lot of problems, this time I will discredit your royal family, and our Huaxia Kingdom has not explained, there is no reason to fall in love with the object of escort and protection, and I will be rejected by then."

After the princess listened this time, she didn't make a sound, but just sat there quietly, like a delicate rose, fragrant and beautiful.

Qiu Yue lit a cigarette, looked at the princess, and said softly: "Princess, if you like someone, even if you can't get him, it's still a kind of love. It's a kind of artistic conception."

"Okay, what you mean, I probably understand a little bit. That's it, I'll go out first, let me calm down!" The princess lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Okay, princess, I hope you can really understand what I mean. If you come to Huaxia Kingdom in the future, I will definitely visit you, and I will often come to the North Country when I have the opportunity."

"Okay, then I'll go out first." The princess smiled.

Qiu Yue took a deep puff of cigarette, he knew that it was cruel to reject the princess, and he also knew that the princess had never suffered any setbacks since childhood, it was a bit too much for him to treat her like this this time, but the reality is so embarrassing.If Qiuyue agrees to stay with the princess, then everyone will underestimate Qiuyue, and the king will be in trouble. The princess is doing it, but what about me?But I am an ordinary citizen, how can I compare with the nobleness of the princess, the king will not agree, and the king's people will not agree. At that time, the princess will be hurt even more, so instead of hurting the princess after all, It's better to let the princess understand these things earlier. After all, the princess has just matured and still doesn't understand many things, so it still takes time to accumulate.

"Is it really so difficult to be with you? Qiuyue?" the princess thought to herself.

After Qiuyue finished smoking, he walked out of the room and stood in the corridor, watching the beautiful scenery, the setting sun was really good.But the mood at this moment is indeed extremely complicated.

At this moment, Xu Xiaomin came over from the other side of the corridor, looked at Qiu Yue with a smile and said, "Hey! So you're here, I've been looking for you everywhere."

Qiu Yue saw that Xu Xiaomin treated him much better, but Qiu Yue was not so happy.Sometimes, emotional things will make you want to be immortal and die, but relative troubles will come, which makes people very sad.

"Well, I went around just now. The princess has allocated a room for you too!" Qiu Yue said.

"Yeah, hehe, it's a very beautiful room, I like it very much!" Xu Xiaomin said with a smile, looking very happy.

Qiu Yue looked at Xu Xiaomin with a smile, and he didn't know what it was like, but he was also very happy?still?

An inexplicable uncomfortable feeling came to my heart, and it felt very strange.

"Well, well, let's go to other places to have a look. It's hard to come here. How can we be worthy of this trip across the Northland if we don't take a good look?" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Xu Xiaomin also no longer has an aversion to Qiuyue. During these two days together, Qiuyue's handling ability, judgment ability, and Qiuyue's courage are all aspects that Xu Xiaomin appreciates very much, and because Qiuyue is very masculine, It made Xu Xiaomin even have an inexplicable affection for Qiuyue. This feeling is indescribable and incomprehensible.

Xu Xiaomin didn't feel disgusted at all, but said very happily: "Okay, okay!" Maybe the emotion expressed was a little too happy and excited, Xu Xiaomin lowered his head shyly, and said: "You can go around, I also want to see more Look at the beautiful scenery here!"

Qiu Yue turned around and walked out of the castle together with Xu Xiaomin's tacit understanding. The courtyard of this castle is so large that it is almost impossible to see the end at a glance, so this is also the area protected by the important military base of the Trans-Northern Kingdom.

The two of them strolled through the castle like this, their pace was slow and they were in a happy mood, but because it was the first time for the two of them to stay together alone, and it was such a romantic and beautiful place, Xu Xiaomin was a little shy.

Qiu Yue broke the silence in embarrassment, and said, "Xiao Min, do you like this place?"

"Well, I like it. Very good!" Xu Xiaomin said happily.

Qiu Yue nodded and said with a smile: "Our mission is completed, and we may have to go back in the next two days."

"Hehe, I think this mission is very good, let me..." I wanted to say something but turned back, and continued: "Anyway, it's very good."

"Well, I think so too, and I have learned a lot from this operation." Qiu Yue nodded and said.

In this way, the two of them strolled in the yard for most of the day until they saw a place called Lover's Cave.

"This..." Xu Xiaomin hesitated a little, his face flushed slightly, his eyes were blurred, and he didn't dare to look at Qiuyue.

After Qiu Yue saw it, his heart was also tight with embarrassment, he broke the embarrassment and said with a smile: "I don't know where this place is, let's go in and have a look?"

"Okay!" Xu Xiaomin was also very willing to go to such a romantic place with Qiuyue, and experience this wonderful atmosphere with Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue walked in front. The decorations here are imitations of real caves, so there are many small stones at the entrance of the cave, and many of them are even unstable, so Xu Xiaomin didn't step on his foot firmly and almost fell down. Qiu Yue turned around when he found out Pulling Xu Xiaomin's hand with his hand, Xu Xiaomin was pulled back immediately, and flew directly into Qiuyue's arms, and they threw themselves into Qiuyue's arms.

Immediately, Xu Xiaomin's face turned even redder, and she was so ashamed that she didn't even want to raise her head.

Qiu Yue whispered softly in Xu Xiaomin's ear: "Let me hold your hand, the road here is not easy!"

Xu Xiaomin nodded involuntarily, and buried her face even lower.

Qiu Yue walked in front, gently holding Xu Xiaomin's hand from behind, and the two of them walked into the cave slowly. There was a light in this cave, but the light was also the kind of light that imitated the shape of a torch.

So walking in has a chic feeling.

After entering, he saw that the place tens of meters ahead was the innermost part of the cave, which was a large place with brilliant lamp walls. Qiu Yue took Xu Xiaomin over there with great interest.

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