With a sound of "嗤啦", there were two big holes in the fat man's clothes, and they were on the nipples, and his breasts were exposed.

Qiu Yue waved with the milk-grabbing dragon, and the fat man stomped his feet angrily after a scream.

The knife at the back slashed at Qiuyue's temple with a gust of wind, if it was chopped up, it would definitely kill him!

When it was too late, Qiuyue snatched the fat man's knife in his hand with lightning speed, "Dangdang crotch!" The two knives slashed against each other three times in the air, and sparks burst out.

"Drink!" A man behind him raised the table, kicked it over, and threw it at Qiuyue. Qiuyue couldn't dodge for a while, and was hit on the chest by a beer bottle. It didn't break, but it hurt very much.

Qiu Yue said in his heart that these guys beat people very hard, but Qiu Yue jumped behind him, dodged the punch of the man in front, squatted down, swept away the army, and directly threw the three men who rushed up in front. Liao Zhan threw it on the ground, and all the people who were still vicious just now fell to the ground and groaned.

"A gang of mobs beat people in stages. You hit me. No wonder they were bullied to death." Qiu Yue thought helplessly.

At this moment, Qiuyue felt a gust of chilly wind behind him, and when he looked back, it was the yellow-haired man who fell down just now, secretly got up and took a chair and threw it at Qiuyue's head.

Qiuyue raised his foot and turned around with a flying kick, jumped up and kicked out, the yellow-haired man was kicked back several steps immediately, even his eyes were sour and sweet, a little salty.

"Okay, stop!" A man in his twenties on the opposite side, wearing a basketball uniform, looked different (meaning that he was different from others), shouted, his voice was quite loud , Qiu Yue had to admit this.

Suddenly, those people around Qiuyue stopped.

Qiu Yue looked up again, and found that the corner of the innermost bar was actually staring at a basket on the wall, "No way, is this a basketball court, or a bar where gangsters hang out, it's really confusing!" Qiu Yue frowned Look at the man in the basketball jersey.

The man seemed to be a small leader, and walked over arrogantly, holding his head high and holding his chest high, and said, "Who are you? Are you here to disturb the situation, or to smell our authentic feet? You know, your If your immune system is not good, you’d better bring someone with you, otherwise you’ll be fumigated and we won’t be responsible for escorting you home. Moreover, Hong Kong foot is poisonous, and if you smell it for a long time, you will be poisoned.”

"Wow! I'm going to throw up!" Qiu Yue retched for a while, his face turned pale.

I saw the man said: "Young man, seeing that you are making such a crime at such a young age, go back and live well."

"I'm speechless to you guys!" Qiu Yue had no choice but to reveal the special work of his Lei Xun team.

Immediately everyone around was stunned, staring dumbfounded at the work card in Qiuyue's hand, then the guy in the basketball uniform came over, picked up the work card, put it in his mouth, bit it, didn't break it, and shouted: "It's the real thing! The elites of the Lei Xun team are here!"

"Welcome the most elite members of the Lei Xun team with the warmest welcome ceremony!" Immediately afterwards, the man in the basketball uniform raised his head to the sky and screamed three hundred times, and Qiu Yue was almost deaf from the noise.

All of a sudden, within 1 minute, the lights turned on, the dj appeared, and everyone began to dance to nobody's dance (if you haven't heard the song dobody, it's my miscalculation, it's even better if you have seen the dance, you just need to put Just replace the group of female singers with a group of beggar-like men dancing, and you will know how shocking the scene in front of Qiuyue is.)

"Ah! I'm going crazy! I'm going crazy!!!!" Qiuyue shouted helplessly, but they all took off their shorts and tops, only a small panty was dancing there, making Qiuyue's vision The senses suddenly fell into the most powerful stage in history.

Qiu Yue glared at this group of guys who made people want to vomit, and quickly turned away from them, but when he turned around, his mind was still full of their seductive dancing posture and coy figure.

After the song was over, the guy in the basketball uniform shouted again: "The second round of welcome ceremony begins!"

Qiu Yue thought that it might be some terrible ceremony, if it was true, a group of people lined up in a long line, rushing up one by one, pouting and wanting to kiss Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue was so angry that he punched the man in the first row to the ground, and shouted angrily, "Stop it all! I can't take it anymore!"

"Brother Qiuyue, what's the matter, we will give you the highest welcome ceremony!" The man in the basketball tracksuit said innocently.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, I really can't stand your highest-level welcome ceremony, you can simply say welcome to me!"

After watching those people give up, the guy in the basketball tracksuit gave Qiuyue a few bottles of beer, and gave Qiuyue a place in the booth. Qiuyue thought, can I drink it? The whole bar is full of him, is it your beriberi? I don’t know how long these people haven’t washed their feet.

"It stinks, how long has it been since you washed your feet." Qiu Yue said with a sigh.

The man in the basketball tracksuit stood up and said, "I'm ten days old!"

"Nine days for me!"

"I'm eighteen days old!" said the monkey-cheeked guy with the yellow hair.

When listening to this group of people saying that they have no record of washing their feet, they seem to be as proud as they are talking about an award-winning experience.

A guy wearing a mopboard with black mud on his feet stood there proudly and shouted, "I haven't washed it for three months, who dares to compare with me!"

Qiu Yue thoroughly felt that the future of the motherland was hopeless. If all the underworlds were like this, there would probably be no need to exterminate the underworld, attack the underworld, or let the underworld seek refuge in the white way.

"Shut up! Each of you find a stool and sit down!" Qiu Yue just finished shouting, when he saw a guy go to close the door, Qiu Yue shouted angrily: "Shut up your sister! You want to smoke me to death , I'm not as resistant as you guys, so I opened all the window vents."

After they finished speaking, they all knew that Lei Xun was the leader of their police leadership, so they all ran to do as Qiu Yue said.

Qiuyue waited until everyone was finished, pointed to the spacious area and said, "All line up for me, line up in three rows, hurry up! I'll be in charge of your place from now on, you'd better listen to me!"

A group of people stood up quickly, and Qiu Yue began to speak.

"Let me say a few words to everyone first. If you have any questions, wait until I finish talking!" Qiu Yue said.

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