my beauty fairy

Chapter 580 Leaving the secular world

That night, the king arrested the princess's second uncle and thousands of his accomplices.

"Qiu Yue, thanks to you, otherwise it would be very difficult for us to deal with the number one wizard in the Transnational Kingdom!" The king laughed.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said, "Wherever it is, it's nothing."

"Okay, then I'll go back to sleep, king, and leave tomorrow morning!" Qiu Yue said.

The king nodded and said with a smile: "You are secret agents and have many things to do, so I won't keep you any longer. I wish you a smooth journey. Here are two direct air tickets to Beijing that I bought for you according to the instructions of your team leader."

"Thank you! Then I'll go back to sleep!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

After chatting with the king for a few words, Qiuyue returned to the room, saw the princess and Xu Xiaomin falling asleep, Qiuyue threw himself in the middle and fell asleep with the two beauties in his arms.

The next morning, Qiu Yue woke up Xu Xiaomin and the princess.

That sense of comfort is still slowly permeating the princess and Xu Xiaomin's bodies, which is extremely comfortable.

"Hehehe, princess, did you have a great time last night? The voice, the cry, was so sexy, it shocked me!" Xu Xiaomin joked about the princess.

"Hey, Xiao Min, you were so brave last night, you're going to get into my heart, I can't stand it anymore, come and exploit me, you're screaming You kept shouting, asking for it, I really didn't see it, Xiao Min, you are so well-behaved on weekdays, and you are so radiant and magnificent in bed!" The princess did not show any weakness.

Immediately, Xu Xiaomin blushed and said, "Aren't you, panting, twisting and turning, eyes like fire, wanting to swallow everything! And your clothes, look at your underwear, it's actually translucent pink underwear, half of the bra is still missing, almost your cherries are leaking!"

The two laughed at each other.

Qiu Yue laughed, put his arms around the two beauties, and looked at his watch, "Oh, I'm running out of time. I wanted you to experience the peak feast again, but there's not enough time, but let's come as soon as possible?"

I looked at the plane ticket and the time, and there were only two hours left, so Qiuyue and Princess Xu Xiaomin started passionate sports again.After more than 40 minutes of passion, the princess and Xu Xiaomin already looked satisfied.Slowly got out of bed.

They looked at their watches and it was almost time, so the three of them hurriedly washed up, and the princess went downstairs to find someone to prepare breakfast and wait for Qiu Yue and Xu Xiaomin.

After washing up, the two of them went directly downstairs, had breakfast, and were ready to go.

"My father went to deal with my second uncle today, so I can't come to see you off. I will take her to say sorry to you!" said the princess.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Are we so stingy? The king's business is important, so we're leaving first."

"Wait!" The princess pulled Qiuyue to a corner, kissed Qiuyue gently on the face, and said shyly, "Come and see me sometime!"

Qiu Yue touched the princess's face and smiled, "No problem! Let's go!" After coming out, Xu Xiaomin saw the princess's blushing and knew what was going on, and said with a smirk: "Princess, let's go! Come and meet us when you have time Carnival together!"

"Hey! Good!" The princess said with a happy smile.

Qiuyue and Xu Xiaomin boarded the king's special car, and the police car led the way to clear the way. They arrived at the airport in less than half an hour, went through the security check and boarded the plane.

A few hours later, we arrived in the capital.

"Well, it's still comfortable in China!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Walking out of the airport hall, Shangguan Yifan, Ling Feng and his party were already waiting for Qiu Yue and Xu Xiaomin.

Ling Feng saw Qiu Yue approaching excitedly and gave Qiu Yue a big hug.

Shangguan Yifan smiled and said, "Welcome back, both of you!"

Xu Xiaomin also smiled and said, "Thank you, team leader, for coming to pick us up in person!"

Shangguan Yifan, Ling Feng and the rest of the secret service members thanked Qiuyue for admiring Qiuyue from the bottom of their hearts, taming such a cold and domineering woman into a gentle woman in a few days.

Back in the secret service hall, the team leader Shangguan Yifan regretfully announced that the secret service team was temporarily disbanded, and everyone was assigned to work in a key unit by the state. When necessary, they will be reorganized and all are on standby.

Although it was a pity to disband, everyone's hearts sank immediately, and they were no longer in suspense, because no mission in the profession of an agent is safe, and there is danger at any time, so everyone is happy to quit this job of.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Team leader, Xu Xiaomin and I don't need to be assigned. We are in love. I want to take my girlfriends to wander around the world!"

"Hahaha! Then it will be easier if I do this, lest I assign it to you! But you must not lose contact with us!" Shangguan Yifan laughed.

In the afternoon, Qiuyue brought Xu Xiaomin to his house. Before that, Qiuyue had notified Han Yu, Liu Jing, and Zhao Xueer to come over. Wang Xiaoyue and Fang Yun also went home. Liu Wanru He also came back from the sea, and sent someone to pick up Yang Cuihua and Yun Lili.

Liu Yuchen also threw himself into Qiuyue's arms excitedly. Now everything is over, and finally everything is calm. Sun Yuxiao and Lin Yuxuan are all here.

After Qiu Yue and all his girlfriends announced the news that he took them around the world, everyone laughed happily.

So amidst the passion, Qiuyue took a shower in the big bathroom with all his girlfriends, and then rushed into the largest bedroom, hugging all his girlfriends one by one to make the sky upside down.

The house was filled with pink warmth throughout the afternoon.

Qiuyue's Qiuyue Zhuangyang Hope Project is also doing well and getting better and better.

Allocate [-] million to Huang Mao, let Huang Mao take the money and lead the construction team to repair a lot of roads in a few relatively backward places, and then allocate a lot of money to those Hope Projects to help them benefit more China The people of the country.

On the second day, Qiuyue and the girls took the largest ship in Huaxia to the romantic capital of Faguo. This is the first stop, and from here they will start traveling around the world one after another!After walking the whole world, they will live together on an uninhabited island and start Qiuyue's man-making plan.

"Hey hey hey! Beauties, we're on board! Hahaha!" Qiuyue put his arms around Han Yu with his left arm, and pulled Sun Yuxiao and Liu Yuchen with his right hand, and kissed each other.

But now that there are so many beauties, they all began to accuse Qiuyue of only giving Liu Yuchen a sip, saying that Qiuyue was too biased, so Qiuyue kissed all the girls as compensation, and said with a happy smile: "Beauties! Let's go! "

Xiaomo's new book has been prepared for half a year, and it is about to be updated recently. Friends who like me can add my qq (33903133, thank you everyone.

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