my beauty fairy

Chapter 6 Trembling of the Thigh

"Sister Xiaoqian, I'm here!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Wang Xiaoqian happily opened the door.

The weather was hot, and Wang Xiaoqian wore very thin clothes. She was wearing a low-cut half-sleeved top, and she could see half of a plump and attractive white rabbit. From the gaps in the lace, she could see that Wang Xiaoqian was wearing a pink bra. It feels like it's about to come out, use your fingers to push it from below, maybe the plump big steamed bun will pop out from above.

And underneath is also wearing a pair of silk pajama pants.Through the thin pink silk pajama pants, there is a small black triangle that makes people think.Cute white tender feet wearing a pair of red Angry Bird slippers.

Turning around, Wang Xiaoqian locked the door, Qiuyue didn't pay attention to locking the door, and only cared about admiring Wang Xiaoqian's beauty. At this time, no matter what man it is, as long as he puts his eyes on Wang Xiaoqian, he will definitely not be able to look away!

Immediately, Qiuyue gasped, oh my god, it's hard for a god to resist such a tempting situation!

In order to hide his embarrassment, Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Sister Xiaoqian, what are you going to treat your brother to today?"

"Which brother is it? Is it you or is it?" Said the beautiful eyes and blinked at Qiuyue's little friend.

Qiu Yue suddenly felt that what he said just now was a bit ambiguous, and his face turned slightly red. After all, he had never molested a woman before, but today he was molested by a woman. How decent is it? Today, he and Sister Xiaoqian should learn how to moles others, so as not to move It's nothing to be molested by a woman!

"Of course it's me. What delicious food did you make?" Qiu Yue avoided Wang Xiaoqian's fiery gaze.

Seeing the shy expression on Qiuyue's face, Wang Xiaoqian was immediately interested and even more excited. She looked at Qiuyue with a smile and said, "Brother Qiuyue, tell me about you. You are almost an adult. How many more do you have?" Yue is an adult, right? They are all juniors, and they blush every now and then, alas!"

Qiu Yue rolled his eyes and said: "Did I rarely meet girls before, and I have never been in love!"

"Hey, today my sister will teach you some secrets of chasing girls. I guarantee that you will chase one into one in the future! Chase two into a pair!" Wang Xiaoqian laughed tremblingly.

Qiu Yue lowered his head and followed Wang Xiaoqian into the room. He really didn't have the confidence to look at Wang Xiaoqian's body, because the friends below were already preparing to hold their heads up and chest out. He should have been exposed long ago.

"Okay, Miss Qian, I'm not here to hear you say this, I want to eat delicious food!" Qiu Yue said excitedly looking at the table of delicious food in the restaurant.

Wang Xiaoqian smiled and pulled Qiuyue. Qiuyue was led by other women into the bathroom. It was the first time that another woman grabbed her hand. Immediately, Qiuyue felt that his little partner raised his head irresistibly.

"Well, I don't care about you!" Qiu Yue thought helplessly in his heart.

Wang Xiaoqian is very good at taking care of herself. The skin on her body is delicate, firm, fair and smooth. The touch is not ordinary and comfortable.

"Brother Qiuyue, what do you think, you opened the clinic so soon?" The two sat down, and Wang Xiaoqian handed the chopsticks to Qiuyue and said.Seeing Qiuyue blushing and her little partner swell violently, Wang Xiaoqian said in her heart that she will be ambiguous later and have a good chat with Qiuyue first. Qiuyue has encountered many things recently.

Qiuyue smiled and put a piece of egg into Wang Xiaoqian's bowl, and said, "I have to live too. Although I charge very low fees for medical treatment, at least I can earn rice money. If I don't do this, My mother and I are really hungry. Besides, I firmly believe that justice can defeat evil, and I just refuse to admit defeat and fight against difficulties."

"Anyway, you'd better be careful. The nephew of the village head in the north of the village opened a clinic. If you attract the wealthy residents in the north of the village to see a doctor and buy medicine in the future, I guess the village head will have to find fault with you again. .” Wang Xiaoqian put a piece of egg into her mouth.

Qiu Yue nodded, picked up his chopsticks and began to eat: "Well, I got it, the one who should come has to come, I'm not afraid of him."

"Don't be so stubborn. If you want to survive in this kind of society, you have to be tactful. Whatever is beneficial to you, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with saying something nice? Listen to my sister this time, and I'll help you Say good things to the village chief, at least in the face of my husband working with him, he should not make things difficult for you." Wang Xiaoqian said.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Okay, then you can try it!"

"By the way, I forgot to mention one thing. The village head is impotent and premature ejaculation. I heard from people in the village. Now it is said that he is looking for a doctor. If you can be cured, then you go. Get the village head cured Now, I guess everything will be fine for you, recently the wife of the village chief returned to her natal family and when she was in need of strength, she spent every day drinking and drinking." Wang Xiaoqian said with a smile.

After hearing this, Qiu Yue's eyes lit up.

"Really? That's great, the village chief has impotence and premature ejaculation! I can cure this disease!" Qiu Yue said excitedly. A little belt, isn't that the best of both worlds?

Seeing that Qiuyue was cured of this disease, Wang Xiaoqian said happily that Qiuyue was cured, "That's great! My sister will spare some time tomorrow to tell you good things, and then tell the village head about it, the village head Definitely happy!"

"En, good!" Qiu Yue happily ate the food, today's food was rich and delicious.

After eating, Qiuyue and Wang Xiaoqian cleaned up the dishes, and Qiuyue waited for Wang Xiaoqian in the bedroom.

When Wang Xiaoqian came over, she draped her hair down, half of her face was looming, and she was extremely beautiful. Coupled with her well-maintained body and skin, Qiuyue's blood began to flow back.

"Brother Qiuyue, I'm here!" Wang Xiaoqian's voice was charming, her eyes were very provocative, the bright red nails contrasted sharply with the white and tender hands, making Qiuyue even more attractive.

Qiu Yue looked at Wang Xiaoqian in embarrassment, and said with a smile, "Oh, then go to bed! I'll give you a massage!"

Wang Xiaoqian walked to Qiuyue's side with a pair of extremely delicate hands, and gently placed them on Lin Han's thigh.Qiu Yue felt that the small torch below had ignited a raging flame, and was even about to explode. "Brother Qiuyue, I'm in bed now? Hehe!" Wang Xiaoqian deliberately touched Qiuyue's leg lightly.

Qiu Yue swallowed, and the itching feeling on his thigh was immediately transmitted to Qiu Yue's mind like lightning. Qiu Yue remained motionless, enjoying the delicate touch on his thigh.

This feeling is so refreshing, no one has ever touched me since I was a child, this is the first time I have enjoyed this feeling, Qiu Yue was almost so intoxicated that he couldn't extricate himself.

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