my beauty fairy

Chapter 64 The Police Attack

Lin Yuxuan blushed, glared at Qiu Yue, turned around and said, "I want you to stop asking!"

Qiu Yue laughed and said: "Okay, okay, if you don't ask, don't ask!"

"Okay, take me home!" Lin Yuxuan said softly.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Um, that's fine!"

Qiuyue stopped a taxi, and Lin Yuxuan suddenly felt that today's Qiuyue was a little different.

The car was parked in a very luxurious neighborhood. After listening to all kinds of private cars in the neighborhood, the two got out of the car and walked in slowly.

"I, I won't go in, I promised my brothers to have a good celebration tonight. Go to have a barbecue!" Qiu Yue said.

Lin Yuxuan grabbed Qiu Yue and said curiously: "By the way, I forgot to ask you, where did you find so many people?"

"I, I'm the boss of a small gang now." Qiu Yue smiled awkwardly and said, thinking how to explain this is really too difficult.

Lin Yuxuan immediately widened her eyes and said, "What? Boss?"

"Uh, yes, my former fellow opened a bar in the city, and there was a group of brothers who showed the scene for the bar. They saw that I was strong, so they asked me to help." Qiu Yue said.

Lin Yuxuan suddenly said unhappily: "The underworld, you are a member of the underworld!"

After Lin Yuxuan finished speaking, she turned around and walked home, Qiu Yue quickly ran up to hold Lin Yuxuan and said, "Are you angry?"

"Nonsense, can I not be angry! Such happy news was not told to me until now, do you think you did it on purpose!" Lin Yuxuan said angrily.

Suddenly Qiuyue was speechless, and was in a daze for three seconds, "No, you don't object to me joining their organization?"

"Against? What am I against? Such a good organization, when I get bullied, you can come and save me! It's too late for me to be happy! Besides, you can only become more manly if you join the underworld. Like the superman I imagined!" Lin Yuxuan said happily.

So Qiu Yue wiped the sweat off his head and said, "Um, I, I understand!"

"Okay, then I'm going home, by the way, why don't you invite me to bring your brothers to eat delicious food?" Lin Yuxuan said.

Qiu Yue waved his hand and said: "Next time, I still have a lot to talk to them this time, because I just took over, so I still want to talk to them about our bar, the bar they have run into these days Dying, it wasn't until I appeared that this bar turned around. If you were there for some things, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop them."

"Well, that's fine! I'll listen to you, but you will make up for it!" Lin Yuxuan said coquettishly.

Qiu Yue said in his heart that he would walk with beautiful women, why not do it.So he smiled and said, "Of course!"

After watching Lin Yuxuan go home, Qiuyue turned around and walked out of the community, stopped the car and went back to the bar.

As soon as I entered the bar, I saw the basketball guy arrogantly showing off to everyone how powerful he was just now, and how majestic he was there.

"I stepped on the sofa and yelled angrily, dare to touch my sister-in-law! Then the man was so frightened that he covered his head and cried, saying that he was wrong, and that he would never dare again. What, what, what!" The man blew it, which made everyone excited and envious.

Qiu Yue coughed, and the basketball man returned to normal immediately, and said with a smile: "Qiu, Brother Qiu, you are back!"

"En! The turnover is good tonight, I'll check the account." Qiu Yue said.

Huang Mao took over the ledger and the income.

After checking each item by Qiu Yue, he recorded one of his bank card account numbers in the accounting book, and said, "Huang Mao, from now on, I will deposit all the income from the bar in the bank the next day, and then call Enter this card number."

"Yes! Brother Yue!" Huang Mao nodded and said.

So Qiuyue handed the ledger back to Huang Mao.

The yellow-haired thief came over with mouse-eyed eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Brother Qiu, are you going to have fun together tonight? Didn't you say you want to eat barbecue!"

"Eat, you must eat, but it will take another two hours before the bar closes!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

"Oh, okay!" Huangmao rubbed his gurgling stomach in frustration.

Qiu Yue looked at the bar, there were already a lot of people coming to play tonight, and the income was more than 2 in one night, but [-] was the money spent by the scarred man just now.

"By the way, are there any discounts for drinking in the nearby bars?" Qiu Yue asked.

Huang Mao shook his head, "The nearest bar is some distance away from us! Probably not."

"Okay, how about this, tomorrow you find someone to install an LED light outside of us, and the money will be taken from the business money! Then write to celebrate the grand reopening of the bar! Buy a bottle of beer and get a free bottle, buy a bottle of foreign wine and get a free Three bottles of beer! Anyway, these things of ours are very profitable, so it doesn't matter if it's a little bit, it's popular." Qiu Yue said.

Huang Mao nodded and said, "No problem, Brother Qiu!"

When Qiuyue was about to say something, a younger brother came in from outside, ran over nervously, gasped and hurriedly said: "Brother Yue, brother Yue, a group of policemen came outside! It's from the city bureau !"

Qiu Yuexin asked what the police from the city bureau were doing at night, but just to be on the safe side, let Sun Yuxiao ask someone!

So she called Sun Yuxiao, and Sun Yuxiao said, "What? Where are they from?"

"It's from the Municipal Bureau!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

The police station where Sun Yuxiao works is the police station in Xincheng District, so she cannot interfere with the affairs of the city bureau.

Sun Yuxiao said anxiously: "Then you should see what's going on first. If they find any problems, you can contact me in time."

"Okay, okay! That's it, hang up first, they're coming in!" Qiu Yue turned around and hung up the phone, and a group of policemen walked in.

The policeman in the lead asked, "Who is in charge here!"

"I, it's me, what's the matter, Comrade policeman, what's the matter?" Qiu Yue said calmly, saying in his heart that he should not be nervous no matter what, and put on a show for other subordinates.

With a hint of doubt, the policeman seemed a little incredulous about the young man in front of him who seemed to have just grown up.Said: "We have received reports that some of you have smoked white powder!"

"What? Are you kidding me, Comrade Policeman, how could someone here take drugs? My guests here don't allow them to take those things, and there are anti-drug signs posted on the wall!" Qiu Yue was immediately screwed. A little confused.

The policeman said seriously: "This is a search warrant. We want to search it. If there is no search warrant, we will return your policemen's innocence. If there is a time, please cooperate. Please go over there."

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