Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Well, okay. I see, you go back if you have nothing to do, it's chilly and cold here." When he said this, Qiu Yue gave Sun Yuxiao a meaningful look.

Sun Yuxiao and Lin Yuxuan nodded and said, "Then let's go first, and come here to pick you up tomorrow morning, take care of yourself!"

"Okay!" Qiu Yue smiled.

When it was time to visit the prison, Qiu Yue followed the guards back to the cell.Sun Yuxiao and Lin Yuxuan also went back.

After returning to the cell, Qiu Yue heard a faint voice from the ground. Qiu Yue hurriedly lay down on the ground, and listened to the voice below with his ears pressed tightly against the ground. Only then did he realize that there seemed to be a weak voice from below, but the specific What happened is still a mystery. Since this side is far away from the cell with the kerosene lamp on the table, the voice is weak, and I just heard a little bit, and I can't make out what I'm saying.

At this time, I heard a bang from over there, like the sound of something falling on the ground, followed by the noisy sound of people, I don't know what happened.

Qiu Yue listened carefully, but after hearing that bang, he heard nothing again.

So Qiu Yue took out his mobile phone and sent this matter to Ling Feng, asking Ling Feng to list the series of strange things that started last night one by one, to see what he could infer.

After a while, more than a dozen prison guards ran in from the outside, and ran straight in. Qiu Yue looked sideways through the crack of the door, but spent most of the day trying to see nothing.

After a few more minutes, the people inside carried a man who was dressed badly and had a bloodstain on his head, and came out.

The two prison guards from Guan Qiuyue just followed tremblingly and said in a crying voice: "This is the end of his mother. It takes half an hour to be sent to the hospital from here. By the time we get to the hospital, we will die long ago. We still have our nicknames." Help? The following project does not have this great fairy, we will definitely die, and the boss will at least cut off an arm of each of you and me!"

The other prison guard seemed to have tears in his eyes, and cried, "Isn't it? What the hell are we going to do about this!"

Qiu Yue heard what they said, so of course he knew how to get the words to their hearts!

"Are you taking the patient to the hospital? I don't know if the ambulance arrives to pick him up, it will take nearly four or 10 minutes. Did he die long ago?" Qiu Yue said, the two guys stopped there immediately, their faces pale. He ran back with a glow on his face, and hurriedly said: "You mean you have a good way?"

Qiu Yue sneered and said, "I'm a doctor, I don't know how to cure diseases, should you know?"

"Oh, the teardrops I bought also quack! My God, my ancestors, you bless me, a doctor appeared here, my God, I am so excited, you really bless me, I kowtow to you , I don’t have to die, I don’t have to die, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” said one of the short and fat prison guards, crying and kowtowing vigorously.

Qiu Yue immediately rolled his eyes, wondering why this guy has no style of his own, he would cry whenever something happened, and kept hitting the ground with his bloated head.

"Okay, okay, what are you doing? Isn't this help? You cry as much as you like when you get home, but this is at work, not to mention there are outsiders. It's really embarrassing for you to look like this." Another The taller man said.

The short and fat prison guard smiled happily and said, "That's good, that's good, that's very good! Very good!"

"Hey! You guys bring me back. There is a doctor here, but you should call the hospital ambulance right now, let the ambulance come over as quickly as possible, and prepare your hands!" The slightly taller prison guard Sure enough, he was calmer, not as impulsive as the chunky prison guard just now.

The chunky prison guard looked at Qiuyue with a happy smile on his face, and said with a smile: "14, Qiuyue, you are such a good comrade, you are the best rapist I have ever seen!"

"Damn, how did I become a rapist! Did you make a mistake about me!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

Immediately, the two prison guards looked at Qiu Yue with a hey smile, as excited as if they saw a peerless beauty.

At this time, two prison guards rushed to open Qiuyue's door, and the short and fat one rolled over and fell to the ground because of his excitement.

At this time, those people carried the stretcher and put the man with blood on his head on the ground. Qiu Yue said, "Is there any medical treatment in the prison? Cotton balls, alcohol, or white sand?"

"Yes, yes, but I don't know if it can be used." The short and fat man said unhappily.

Qiu Yue waved his hands and the two prison guards rushed out one after the other.

Looking at these men carrying stretchers, they looked like workers who had just finished excavation work, their feet were covered with mud, and their faces were grey-eyed. Qiu Yuexin said that these guys must be in the Something had been dug underneath, but it was not known what they were digging.

Qiu Yue asked: "By the way, he was also there when you were digging? Why are you so careless!" After Qiu Yue asked this, the two people were taken aback at first, but then they relaxed their vigilance, scratched their heads and said in embarrassment: "It's not like you don't know, digging this thing, without his command, we really don't know where to dig? If we dig wrong and touch the agency, I guess let alone our diggers, other workers will die there , so it’s better to be careful with every step.”

At this time, the two prison guards came back muttering something while trotting all the way. Qiu Yue immediately withdrew his smile and looked at the condition of the man on the ground. Nothing too serious.

Looking at the slightly yellow gauze and bandages in the medicine box he brought, Qiu Yue was depressed, poured alcohol into the basin, poured some water to wash the gauze, and simply put some of the medicine box in the medicine box that can be used to stop bleeding. Other medicines were wrapped in gauze and bandaged to the patient. Qiu Yue thought that since something fell from above, the feet would be injured too!

"Did he squat to the right or to the left after he was injured?" Qiu Yue asked.

One of the men thought for a while and said, "He is squatting with his right foot bent."

"That means his right foot must have been smashed too. Hold his leg down and I'll straighten the twisted joint of his foot!" After Qiuyue finished speaking, the two men lifted the injured man one by one. The man put it to death.

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