When this female voice was crying, it was closely accompanied by the crying of the child. It was so desolate and tragic that Qiu Yue began to tremble all over, and the inside of this big black hole was very cold and the wind was biting.

Suddenly, someone patted Qiuyue behind him. Qiuyue thought it was Ling Feng, but when he turned his head this time, Qiuyue almost fainted from fright.

It was a man wearing ancient black and white costumes, with dark eyes. Qiu Yue felt that his face was a little abnormally white, like a layer of white rouge, and Qiu Yue noticed that this man, this The man's face was missing a nose... The legs that should have been under the clothes could not be seen, and there was a trace of black blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.There is a deep gully on the neck, as if it has been corroded by something!

"Help me! Help me..." The man's tragic voice made Qiu Yue's hair stand on end, and his legs almost fell to the ground. Qiu Yue took a few steps back and exclaimed: "Are you Who? You!"

The guy who didn't know what it was wearing ancient clothes walked forward slowly, and when he came, thick black blood flowed from the eye sockets without eyeballs, and shouted: "Hahahahaha! If you continue to destroy, you will Get the punishment you deserve, hahahaha! Hahaha! The sky is watching you, the sky is watching you! Hahahaha!"

That voice was miserable and weird, causing Qiu Yue to shudder all over, wondering what the hell is this guy, his eye sockets are bleeding?Is it human?It can't be a zombie!All of a sudden, Qiuyue's fine hair stood up, and at this moment, a black thing floated from the other side. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a huge mass of hair. His face was pale, his lips were pale, and his eyes were also bleeding.Opening his mouth wide, he rushed in front of Qiuyue in an instant, and Qiuyue yelled in fright.

"Ah!" Qiu Yue exclaimed, opened his eyes, and found that he was still in the cell of the prison. He didn't know what time it was. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening. He raised his head and saw a bowl of rice at the door, and said to himself that it seemed that the two prison guards had brought them here to eat, and that they seemed to be helping them in the afternoon. Get yourself some rice.

At this time, the last patrolling prison guard in the corridor swayed over, knocked on the door and saw Qiuyue get up, the short and fat prison guard said with a smile: "Brother, you finally woke up, the two of us were scared just now. I was able to die for you, and my sleep was too quiet, and I didn’t make a sound. Later, we went in and shook you for a long time, but there was no response. It seemed to be a dream, muttering something in my mouth, don’t come over, big brother, in your dream Did you get chrysanthemum blown?"

"Who is he, so ruthless, he never misses the opportunity to bully our elder brother even in his dream, look at his face turned pale when he was exploded by chrysanthemums! Oh, elder brother, by the way!" The other one The slightly taller guy said with a sigh.

Qiu Yue was surprised and said, "Does my face tend to turn white?"

"Right, what's the matter, brother, you can't really hurt your ass, but no one came to explode your ass just now! Don't look at us, the two of us are innocent, our sexual orientation is very normal, big big Normal!" The chunky prison guard said with a smile.

Qiu Yuexin said that the dream just now was too real. He never sleeps without dreaming. He can't even dream twice a year. Why did he suddenly have a dream tonight? What's going on? Is it because of the underground the reason?What's more, it's so strange to sleep so dead in a dream, I always wake up when I feel someone coming, even if I'm too sleepy and tired, it's not like this!

Qiuyue feels that the mystery here is getting heavier and heavier, but the point where all the mysteries are solved is in the underground of that prison cell. As long as he knows what those strange people are doing underground, Qiuyue can know the result of all these suspenseful mysteries up.

"No, no, no, my chrysanthemum doesn't hurt. I'm just an angry dream. If you have nothing to do, go back and do your work. I'm fine. I'll be sleeping later and eat something." Qiu Yue stood up and fell down. Have some water to drink.

The short and fat guy burst out laughing and said, "Oh, today's dream is already being blown by someone else, so, you should take a good rest today, and have a good blown other person's ass tomorrow night! Hahahaha!"

The slightly taller prison guard also had his face full of meat and laughed, closed the door and walked out.

After waiting for them to leave, Qiuyue took out the food that Lin Yuxuan and the others had brought. While eating, he wondered what this thing meant. The monster in the dream was trying to explain something, but then he stopped talking and broke the can Broke and uttered harsh words, why didn't he say anything? Could it be because of the black hair that flew out later?

"Uh, I have a headache, let's wait until Ling Feng comes down to the bottom, I haven't seen anything underground, everything is fake!" Qiu Yue said depressedly.

So Qiu Yue lay down after eating, but found that the phone vibrated slightly.

"I'm ready to go. We suspect that there are unclean things underground. I brought some things to exorcise evil spirits." Ling Feng sent the text message and drove over here.

Qiuyue felt even more horrified after reading it. Could it be that there are ghosts and monsters down there? I feel that the environment is mysterious and gloomy these days, and I wonder what is going on!

Looking up at the surrounding walls, it seems that there are red things printed on every wall. Looking at Qiu Yue, he said that he must have misread his eyes because he may not have a good rest here, so Qiu Yue lay on the bed and closed his eyes. Eyes pensive.

After an unknown amount of time, Ling Feng stepped into this cell, Qiu Yue sat up and looked at Ling Feng, thinking that this guy finally came.

"You lie here, I'll take a picture of you!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

Qiu Yue was helpless, and whispered: "What the fuck, don't you know what you are doing in prison? You still take pictures, do you need a photoshoot?"

"Hey hey, no, I didn't just want to take pictures for you. I brought something good today, which is high-tech. After taking the pictures, put them inside. The outside looks like the situation when you took pictures, even if you are not here They don't know either." Ling Feng said with a smirk.

Qiu Yue looked at him suspiciously, but this was not the time to flirt and see if the device really had that effect, so Qiu Yue lay on the bed and pretended to be asleep, Ling Feng said, "Keep it!" A photo was taken.

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