my beauty fairy

Chapter 76 Release from Prison

And it was not easy for Ling Feng. The man next to him rushed forward with a gun and wanted to hit Ling Feng. Ling Feng jumped up and kicked the man in the face. Moaning and moaning.

Seeing the heads of the two men, he wanted to run away. Qiu Yue picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at the man's leg. The man fell to the ground immediately, howling in pain.

Qiu Yuexin said that although the place was newly dug and the sound insulation was okay, it was better to deal with this guy, otherwise it would be impossible for their people to know that they were kidnapped later.

So Qiu Yue went up and slapped the man hard, knocking the man out from the back of the head.

"Uh, let's not go any further. There must be more people inside. Once we encounter trouble, it will be difficult for you and me to get out. Let's let the police intervene in this matter, and let the team of archaeologists come over. In case you and I destroy any evidence or good things." Ling Feng patted Qiu Yue and said.

Qiuyue thought about it and said that he couldn't tell what was going on inside. It was important to find the exit first, lest he didn't know where to go to catch them when the time came.

So Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Okay, let's go up first, after you go out, let Sun Yuxiao bring someone over, and then I will wait in the prison to go out tomorrow morning, and we will start to act tomorrow night, okay! "

"Well, no problem! Let's do it like this!" Ling Feng whispered.

So Qiuyue and Ling Feng started to leave. In order not to be attacked when they climbed up later, Ling Feng threw a smoke bomb in a corner to confuse the eyes of these people, and the two found the exit and climbed up quickly.

Qiu Yuexin said that it seems that the dream during the day today is because this is a tomb, Qiu Yue suddenly rang out that weird person, without eyes, he must be the person buried here, these tomb robbers don't understand anything, for sure It has destroyed the Feng Shui and cultural relics here.

"But it seems to be a tomb of the Tang Dynasty?" Qiu Yue murmured in his heart. When he was a child, Qiu Yue read novels that included tomb robbers, and it seemed that the tombs of the Tang Dynasty mentioned were similar to this.Since I was very interested in this kind of adventure novels at the time, I still have some impressions about the tombs of the Tang Dynasty.

After the Anshi Rebellion, the burial system of the Tang Dynasty underwent significant changes.First of all, the structure of the tomb is simplified. The short and narrow shaft-style tomb passage replaces the long slope-style tomb passage, so the patio and niches are also gone.The scale of the tomb is reduced, and the mural paintings are very rare.The number of pottery figurines is reduced and the production is rough.The terracotta figurines and tomb-suppressing beasts are becoming more and more simplified, and are no longer used in some tombs.Only the twelve-hour figurines are still popular.

Tang tombs in the vast area south of the Yangtze River include vertical pit tombs and brick chamber tombs, which are simple in shape and small in scale.Brick chamber tombs are mostly rectangular, and some have two chambers side by side, and husband and wife are buried in one chamber each.In the tomb of Zhang Jiuling in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province, the plane of the main chamber is square, with colored paintings on the four walls, and an ear chamber on each side of the corridor in front.Generally speaking, most of the funerary objects in Tang tombs in the southern region are ceramic vessels, and pottery figurines are rare.

Except for a few of the imperial mausoleums of the Tang Dynasty, which were "accumulated soil for mausoleums", most of them were "surrounded by mountains for mausoleums".The Qianling Mausoleum, where Emperor Gaozong and Empress Wu Zetian were buried together, centered on the main peak of Liangshan Mountain, built a slightly square inner city with a gate on each side, and outside the gate were stone lions, horses and men.The Suzaku Gate in the south is the main entrance, and the entrance is the dedicated hall.From the first gate in the far south to the Suzaku Gate in the inner city, the Shinto is 3 kilometers long. On both sides, there are stone statues of auspicious birds, auspicious animals, horses, generals, civil servants and foreign leaders, and a stele of "Shengji" and "Wordless Monument".The grand scale of the Qianling Mausoleum fully demonstrates the great power of the Tang Empire in its heyday.

Since the murals in Tang Dynasty tombs are very rare, those murals in this tomb can be said to be very important and valuable.

After landing on the ground, Qiu Yue patted the dirt on his body, Ling Feng covered the bed board, the bed was made, and the two hurried out of the cell.

"Go out and contact Sun Yuxiao and the others. I'll go back to my room and go out to contact you tomorrow!" Qiu Yue whispered, seeing that there was no one around, Qiu Yue and Ling Feng opened the door of this room and prepared to go out.

Ling Feng turned his head and said in a low voice: "I'm not going back today. My car is parked in a hidden place. I'll be in the car at night. You can contact me tomorrow to go out."

"That would be even better! If you are fine, please supervise and see if there are any suitable people or vehicles in the prison." Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng nodded, and opened Qiuyue's room for Qiuyue. After Qiuyue entered, he locked the door and Lingfeng left.

"These gangsters are harmful!" Qiu Yue said in his mouth.

Lie on the bed and quickly fell into a dream. This time Qiuyue didn't have a dream. The next morning, the two prison guards came early and knocked on Qiuyue's door. Seeing that Qiuyue was about to be released from prison, the two of them had a good attitude She is so cute, afraid that Qiuyue will take revenge on them after she goes out.

"Brother, if you leave this time, you may not come back anytime, you should come back often!" The short and fat man said excitedly.

Qiu Yue rolled his eyes helplessly and said angrily: "Hey! Can you talk? You let me come back to this kind of place often. You want me to kill and rob every day! To be arrested by your police and imprisoned? "

"Oh, no, no, brother, I don't mean that, I mean you have to come back often, just to take a look! No, forget it, you'd better not come back often, just once in a while! No , No..." the short and fat man said excitedly.

Qiu Yue waved his hand and said, "Go aside! I'll listen to your old brother's parting speech!"

After speaking, Qiu Yue turned and looked at the taller man, who said excitedly: "Brother, you must take care of us when you go out in the future, don't worry, when you come back next time, you can choose the room as you like. You can choose the bed, you don’t need to pay for morning exercises, and you can get breakfast!”

"Get out! Two crow mouths, I won't listen to you and make up!" Qiu Yue lit a cigarette in his hand, and threw the rest to these two guys.

Qiu Yue lit a cigarette and walked out of the room. Behind him were two prison guards, smoking and laughing.

After getting out of the prison, Qiuyue suddenly felt like he had been in prison for decades, and was finally released. The feeling of longing for freedom came spontaneously, which was very refreshing!

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