my beauty fairy

Chapter 83 The Arrogance of the Rich Second Generation

Qiuyue walked out, and Lin Yuxuan came out to see Qiuyue off.

"Hey, this Qiuyue is so arrogant, he actually made my dad, who has never been interested in young people, so energetic, you are really good, Qiuyue! And you also took the initiative to invite you to come to my house when and where to write something Liu Xiahui's calligraphy!" Lin Yuxuan squinted.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Please, that's Liu Gongquan, not Liu Xiahui!"

"I don't care what you do! Anyway, today's business is considered a success, you can make any request!" Lin Yuxuan said with a happy smile.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "I ask that if I come to your house next time, I will take care of your father and don't let him give you a blind date. Can I not be a substitute!"

"What do you want to do without being a substitute? It means that you don't want to help me in the future, right?" Lin Yuxuan said coquettishly, and she was about to pinch Qiuyue's thigh.

Qiu Yue said calmly: "If I want to be the original version!"

Lin Yuxuan, who was choking on a sentence, froze there, time seemed to stand still, the breeze came, and under the warm street lamp, Lin Yuxuan's beautiful cheeks were flushed with blush, her eyes were flowing like water waves, and her eyelashes fluttered slightly.The cherry lips are slightly parted, just like the slippery jelly, delicate, soft and full of elasticity.

"You, you go back quickly, drive slowly on the road! I'm sleepy, and I'll go back to sleep quickly, call if you have something to do! I'm leaving!" Lin Yuxuan lowered her head shyly and then ran upstairs.

Qiu Yue laughed and turned around and walked into the parking lot, thinking that this Lin Yuxuan was actually shy, she was no longer the Lin Yuxuan who was chasing her all over the street with a kitchen knife, "Hahaha!"

After getting into the car, Qiuyue drove towards home in a [-]-mile style as if there was no rush. On the way, he took out his mobile phone and called Sun Yuxiao.

After Qiu Yue answered the phone, he said, "Yu Xiao, what's the situation with you?"

"I'll tell you when I go home tonight! I'm still busy with things, so go home, have you eaten, do you want me to bring you some?" Sun Yuxiao said with a smile.

When Qiuyue was about to say something, a car on the opposite side of the intersection turned left too fast, and Qiuyue couldn't escape and collided with each other...

Since Qiuyue was not very fast, the collision between the two cars was not very serious. Qiuyue's front light was broken, and there was a Land Rover opposite.

"I scolded the neighbor, begging for something big, I can't see me driving over, don't you know how to give way? Why don't you drive your mother's big money in a little pram that's as big as a fart?" The driver in the opposite Land Rover The young man got out of the car and pointed at Qiu Yue and cursed directly.

Qiu Yuexin said that I wiped it, and I haven't said a word yet, you're a bastard, and you screamed?

Qiuyue became angry: "Damn, I go straight to your mother, whoever you turn left to give up to, have you never studied, or haven't learned a driver's license, oh, I see, you bought your book! Or you have no Driving without a license, okay, okay, I will find the police to solve it now, and let him solve your driving without a license."

"Bullshit, you little snobs, I think it's because of lack of money that I will throw you at you! I have plenty of money, so tell me, how much do you want to ask me for!" The man looked like a second-generation rich man, very arrogant, his eyes With a strong contempt plot.

Sun Yuxiao's anxious voice came from the phone, and Qiu Yue said, "Yuxiao, please do your work first, I ran into someone with my car, rich second generation, leave me alone, contact me when you're done!"

"Hello! Alas! You!" When Sun Yuxiao was about to say something, Qiu Yue had already hung up the phone.

Qiuyue got out of the car and looked at the not-too-tall man in very gorgeous clothes. Standing beside the man was a lovely girl with a very slender figure, very nice lines, rough waves, and a seductive neck under her fair face. , Looking down, more than half of the big white rabbit is revealed, and even the areola is almost visible, pink and tender.

"Uh, do you think that all the money in the world can be settled with money?" Qiu Yue said coldly, thinking that today you want to pretend to be a fortune in front of your girlfriend?I can't make you pretend to be successful with my attitude towards you today!

The rich second generation took out a wad of money from his wallet, snorted coldly, and said, "Bullshit, don't you just want to ask grandpa and me for some money now? What about your broken car light, at most 1000 yuan, I am now I'll give you two thousand, if you call me grandpa, I'm wrong, I'll give you five thousand! How about it?"

"Hahaha, okay, today I will let you know that some things cannot be solved with money!" Qiu Yue looked at the rich second generation coldly.

The rich second generation looked at Qiu Yue with a sneer and said, "What's the matter, don't you think it's too little? If you kowtow to me, I'll give you [-] immediately!"

Before the rich second generation finished speaking, Qiu Yue had rushed up and punched the rich second generation in the face, and immediately the rich second generation flew backwards and fell to the ground.

After the rich second generation was beaten, he felt ashamed when he saw his girlfriend's expression, so he stood up and rushed forward to save face no matter what.

The rich second generation raised his fist and punched Qiu Yue, and Qiu Yue easily dodged it. After all, the rich second generation was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, so he didn't know how to hit people, and he didn't know where to hit the opponent with his fist. !

After dodging the rich second generation's punch, Qiu Yue stretched out his foot and directly knocked the rich second generation to the ground. Suddenly, the rich second generation fell so badly that he lost a tooth, and stood up with a disgruntled face.

Qiu Yue made a gesture, and the rich second generation immediately took several steps back in fright, and even wanted to hide behind his girlfriend.

"Hahaha, don't dislike your boyfriend's teeth. After all, he was beaten for the sake of pretending to be serious in front of you, so you understand! Haha! Also, did you know something today? It can’t be solved with money, just like I want to beat you hard today anyway, hahahahahaha~” Qiu Yue glanced at them and got on Audi Titi, and after a dozen rounds, he naturally stepped on the brakes very skillfully With the whistling sound of the engine, it disappeared from the rich second generation's sight!

After watching Qiuyue leave, the rich second generation cried out and opened his mouth wide to spit out two teeth. One tooth fell out completely, the other tooth fell out half, and the other half was still in the mouth. On the bed, when he cried, he was like a little old man, and his words leaked out.

"I will definitely not let you go! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" cried the rich second generation and took out his phone to call for someone.

The girlfriend next to him said: "Please, don't be stupid, okay? If you call now, the person has already disappeared, and then you will be scolded by your uncle! Go to the hospital to install a denture for you to make do with it." !"

"Fuck! I'm so pissed off, the next time I meet this bastard, I'll kill you if I don't call you!" The rich second generation trembled angrily.

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