my beauty fairy

Chapter 9 Fairy Warning

In fact, this disease of the village head can be cured by the massage method handed down by the Qiuyue family, but after all, it is to cheat money, so I gave the village head some long-lasting medicine, so that the village head can continue to prolong the life of the village head. On the basis of time, it can be achieved—one hard work can be hard for two days, and once you do it, you have to do it for at least three hours, and you will be exhausted by then!

So Qiu Yue went home and polished it all afternoon, and finally made the potion for delaying growth that his father had taught him.

By the way, I went to the mountain to bring back the bitter vegetables with my mother, and got some mud clods on my body and feet, so that the village head would not suspect whether he went to the mountains to find someone to buy herbs.

When I got home, my mother asked, "Qiu Yue, what makes you so happy!"

Qiu Yue smiled and took out [-] yuan from his bosom, plus the deposit of [-] yuan from the village head hidden on the bed, and handed it to his mother.

"Where did you get so much money, you..." Mom said excitedly, thinking that Qiu Yue got it through illegal things.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "This is the medical expenses for my medical treatment for the village chief. The village chief suffered from impotence and premature ejaculation. I blackmailed him so much money and lied to him that I had to go to the deep mountains to buy expensive medicinal herbs from the old farmer."

"Damn it, you cheated so much money from the village chief, and if the village chief finds out, we will be kicked out of the village." Qiuyue's mother worried.

Qiu Yue waved his hand and said, "What's the matter? I don't want to stay here for a long time. After I get rid of this scoundrel, let's leave here and go to the city!"

"But I still feel uncomfortable with the money you cheated." Mother looked at Qiu Yue in embarrassment.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "What's wrong with this, his money is all about corruption, neither black nor white, lest he use this money to spend time and money."

Mother was relieved.

The mother and son had dinner together, and Qiu Yue walked out of the room with the medicine box.

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded beside my ears: "Qiu Yue, I'll wait for you in the grove to the east. If you don't come, your mother will be in danger!"

Qiu Yuexin said, could it be that the fairy book in the sky was discovered by the fairy in the sky?

If that's the case, it's too bad, the sky will definitely send someone to chase and kill him.

In short, all of this was caused by me, and my mother must not be involved, so Qiu Yue ran desperately towards the small woods in the east with the medicine box in his arms.

After coming to the grove, the afternoon sun shines on the ground, which is very beautiful, but Qiuyue feels uneasy and feels very cold.

Suddenly a voice rang out: "Qiu Yue, what crime should you deserve for secretly cultivating immortal arts!"

Originally, Qiuyue felt uneasy and his legs trembled with fright, but after seeing the fairy, this feeling of fear disappeared.

"Wow, beautiful fairy sister, you..." Qiuyue looked at a slender white leg in front of her, a round and plump butt, and half of her plump, round and fair breasts exposed from her bulging chest. The teeth and skin are like creamy willow leaves, and the eyebrows are curved, like a hibiscus flower out of water. Where is the beauty and beauty... Qiuyue was stunned when his chest rose and fell, and the contents inside were faintly visible.

Only after looking at the beautiful fairy Qiuyue in front of him did he realize what a "murder weapon" is.And this fairy looks too harmless, which makes people feel a feeling of "pity".

The fairy pretended to be serious, but the fairy herself was very beautiful and kind. She pretended to be angry and Qiuyue was not afraid at all.

"You bastard, did you secretly cultivate the content in that book?" The fairy said pretending to be angry. To be honest, she was a little bit a little angry when she saw Qiu Gaogao's tall figure and the man's aura exuding from his brows. I can't bear to be ruthless.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Yes, don't you think it's wrong to position this book as a magic book just because people from the devil world practiced it? I think the thoughts of immortals should be more advanced than us mortals. right."

"We immortals don't need your accusations. How we position ourselves is our own business. Over the years, your mother and your father have done a lot of good things for the common people in the world. We have seen all of these. You can practice this book. At present, the fairy world has Eliminate it from the blacklist, otherwise you will not be able to open this book. We hope that someone can practice the above spells to the extreme. Seeing that you are the most immortal, we will give you a chance. No matter you use What does the spell do, but the principle must be to do good deeds, if you use the spell with evil intentions, I will come and destroy you immediately!" The fairy's words immediately made Qiu Yue want to lie on the ground and roll around laughing all afternoon.

"Really? Great, finally my mother doesn't have to be wronged anymore." Qiu Yue said excitedly. "Does that mean my mother can return to the sky?"

Two words came out of the fairy's beautiful mouth: "No."

"Why? Why can't my mother return to the sky!" Qiu Yue shouted weakly.

The fairy shook her head and said: "When you meet our requirements, and if one day you can ascend, you mother and son can return to the sky and return to normal treatment for you. But if you cannot ascend, or you can ascend, but you If you did something bad, then I’m sorry, you mother and son still can’t come back.”

Qiuyue's eyes kept streaming tears, she was so excited, so excited, for more than 30 years, more than 30 years, her mother often shed tears, regretting that she could not return to heaven, but now, as long as she can practice If it succeeds, then my mother and myself can realize our dreams and return to heaven.

"Okay, I've finished what I have to say, so I can do it for myself. No matter what you do, you can't escape my eyes. If you do harm to others, I will come and kill you immediately!" After speaking, the fairy disappeared.

Qiuyue ran all the way back to the village excitedly, jumping and jumping excitedly, many passers-by on the road thought that something was wrong with Qiuyue.

When I came to the village chief's house, because Qiuyue was in a good mood, he smiled and said, "Village chief, I'm here!"

"Well, Qiuyue, you're finally, finally, here!" The village chief was drunk at home alone.

Qiu Yue said mother, isn't this a perfect opportunity to steal the contract, your mother's dead village chief, I will make you go crazy today!

So Qiuyue put the medicine box aside, took out the medicine and so on, straightened the village chief, and said with a smile: "Village chief, lie down and straighten your posture. I'll give you a massage first. Don't move." !"

Qiuyue moved very briskly, and the village chief called out comfortably: "Damn, it's so cool, your massage is really good, not bad! Give me j8 back to its previous majestic appearance, I will reward you very much! Hahahaha!"

"Don't worry, the village head, I will definitely make you a hundred times stronger, so that you can regain your glory in bed." Qiu Yue said, rubbing the village head's acupuncture points.

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