my beauty fairy

Chapter 91 The Blood of Qiuyue

Qiu Yuexin said that it seems that psychological tactics are really effective, but how long this can be delayed is really a question.

So Qiuyue said: "What a beautiful woman you are, if you continue like this, you will only be greeted by darkness in the future, and there will be no joy and laughter. You will live in chasing and being killed every day until the end When you can't fight and kill."

Although Qiu Yue's expression and tone of voice were very touching, the woman still ignored her.

"This woman's flash is really too powerful, I have to let Shangguan Yan'er bring someone here, otherwise I will never be sure to defeat this ability, after all, my speed is not even a little bit worse than it. Even if we take advantage of her emotional instability and charge up now, I'm afraid the winning rate will be below 20.00%!" Qiu Yue thought helplessly.

So Qiuyue stood there and looked at the woman, looking forward to Shangguan Yan'er's men very much in his heart, but it was too late. At this time, the woman raised her head again and looked at Qiuyue: "My life can't be changed any more. It's impossible to return to the way I was before! I will go on like this forever, no smile, no joy, no happiness! I'm just a killer, an excellent, an outstanding killer! I want to fulfill the orders given to me by my superiors! I want to kill about you!"

After talking about that woman, she was even more impulsive to kill Qiuyue, and the speed was even faster. The two strides were already extremely fast, and after the last step, she used flash. Qiuyue was already panicked and lost his mind. Xia Geng couldn't handle it anymore, he raised the steel pipe and waited for the woman to appear, the blood on his back was still flowing, it was very painful, but Qiu Yue had no time to worry about it.

Suddenly, that woman appeared above Qiuyue with a cold expression, and her posture was that of a knife rushing down and chopping. Qiuyue thought that it must be over for her.

Before Qiu Yue had time to raise the iron pipe in his hand, he saw the woman retract the knife she had slashed and spun around in an instant and landed on the ground.

"Why didn't you make a move! Aren't you afraid of death?" The woman landed lightly on the ground, her two white thighs were even more charming when the skirt swayed in the breeze, especially the lines that made people scream.

Qiu Yuexin said that it was really too late for me to fight back. Your speed is too fast, and my brain has just reacted, let alone my movements. By the time I lift the iron pipe, I guess you have already I hacked.

But I think so, but I can’t say that when I say Qiuyue, Qiuyue pretends to be calm and said lightly: "Why do you always fight and kill? Also fell into the abyss! Do you know..." When Qiu Yue was about to say something, the woman smiled so beautifully.

"This smile is for you, because you are the one who reminded me of my long-lost smile. I will not kill you today. I hope that when I see you next time, your strength will improve. At that time, I will fight you Next!" There was a touching smile on the corner of the woman's mouth.

Qiu Yue looked at this woman dully, and said to himself that his life was finally saved, and he must fight you next time when he is stronger than you, otherwise I can put the ashes in a box when Shangguan Yan'er comes.

"You!" Just when Qiu Yue was about to say something, the woman had already turned around, walked to the side of the road and drove away roaring.

Qiu Yue turned around and was about to enter the repair shop when Shangguan Yan'er's car stopped.

"Qiu Yue, are you alright!" Shangguan Yan'er walked over anxiously, the two white and tender steamed buns on her chest were heaving up and down due to her trot while walking, Qiu Yue said in embarrassment: "It's nothing, If you come here so late next time, I will die, let alone you know kung fu, you will come by yourself, not to mention bringing a powerful person."

Shangguan Yan'er pretended to be angry and said: "He came to save you, but you still doubt his ability, you are a villain!"

"Me!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

Shangguan Yan'er took out her mobile phone and said, "After you called me, I knew you were being targeted by a killer, but you didn't provide any valid location information, and I'm not a god, so in the end I ran to the security bureau Find someone to find this place based on your phone signal source. Otherwise, I would have been here long ago."

"I'm helpless about this kind of thing. You say I can't tell you the location. It's good if I can make a phone call." Qiu Yue rolled his eyes.

Shangguan Yan'er asked curiously: "Why did that killer run away, you defeated her?"

"I don't know either. In short, she said that I am still weak, and she will come and kill me when I become stronger." Qiu Yue said.

Only then did Qiu Yue feel the burning pain in his back, and he was too nervous just now to forget.

"Ah! It hurts!" Qiu Yue yelled, and Shangguan Yan'er saw that there was a large amount of blood on Qiu Yue's back.

Shangguan Yan'er anxiously said: "Oh my god! Come with me, you've lost too much blood on your back!"

"My car is still inside!" Qiu Yue said in pain.

Shangguan Yan'er pulled Qiu Yue into her car, started the car and said, "I'll get someone to pick up your car, just sit down and I'll send you to the hospital for treatment!"

Later, Qiuyue passed out and lost all consciousness.

Shangguan Yan'er sent Qiu Yue to the hospital and took him to the emergency room. Although the wound was not very deep, he lost too much blood and fainted.

At night, Qiu Yue slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was in the hospital with blood transfusion on his hands.

"You're awake!" Shangguan Yan'er looked at Qiu Yue with reddish eyes, as if she had been crying for a while.

Beside them are Sun Yuxiao, Shangguan Yifan, and Ling Feng.

"You are all here!" Qiu Yue was lying on his stomach at this time, because he had stitched a few stitches on his back.

Sun Yuxiao sat beside Qiuyue and said worriedly, "How is your body feeling? Does the wound still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, it's okay, you're still here for just a little injury, in fact, I can heal it myself." Qiu Yue said weakly.

Sun Yuxiao smiled, but the smile was painful, and said: "Yuxuan called you, I told her that you were busy at the bar, but I didn't tell her that you were injured, she said that he would accompany you next year Jiangliang City International Hospital, are you going to work there?"

"Well, I'm going to work there, I forgot to tell you, my memory is too bad." Qiu Yue complained.

Sun Yuxiao said worriedly: "It's okay, it's okay, is it a big deal, you just need to recover from your injuries now."

Ling Feng also sat on the side and looked at Qiuyue with concern: "My good brother, take good care of your wounds, we will complete the task together next time."

Shangguan Yifan also said with a smile: "Good job Qiuyue, you are our outstanding member."

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