my beauty fairy

Chapter 99 The Beautiful Girl

Chapter 99 Beautiful Girl

Ling Feng also looked at this beautiful little girl. The people here are so enthusiastic. They all wear skirts that reveal their thighs. If you have a good personality, you can definitely see the beautiful scenery under the pomegranate skirt by tying your shoes!

I saw the girl put the mobile phone in her hand into the breast groove, and suddenly it was estimated that a mobile phone as big as an iphone1 fell into the deep breast groove, and could not see the bottom. The two plump big waves squeezed became fuller and fuller. Can the water be squeezed out by hand?

Suddenly Qiuyue's eyeballs felt a little windy in the eye sockets for some reason, and felt like they were falling out. Her right hand hurriedly held the two eyes to prevent them from falling out. Qiu Yue and Ling Feng's heads were stuck, making Qiu Yue's eyes hazy, and the moment he turned his head, Qiu Yue's eyeballs were all over the floor.

Ling Feng was the same as Qiu Yue, staring at the beautiful girl dumbfounded. After putting the mobile phone into the cleavage, he squeezed it with both hands. When the big 1 breast 1 is squeezed out more than half of the hood, if you squeeze it with both hands, how powerful is the temptation, then you deserve it three times a day!) These movements deeply make Qiu Yue and Ling Feng was ashamed of himself, and it also made Qiu Yue feel like a new man, just like a baby, and only then did he begin to have a little preliminary understanding of the world.

"Two handsome guys, I'm very happy that you are asking me questions in this foreign country. As for me, as the beautiful Gu Liang of our Taiyuan City, I should answer a series of worries and troubles for you. What do you two want to ask? ?” The woman said with a charming smile.

Ling Feng couldn't speak, his mouth was already drooling, he stood on tiptoe and looked at the unfathomable breast moat.

Seeing Ling Feng's loss of composure, Qiu Yue hurriedly spoke to divert the woman's attention, and said awkwardly: "Uh, that, this, just, we just want to ask where is the hotel nearby!" Qiu Yue said with a heart It's because you didn't listen to our question before you put your mobile phone in the breast pit!I wipe it!

The woman's smile was as majestic as it attacked Qiuyue's brain, because the woman was missing two front teeth when she smiled, and the other teeth were all black and brown. In this case, slow motion playback: slow motion 1, just met At that time, this woman had a delicate body, expressive eyebrows, exquisite facial features, a good figure, and twisted buttocks.Slow motion 2, the woman charmingly puts her mobile phone into her breasts, causing the two heroes to bend over.And these two big ones, one tit and one tender one can squeeze out water.Until the third shot, the woman suddenly smiled and lost two front teeth, and the color of the mouth was mainly black and brown. Under such circumstances, would you be crazy?

Immediately, Ling Feng opened his mouth wide, he couldn't close it in shock, he had cramps, his tongue couldn't move, he couldn't control his mouth.

On the other hand, Qiu Yue was going crazy, he was about to lose his hold, his whole body trembled as if he had been electrocuted, his eyes were blurred, his nerves were confused, and his brain lacked oxygen.

"Uh, no, I'm sorry, Gu Liang, I, we have admitted to the wrong person, we still have something to do, let's go first!" Qiu Yue lowered his head and pulled Ling Feng and the two of them with muddy tears and turned to leave. The woman was left with her "beautiful" teeth "swaying" in the wind.

Ling Feng, who couldn't move his mouth for a long time, managed to close his mouth with both hands. Following Qiu Yue's pace, he ran for more than 100 meters before stopping, and his mouth slowly returned to normal.

"Qiu Yue, I'm a little scared, let's get out of here!" Ling Feng's tears had already dried up.

Qiuyue's eyes were full of panic and pain, and he said tremblingly: "Go, where are you going, we are here to perform a mission, you, where are you going, we should find the hotel by our own strength, Then quickly complete the task and go home! e!"

"Uh, I can't take it anymore. Is my heart going to get sick again? It's been more than 20 years since I got sick when I was five years old. Today, my heart starts to panic again. I, I have to eat one." Suxiao Jiuxin Pill!" Tremblingly, Ling Feng put a pill into his mouth, recalling the previous missions, big and small, some killed people, some were hunted down, some entered terrorist bases, and some assassinated evil ambassadors , Which time was it not a courageous battle, and which time was it not the kind of majesty and boldness that crossed the Yalu River?But today is bent down here?

Qiu Yue hurriedly opened a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Ling Feng. Ling Feng poured the bottle of water into his stomach with a grunt. It took a long time before he recovered, and said with a pale face: "This place is terrible, we don't want to ask people Come on, please Qiuyue, can we create a brand new hotel with our own hands?"

"Don't ask, don't ask, don't say you have a heart disease, even a person like me who doesn't have a heart disease can't bear such a fright! My heart is about to be scared!" Qiu Yue burst into tears Said hazyly.

Ling Feng and Qiu Yue supported each other, and walked forward step by step with difficulty. The passers-by on the road smiled at Qiu Yue and Ling Feng, but Ling Feng and Qiu Yue didn't dare to look at them at all. watching them.

Maybe because Qiuyue Lingfeng looked like two refugees, a handsome guy in fashionable clothes came over and said with a smile: "Both brothers, seeing how tired you are, do you need help?"

Ling Feng and Qiu Yue looked at each other, as if they were asking each other if this man was reliable.

Qiu Yue nodded, and the expression in his eyes was: "I don't know, I don't think men should have any major problems, anyway, we are just asking a question!!"

After reading Qiuyue's eyes, Ling Feng blinked, meaning to take a chance, as there is no hotel nearby, and he didn't know when he would have to go.

Qiu Yue nodded and looked back at the kind and harmless handsome boy.

"We want to find a hotel!" Qiu Yue said, "Is there any nearby!"

At this time, Qiuyue and Lingfeng's hearts could not take it anymore, they were so nervous that they were beating twenty times per second.

The man actually said: "You two are so boring, can you add me!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we saw the hotel, let's go!" Ling Feng wished he could wrap his face in a black cloth.The two walked forward quickly with their heads down.

"There's a hotel over there!" Qiu Yue looked back, and saw a man holding a sign in his hand saying: high-end hotel, special car to pick you up.

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