soldier rushing forward

100. Agent Invasion

Dong Yan walked out of the tent, took off the big mask, took a deep breath of fresh air, and then looked up at the distant mountains. 【 】

The war was finally coming to an end. Although it was short, it was too long for her.The damn mountainous area of ​​Vietnam has hardly encountered good weather since coming here.It's wet and dewy all day long, it's terribly hot during the day, and terribly cold at night.After a week, there will always be a few days of drizzle.Although it is in February, it is not as delicate and beautiful as "there is a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival".There are mountains everywhere, and misty mist everywhere, not to mention seeing any scenery, even breathing has to increase a bit.Even though summer has not yet arrived, those mosquitoes that sting down in winter have been on the stage for a long time, but they are chasing people vigorously.It hits your face during the day, and sucks your plasma at night.One suction is not enough, and a large number of companions have to be recruited to occupy a large smooth area on the body, and the stings can't stop.By the time people felt itchy, big bumps like soybeans had already grown on their bodies.It's not for you to scratch or hit, it's extremely unbearable.

What's even more frightening is that although there are many clear springs in the mountains, she and her sisters seldom visit them.Occasionally, when you go there, you have to mobilize the troops, and you must be protected by more than one squad of male soldiers.Otherwise, maybe a few agents will come out of nowhere and have to take you away.At this juncture, no one wants to be a prisoner, let alone seek trouble if they have nothing to do.What's more, what is it like for female soldiers to take a bath and male soldiers to protect them.

Therefore, during the ten or so days when Dong Yan came to the mountainous area of ​​Yuebei, she was busy rescuing the wounded all day long, and never took a full bath.Now when I heard that I was going to retreat, my body itched faster than my heart.

"Gone, gone, I don't want to see you anymore. Although you have the beauty of the mountain, in my heart, it is really out of time with you. Maybe this is the missed meeting! I hope we will never meet, don't No, helpless Yuebei!" Dong Yan sighed in her heart.

The entire division has almost been withdrawn, but the division hospital cannot be withdrawn yet.The wounded who were withdrawn from the front line must be treated by them before they can be transferred back to the country.If the division hospital is withdrawn, there will be nowhere for these wounded to be treated.Operating in the stretching mountainous area, without helicopters, and relying on cars to slow down, I don't know how many soldiers' lives will be delayed. Therefore, the division hospital retreated, and it was actually dragged down.

Dong Yan got some air outside this big tent, then hurriedly walked to another tent.

Inside the tent was messy and discarded debris.There were two wounded sitting on wire beds.The quilt on the bed was folded and packed into two backpacks, and the two guns were placed on the wire bed.Transparent steel wires and iron pipes cover the ground brightly.

As soon as Dong Yan came in, she yelled at the two wounded, "Why don't you leave? What time is it? The troops are going to leave."

One of the wounded replied, "We are going to evacuate together with the division hospital."

"Why?" Dong Yan asked.

"You have too few people here, it's dangerous."

"It's okay, a guard platoon will be strengthened in the division soon."

"Then we'll go with them."

"No, Doctor Zhang asked me to come and have a look, just because I'm afraid you won't leave yet." Dong Yan said, walking over and lifting a backpack and putting it on a soldier, "You are lightly wounded, take the backpack yourself! There's another car coming. You follow along."

The wounded person refused to pick him up, and insisted, "Nurse Dong, don't look at us being injured, we can still deal with three or two enemies. With us here, you will be safer."

"No, no, we have guns." Dong Yan lifted the nurse's uniform and revealed the pistol inside.

"I know, I know you are prepared. But you are inexperienced in war, let us stay first! We will leave when the guards arrive."

Dong Yan pondered for a while and said, "Okay! I'll report to Director Zhang."

Director of surgery Zhang Yu is doing surgery.Dong Yan came in and quietly reported the situation of the two wounded who refused to leave.

"Okay! If you don't go, don't go! We will withdraw after this operation is completed."

At this time, a male soldier came in from the outside, "Director Zhang, the division's logistics department has urged us to withdraw quickly."

"Well, you tell Minister Chen that this is the last one, and we'll leave when we're done." Holding the scalpel, Zhang Yu continued to search for something on the wounded body!

The soldier's body was hit by more than a dozen pieces of shell shrapnel from the Vietnamese army. The shrapnel on the skin has been cleaned up, and only two places caught in the bone seam are still being cleaned.

Zhang Yu clamped the last piece of shrapnel with a clip, and pulled it out with great effort.He pulled out a bloody piece of shrapnel abruptly and clamped it to the iron clip.

"Okay, it can be transferred." Zhang Yu heaved a sigh of relief, "Come here, take him away."

Several nurses came in from the outside, and they were busy bandaging the wounded man, then carried him outside, and took him away in a car.

"Director Zhang, can we go?" Dong Yan stepped forward and asked.

"Okay," Zhang Yu took off his gloves and began to take off his white coat.When he turned his head, he found that a soldier lifted the curtain and looked inside.

"Is there something wrong?" Zhang Yu asked.

The warrior did not answer, but drew his head back again.

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, then Ji Er chased him out and asked, "Are there any wounded?"

He felt that the soldier was unfamiliar, thinking that he had been withdrawn from the front line again.Although the hospital is currently short-staffed, in order to treat the wounded, he can be busy for a while by himself.Therefore, he was afraid of delaying the treatment of the wounded, so he chased him out to ask.

When he chased him out, the soldier had already walked five or six steps forward.

Hearing Zhang Yu's questioning from behind, the soldier had to stop, turned around, his face shook upwards, and he forced a smile, saying in very blunt Chinese, "No, no, we're passing by."

"Oh, that's good!" Zhang Yu lowered the curtain and returned to the tent.Suddenly, he realized something, "No, this person is not like our soldier."

The soldier who came was wearing a brand-new green military uniform, as if it had just been taken out of the warehouse and folded for a long time.Then savor his accent carefully, not like the south, nor the north.Although the soldiers come from all over the country and their accents are very different, the inertia of speaking is not bad.But the man seemed to stammer when he spoke.After such an analysis, Zhang Yu realized that the person was not his own, so he hurriedly said to Dong Yan, "The person just now is probably a secret agent, go and notify the security squad."

"Ah!" Dong Yan panicked when she heard that it was a secret agent.She had only heard about how brutal the Vietnamese agents were, but she had never seen a real agent.Now that the enemy agents are in front of her, how can she not be afraid?

Seeing that she didn't respond, Zhang Yu tore off the white coat while rushing out of the tent.When they got out of the tent door, they shouted, "Guard squad, security squad."

A whistler heard the shout and hurried over, "Director Zhang, what's the matter?"

"Did you see a stranger coming in just now?" Zhang Yu asked anxiously.


"A warrior, a warrior in a new suit."

"Yes, yes, I teased him just now!" The soldier said with a smile, "It seems that this man didn't fight, he came here somewhere, and his clothes didn't even have any dirt."

"Quick, hurry up and bring someone back to bring him back. He's not one of us, he's probably an agent."

"Ah!" The soldier was startled, and immediately replied, "Yes." He turned around and led several soldiers to chase in the direction where the agent disappeared.After a while, the soldier came back again and said to Zhang Yu, "Director Zhang, I couldn't find it, so I asked that turtle to run away."

"Pack up your things, tie them up, and retreat quickly." Zhang Yu realized that the hospital was exposed, and the enemy would definitely take action here, so he told the soldiers to retreat quickly.

The division hospital is located in a valley, and it arrived here after several transfers with the advancing troops.It was originally in the rear when the order to withdraw the troops was given.As the battle line continued to tighten, it did not retreat accordingly, so it moved forward more and more.

For the past few days, a small group of public security soldiers have been staring at this place, trying to strike several times, but seeing that there are a lot of our vehicles coming in and out here, it is impossible to guess how many troops there are, so they have never dared to do anything .When they found that the vehicles coming in were empty and the vehicles pulled out were heavy vehicles full of people, they realized that the Chinese in this area were about to evacuate.The public security soldiers couldn't wait any longer, fearing that they would end up with an empty city.So they sent in a Vietnamese agent who could speak Chinese to scout out the situation.

After the Vietnamese soldier came in wearing a Chinese military uniform, he was not strictly questioned by the sentry, so he walked around the hospital and saw that it was not heavily guarded by soldiers, but a temporary hospital of our army.There were no more than a dozen soldiers with guns.The others were either male wounded, or female doctors and nurses, who had no combat effectiveness at all.The Vietnamese soldier ran back to report, and the police began to take action here.

It was not completely dark yet, Zhang Yu urged everyone to load the vehicles and prepare to retreat.The medical staff helped the wounded into the car, and then jumped up one by one.Three cars are ready to move.

"Director Zhang, we don't want the tent anymore." Dong Yan asked while holding the car door.

"No, no, get in." Zhang Yu urged Dong Yan to get in the car, and then sat in the co-pilot seat himself.

The headlights of the car were turned on, illuminating a long passage in the valley.The motors of the three cars roared, and they drove out of the hospital one after the other and drove forward.

When the public security soldiers rushed down from the top of the mountain, they became anxious when they saw it, and hurriedly called for artillery fire.Want to stop these three cars with artillery fire.

Several shells exploded screaming among the three cars.

As soon as Dong Yan heard the sound of the cannon, she hurriedly hugged her head and stood in the compartment, fearing that she would be bombed.

"Quick, quick, rush over." Zhang Yu ordered the driver.

The driver stepped on the accelerator and accelerated forward.

Suddenly, the front of the first car was shot, tilted its head and hit the foot of the mountain, and stopped immediately.

Several living guard soldiers jumped out of the car, hid behind rocks and trees, and prepared to meet the enemy.The wounded in the vehicle were also carried off, hid behind a ridge, and waited for the vehicles behind to come up.

Immediately afterwards a second car rushed over and stopped in front of the destroyed first car.Everyone loaded the vehicles in a hurry, and then continued to retreat under the cover of guard soldiers.

The third car that Zhang Yu and Dong Yan were riding in was whining and galloping forward.Due to the high speed of the car, when the driver turned the corner, the driver turned the steering wheel, but the front of the car did not adjust, and suddenly hit a big rock.Just listening to the sound of "dang", the car body shook suddenly, and the car stopped moving.

The car stopped abruptly, Dong Yan was caught off guard, with her head on the front windshield, she was knocked unconscious immediately.

Zhang Yu's forehead was also hit with blood, and he exclaimed to the driver, "What's wrong, get down quickly."

The driver steered the car desperately, adjusting the direction.Before the car was fully adjusted, the policemen on the mountain were already approaching.The enemy's gunshots and howls rushed straight at Zhang Yu's car.

The three soldiers in the carriage fired at the enemy, desperately trying to stop the enemy.

A burst of shots on the carriage temporarily suppressed the enemy's firepower.

The car had just walked a few steps, and a few bullets flew over and blew up the tires.

The car lurched to the left and stopped completely on the road.

The driver grabbed a semi-automatic rifle and said to Zhang Yu, "Director Zhang, take Nurse Dong and retreat quickly, and we will cover." After speaking, he opened the car door, jumped under the car, and fired in the direction of the enemy's attack.

Zhang Yu saw that Dong Yan was still awake, so he patted hard, "Dong Yan, can you still walk?"

Dong Yan nodded.

"Fine, follow me and run forward." Zhang Yu jumped out of the car, caught Dong Yan, and the two ran forward in the dark.

The public security soldiers on the mountain came down from the mountain and gradually surrounded the car, shelling and strafing the car.After a while, the returning gunfire from the car finally stopped, and all four Chinese soldiers died.

Zhang Yu and Dong Yan didn't dare to look back to see what was going on behind them, and they still felt slow when they ran wildly.

They want to run out of the enemy's pursuit range and jump out of the enemy's clutches.It is estimated that if you run a few kilometers forward, you will definitely encounter Chinese troops.At that time, with reinforcements, they don't have to be afraid of the group of enemies behind them.

The night is long and the valley is boundless, as if the road ahead has no end.Even though the two of them ran forward vigorously, they couldn't get out of the valley.Whether they lost their way, neither of them can tell.Since you can't tell the difference, let's run around!

The two of them didn't care about the southeast and northwest, they just ran forward along the road.

The moon is sparse, and some light can still be seen in the dirty sky.

Running and running, suddenly four or five figures appeared in front of him.

The two hurriedly stopped and hid behind a stone.Zhang Yu drew out his gun and asked pantingly, "Are you one of us?"

Only a Chinese voice said, "Yes."

As soon as Zhang Yu heard that the other party spoke Chinese, he immediately relaxed his vigilance. He walked out of the stone with Dong Yan, and slowly approached a few people, "Are you in the line of guards?"

"Yes." The other party said another word.

When Zhang Yu and Dong Yan approached the shadow queen.Suddenly, several black shadows flashed towards them at the same time, reaching out and dropping the guns of Zhang Yu and Dong Yan.

After the guns of the two men were fired, the other party began to speak Vietnamese.

When Zhang Yu heard that it was over, he realized that he and Dong Yan had fallen into the hands of enemy agents.

At this time, hurried footsteps sounded from the north, and a team was running towards here.

Someone in the shadows spoke Vietnamese again.The two agents came up and violently pushed Zhang Yu and Dong Yan into the woods on the hillside.

As soon as they got into the woods, they saw the team coming from the north and exchanged fire with the policemen who rushed from behind.The two sides lie at the bottom of the ditch and it is another big battle.

The group that captured Zhang Yu and Dong Yan was a local militia.The leader is Ruan Liansheng.

Ruan Liansheng saw that the fight at the foot of the mountain was very lively, so he said to his subordinates, "Let's not empty-handed, let's go back to the village to report."

A Vietnamese soldier said, "Aren't we going to help the police?"

"These boys are very used to bullshit. Don't worry about them. It's better to let the Chinese teach them a lesson."

After speaking, Ruan Liansheng led people to escort Zhang Yu and Dong Yan into the woods and disappeared into the mountains.

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