Song Ziliang ran with his men all night and didn't see Wu Jianglong's half figure. If he went any further, he would cross the border. 【 】

On the front line of the Vietnamese side, the Vietnamese army not only deployed a large number of landmines, but also had heavy soldiers at every intersection.

As soon as the squadron withdrew, Vietnamese regular troops, miscellaneous troops, and local armed forces flocked to the side of the border, threatening to counterattack China.But they hadn't reached the point where they were acting recklessly, and the pain from the beating just now hadn't completely disappeared.

The pots and pans that have been extended to the great powers, as well as the weapons and ammunition that have been stored for several years, are now smashed, burned, and brought back by the retreating Chinese soldiers.It can be said that the family has lost all their money and money.At this time, if he wanted to rush out of the border, even if he had ten guts, he wouldn't dare.Therefore, I can only set up minefields at one end of my house, pull up wires, seal up the ripped skirts, and close the door to continue to be the third in the world and the boss in Asia.

How could Wu Jianglong escape from such a turbulent national border and so many places guarded by heavy soldiers.What's more, he, Song Ziliang, never neglected the pursuit, so he didn't believe that Wu Jianglong would return to the country, and he would definitely be hiding in some mountain, some jungle, or some other corner.

Song Ziliang vowed to avenge his dead brother.Since Wu Jianglong didn't leave the country, don't even think about going back to the country, he must catch a living person so that he can disembowel and dig out his heart and pay homage to the dead.Song Ziliang hated Wu Jianglong so much that he wished he could swallow him alive.Therefore, how can we let him go.

Soon, Song Ziliang returned to the jungle area where Wu Jianglong was chasing.

The jungle is too big, if you search bit by bit, it is obviously impossible with this little force.Then we have to wait and wait.

Song Ziliang took these soldiers to a hilltop where they could have a panoramic view of the jungle, and they took turns to observe the jungle.They are looking for Wu Jianglong's weakness, and they don't believe that he will continue to persevere without eating or drinking.As long as you move, there will be clues.Even if you go to the river to fetch water, you can't escape the sight of these Vietnamese soldiers.

A puff of smoke rose from the jungle.

After a Vietnamese soldier saw it, he hurriedly ran to report to Song Ziliang.

Song Ziliang, who was dozing against a big tree, was extremely excited when he heard the news.He jumped up from the ground and ran wildly to the observation point.

In order not to let Wu Jianglong escape from sight again.He deliberately arranged for a Vietnamese soldier with a scope to ambush on the mountain, through the lens, to keep a close eye on Wu Jianglong, so as not to lose it.

Then, he took the rest of the people and ran down the mountain, into the jungle, and rushed towards the place where the smoke rose.

Maybe the sniper on the hill was blinded, or maybe the rifle went off.No matter how you think about it, a bullet will come out of the gun and hit the fire directly.At such a long distance, it is quite good to have this accuracy.If he hit Wu Jianglong, he would undoubtedly be a sharpshooter.Wu Jianglong secretly celebrated that he and Dong Yan were not hit.Since I didn't hit it, I will continue to run.This shot undoubtedly called Wu Jianglong to the police.

At this time, Song Ziliang hadn't stuck to the fire near the cliff.As soon as he heard the gunshot, he became anxious, and scolded the soldier on the mountain as a bastard, obviously calling the police to Wu Jianglong and the others.If Wu Jianglong is allowed to escape, he vows to investigate his ancestors for eight generations to see if he has Chinese blood.

When Song Ziliang led his people to the fire, the flames were burning brightly.The smell of barbecue is still lingering in the air.

These Vietnamese soldiers could not help sniffing upwards when they smelled the meat, and focused their salivating eyes on the fire.In order not to be exposed, they also did not eat hot food for a day or two.If there is meat to eat now, he will never let it go.

But this Wu Jianglong is really stingy, and before leaving, he even brought another piece of snake meat with him, so that the place only smells of meat, but there is no meat.These Vietnamese soldiers can only smell the smell to satisfy their greed.No matter how hard I smacked my lips, it couldn't counteract the growl of my stomach.

A Vietnamese soldier walked toward the fire unwillingly, picked up a stick on the ground and wanted to poke inside to see if there was any food in it.

Before the stick hit the fire, Song Ziliang suddenly stopped it loudly, and kept scolding, and told the others to move away from the fire.Maybe Song Ziliang hasn't forgotten that he was almost killed by the grenade in the fire.

The Vietnamese soldier retreated.

"What are you waiting for, go look for them in the woods." Song Ziliang shouted angrily when he saw these Vietnamese soldiers refusing to leave around the fire.

It was only then that these Vietnamese soldiers remembered that there was still a Chinese Communist who hadn't been caught.When you catch it, no matter what, you have to grab back some meat to eat.So they turned around and approached the jungle behind them.

Although they just got out of it, everyone was afraid and timid when they tried to get in again.Because this jungle is different from the previous ones, there is a middle-aged man in it who can play tricks.

"Rush, rush, let me charge in." Song Ziliang found that these Vietnamese soldiers dared not move forward, and became angry. While shouting, he grabbed a submachine gun with one hand and shot desperately into the forest.

As soon as he fired, the other Vietnamese soldiers seemed to have been ordered to shoot.Almost at the same time, they all raised their guns and fired towards the jungle.

The enemy's strafing shots were not blind. Several bullets almost flew past Wu Donglong's body.

Knowing that the enemy was not far away, Wu Jianglong didn't dare to neglect at all, and forced Dong Yan to run forward.

Weeds are trampled down, tree nests are knocked over, as long as it keeps the enemy away, it will do.At this time, Wu Jianglong, as long as he ran fast, he didn't care about traces.

Song Ziliang took these people and shot into the jungle for a while, but did not see any reaction from the other party.So he stopped and shouted to his subordinates, "Stop, stop."

A dozen or so Vietnamese soldiers stopped shooting.

"Comrades, the Beikou is in this jungle. If you want to avenge your brothers, follow me in and catch them alive." Song Ziliang seemed to be aware of the danger in front of him, and acted like he was giving his last words to his subordinates. mobilization work.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Vietnamese soldiers screamed away, and their enthusiasm was greatly improved.

It's not that they didn't want to go in and catch him, but they were afraid of Wu Jianglong. First, they were scared by sniper rifles, and second, they were overwhelmed by the grenade trap he designed.These people know very well that they are the only ones who set booby traps for the American devils, and they have never been counted by others.The past two days have been good. Not only were the Chinese captives rescued, but they also lost their strength again and again, costing six or seven lives in vain.They hated Wu Jianglong to death, but they had nothing to do with him.Stay away, lest he run away.Going forward, he couldn't afford to offend his shot and thunder.So I am very afraid of Wu Jianglong who got into the jungle.

"Come on, follow me in and catch some alive." So far, Song Ziliang has not given up his determination to capture Wu Jianglong alive.

Song Ziliang was in front, and these Vietnamese soldiers lined up, stepping on the thick weeds, searching forward step by step.

As soon as they entered the jungle, the light immediately dimmed.The towering trees not only blocked the sun, but also the dense shrubs blocked the light that came in obliquely.

This time, Song Ziliang led people into the jungle without the madness he had when chasing Wu Jianglong for the first time.At that time, he thought he was a monkey in the jungle, a bear in the jungle.Even those American devils were beaten and cried, let alone you, a Chinese soldier.On my own one-acre three-point land, there is still your soldier's share.Therefore, when he was chasing Wu Jianglong, he was full of wildness, and there was no place where he could look down on Wu Jianglong.The top of the head is imposing, but the bottom of the feet is ambitious. Even a fart seems to be more powerful than a mortar shell.

Song Ziliang has changed, and he has really become very cautious. Even his subordinates feel that he is a little abnormal and too cautious.Therefore, when he entered the jungle, he was cautious. Although he followed Wu Jianglong's footprints, he didn't dare to run, lest he would be caught by something under his feet and be tricked by Wu Jianglong.

After entering the jungle for about 100 meters, nothing happened, only the weeds and scattered leaves stepped down by Wu Jianglong and Dong Yan were in a mess, and no booby traps were encountered.

Song Ziliang smiled. From these signs, he could see that Wu Jianglong was running away desperately, and he was running away in a panic, not talking about military tactics at all.War is not only about strength, but also resourcefulness.An ignorant person, no matter how advanced weapons he has, can't win any battles. He can only give away the weapons and the territory.Looking at these traces, Song Ziliang's fear of Wu Jianglong has also decreased a little bit, and even contempt appeared.A person who is in disarray, a person in a panic, and a person who only cares about running for his life, what tactics can he have at this time.It's all just running, what else do you care about fighting back, what kind of landmine traps do you care about?

Since the opponent has no combat capability, there is nothing to be afraid of.Song Ziliang became more and more courageous, and shouted at the Vietnamese soldiers, "Comrades, don't be afraid, the enemy is about to get down." Then, he waved his gun, "I took a big step and chased forward."

The leader has spoken, and he is a leader who has charged forward, and no one does not believe his words.In this case, let's go!Therefore, these enemies are not careful, and they no longer carefully check the bottom of their feet, and they are not afraid that something will be tripped.All of them took courage, took out the vigor to fight for success, and jumped forward with all their strength.

There were really two Vietnamese soldiers who showed better leaping skills than Song Ziliang, and after a few vertical jumps, they ran in front of Song Ziliang.

Song Ziliang smiled, this is what he wanted.Don't look at yourself rushing to the front, it's for your subordinates to see, it's a kind of inducement to keep silent.Seeing everyone rushing over, Song Ziliang gradually changed from the first to the last.It is true that the leaders speak and the masses work.The leader is talkative, but the subordinates have dry heads. The key is whether you can coax people.

Don't look at Song Ziliang looking down on Wu Jianglong now, but he still has some precautions in his heart.He was not only worried about Wu Jianglong's desperate way of escaping, but also always had a kind of confusion that could not be relieved.

Song Ziliang really guessed it.Suddenly, there was an explosion ahead, followed by another.Then there was the howling of several Vietnamese soldiers.

Song Ziliang quickened his pace again and hurried over.Looking closer, one Vietnamese soldier was killed, and another Vietnamese soldier was blown up and retreated.Looking forward, the Vietnamese soldier who ran the fastest had already fallen motionless in a pool of blood.

Song Ziliang was in a hurry, grabbed a Vietnamese soldier in front of him, and asked, "What's going on?"

The Vietnamese soldier looked at him in fear and kept shaking his head.He didn't know what was going on, so he just ran forward desperately and didn't see anything.

This time, Song Ziliang was dumbfounded, but also honest, and once again experienced the deceitfulness of this Chinese soldier.With no way to advance or retreat, Song Ziliang was in a dilemma.

However, there is a more tragic ending waiting for him!

After Wu Jianglong dragged Dong Yan forward for a while, he felt that this kind of passive escape was not an option.What they are going to cross is the national border, and there must be a large number of enemies stocked there.If you want to pass, you can only do it secretly.But now, behind him are these followers who can't get rid of them, making a lot of noise.When we reach the national border, it will not snowball more and more.At that time, let alone wanting to cross, there is no chance of surviving in the jungle.

"If you want to cross the border and return to China, you must first get rid of these guys who can't get rid of you." After Wu Jianglong had these thoughts, he suddenly stopped.

Seeing that Wu Jianglong stopped running, Dong Yan also bent down, covered her stomach, and adjusted the flow of air while panting.After panting for a while, she finally calmed down her beating heart, and then she had the time to see Wu Jianglong.

As soon as Wu Jianglong stopped, he was busy on the ground again.

Dong Yan didn't know what he was doing, so she walked over curiously and asked, "Wu Jianglong, what are you doing?"

"Get Guizi two more melons to eat."

"Where did you get the melon?" Dong Yan didn't understand Wu Jianglong's words.

"That's it." Wu Jianglong raised his hand to light up the captured grenade.

"Be gentle, be careful it will explode." Dong Yan took a step back.

Dong Yan only threw a grenade during recruit training.Even after he entered the Vietnam battlefield, he never touched any conventional weapons, and he never even fired a single shot.In normal times, the only personal weapon is the pistol.Originally, female soldiers should also be issued submachine guns, but because she has been busy in the operating room, the division leader specially arranged for each of them to be equipped with pistols, which are only used in emergencies.Therefore, she rarely saw weapons such as grenades, not to mention, this kind of grenade is rarely equipped by our army.

She is very new to grenades.I think this thing looks better than a grenade.The black surface is checkered, and there is an iron ring pinned to it.Such a dark thing is called a grenade, so how do you play it?So, curious, she stretched out her hand to touch the iron ring.

"Don't move," Wu Jianglong suddenly withdrew his hand.

Dong Yan was surprised by Wu Jianglong's sudden action, and was momentarily stunned.

"It will ring as soon as this one is pulled. At that time, you and I don't need the enemy to look for it, and we will finish ourselves." After finishing speaking, Wu Jianglong ignored Dong Yan and continued to work on his own work.

Wu Jianglong reckoned that this time the enemy would not be marching in a single file, but probably spread out in a line.So when he placed the booby traps, he placed the two grenades in a line and spread them out at a wide distance.And each ring is tied with a grass rope, as long as an enemy pulls the grass rope, both grenades can explode.

He was also worried that the enemy would not be able to step on the grass rope or trigger the grenade due to his large strides.So the straw rope was raised.As soon as the grass rope was raised, he was afraid of being discovered by the enemy and avoided it.So, he planted some bushes, blocked several passages in the weeds, and placed a few traces of his own footsteps in the direction of laying mines.Bare and very visible.But in front of the footprints, there is a chaotic firewood pile made of bushes, which looks like it has been stepped on.

After the design was completed, Wu Jianglong called Dong Yan, and the two ran behind a big tree.

"Dong Yan, do you dare to eliminate this enemy here?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"Dare." Dong Yan nodded.

"For a while, I will lure the enemy away. After the enemy has passed, you shoot from behind, and we will form a two-sided attack." Wu Jianglong stared at him after finishing speaking, "Remember, when my gun fails to sound, you will shoot again. gun."

"Okay, I'll remember." Although Dong Yan didn't understand Wu Jianglong's intention, he still agreed. .

"Lie down and don't move." After Wu Jianglong finished speaking, he picked some leaves from the ground and sprinkled them on Dong Yan's body for camouflage.Soon, Dong Yan was buried under a deep pit behind a big tree, and Wu Jianglong put the machine gun into a ready state. As long as he hit the board, bullets would fly out of the gun chamber.

After arranging Dong Yan, Wu Jianglong ran to hide behind another big tree, waiting for the sound of the grenade explosion.

After a while, the grenade really rang.

Through the scope of the sniper rifle, Wu Jianglong saw three more enemies being blown down.

He was happy, and took out the bullets on his body and counted them.There are still six bullets in his hand, which means that if there is no accident, he can kill six enemies with one shot.

Estimate the number of enemies in front of you, and they are around twelve or three.In this case, he and the grenade can eliminate nine enemies in total, and Dong Yan's machine gun can eliminate two or three of the remaining ones, so what is he afraid of!One or two enemies is not a problem.

As long as you eliminate these enemies in front of you, victory will belong to you!

In the distance, after Song Ziliang arranged the three corpses, he led his men to continue searching.

Wu Jianglong cursed in his heart, "You son of a bitch, come here if you have the guts."

Immediately afterwards, Wu Jianglong clicked the trigger, and with a "snap," the sniper rifle rang out.

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