soldier rushing forward

121. Floating Fallen Leaves

This is a dividing river. 【】Hebei is China, and Henan is Vietnam.

The clear river forms a dark blue jade belt between the two mountains, binding the mountains at the waist. The concave indentations make the forests on both sides stand out more prominently, and the protruding ridges are more like a human chest and buttocks. The huge body clearly Divided into two parts.If the distant ancestors who opened up this barren land were traced, if they had any perception, how would they feel about the people who were separated and those who didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth?

The precipitous mountains made the river run so fast that swimming was impossible.Furthermore, the high banks prevented any possibility of entering the water with bare hands.

Although Wu Jianglong and the others reached the river, they couldn't get into the water anyway.The roar of the river is even more daunting.

"Not here, go down." Wu Jianglong followed the direction of the river to choose where to enter the water.

In fact, there is no river bank here at all.It is the water that blows away the mountain, except for the mountain or the mountain.The banks of the river are actually steep cliffs and cliffs. If you want to enter the water, unless you come to a ten-meter diving platform and do a diving action, you can only look at the river and sigh.

"Old Wu, I can't swim." Tang Jianzhong followed behind, terrified of seeing the water, and kept telling Wu Jianglong.

"I don't know how to water either." Dong Yan echoed.

"My God!" Wu Jianglong was really anxious when he heard that neither of them could swim. "How can I cross the river if I can't swim. Can I carry one, but can't I carry two at the same time?"

"Then let's find a shallower one and let it flow through." Tang Jianzhong suggested.

Wu Jianglong didn't speak, and while scanning the opposite bank, he searched for the hillside under his feet.After searching for a long time, I didn't find a suitable water entry point, so I frowned and said, "Even if you go to the end, you can't find this place."

Although Wu Jianglong is angry, there is nothing he can do. Who told us not to do some swimming training before going abroad!

This battle was fought suddenly.Uncle Deng made this decision suddenly after he returned from a visit to the United States.Not to mention the small soldiers of the grassroots company, even the leaders of a certain level rushed into battle after receiving this order.The consistent style of the boss, the consistent heroic spirit, coupled with the long-term fine tradition of our army's invincibility, regard all reactionaries as paper tigers.Even the American devils are not a problem, let alone a small country like Vietnam.Therefore, the preparations for the battle are very hasty, and the training is also a sharpening of the guns, not to mention that most of the soldiers on the battlefield are small soldiers who have not fired a few shots.At that time, I only thought of the vast mountains and forests in Vietnam, but I never thought that there was water here.Even if there is water, the bridge will pass, so there is nothing to be afraid of.What is going on here is not a naval battle, so no one thinks of any swimming training.Therefore, Tang Jianzhong and Dong Yan, landlubbers from the north, have nothing to blame for not being able to swim.The only thing to blame is that I didn't play with water much.Children born by other people's water can do without training, because they have more time for self-study.If you learn a few more skills when you have nothing to do, you can really use them in times of crisis.It is not a bad thing to have more skills than to be overwhelmed by skills.

The three of them walked down the hillside.On the one hand, it is necessary to prevent tripping by bushes and weeds, and on the other hand, it is also necessary to prevent any mudslides.If there is a mudslide, it will be fine, and it will save a lot of trouble by following the trend.But I am afraid that once it is integrated into it, it will be mixed with mud and rocks, and it will be buried below and cannot come out.

The three Vietnamese soldiers on the top of the mountain left the top of the mountain with submachine guns in hand, got into the jungle, and walked through the forest in the direction where Wu Jianglong and the others had appeared.

The forest is deep and the trees are dense, and the grass is also spread out and the tall body blocks everything in front of the enemy that can be seen.People trapped in it can only walk in one direction, and if they change an angle, they may reverse the direction.

When the three enemies came to the river, the place was empty, only the waves of trees and the swaying of wormwood all over the mountains and plains.As if no one was going down the river, the pools of water swirled and made ripples, and the silence on the surface concealed the noise at the bottom of the river.

A Vietnamese soldier asked, "Did they cross the river?"

The officer didn't make a sound, just picked up a stone from the ground and threw it into the river.


After a dull sound of hitting the water, the river surface returned to its original state.

"Impossible." The officer said affirmatively, "The river is deep and fast, let alone bare hands, even with a boat, it may not be possible to cross it."

"Then where can they run?" The Vietnamese soldier who spoke stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance.Suddenly he pointed happily: "It's there, it's there."

"Where is it?" The officer turned his head and looked in the direction of his finger.

In the continuous sage grass along the hillside, three human heads were shaking.

The officer was proud, and after "chasing", he was the first to rush forward with a gun in his hand.

At this time, Wu Jianglong and the others hadn't realized that there were pursuers behind them, so they put all their thoughts on finding the ferry.

A long stream of cliffs can never come to an end.The narrow river seems to be deliberately creating problems for Wu Jianglong and the others.Pentium roared for two or three miles, but there was still no sign of the river widening.

After turning a bend in the mountain, the flow of the river suddenly accelerated.Wu Jianglong judged that there must be a drop ahead, or the draft of the river is large, which means that the water flow area must be spread out.

"Old Tang, hurry up." Wu Jianglong turned his head and urged Tang Jianzhong, who was walking at the end.

"Here we come, we come." Tang Jianzhong raised his legs high and strode across the wormwood.

Wu Jianglong held Dong Yan in one hand and a sniper rifle in the other.Although he hasn't noticed any pursuers yet, he doesn't take it lightly for a moment.If there is no preparation, if the enemy rushes over in a certain direction, they are likely to be eaten by the enemy.At the last minute, do not make such a mistake under any circumstances.

"No, you must not make such a mistake." Wu Jianglong just thought in his heart, he didn't say it out, because he was afraid of adding pressure to Tang Jianzhong and Dong Yan.

Seeing that the three of them were about to turn around the bend in the mountain, suddenly a bullet shot from behind.The bullets fired hit the three people, and the wormwood was broken one after another.

"Get down!" Wu Jianglong shouted loudly.

As soon as Tang Jianzhong lay on the ground, the submachine gun in his hand went off.He didn't know where the enemy was, he just randomly shot in the direction the enemy was coming from.His random shooting really stunned the three enemies.

Seeing the fierce firepower of the opponent, the three Vietnamese troops who were chasing them had to consider their own safety.In the case of equal forces, if you are not careful and attack blindly, if you are hit by the opponent, not only will you lose your number, but the possibility of winning will be greatly reduced.Therefore, under the suppression of Tang Jianzhong's firepower, the enemy had to stop running temporarily, and all of them lay on the ground at once.

Wu Jianglong rolled out of the enemy's shooting direction, and the enemy disappeared when he looked up.He knew that such a stalemate would be dangerous, and it would easily attract more enemies.Therefore, he decided that the 36 plan is still the best policy.After thinking about it, he turned his head and said to Tang Jianzhong, "Old Tang, take Dong Yan and go first."

"No." Tang Jianzhong said, his body didn't move at all.

Dong Yan also said, "No, we have to go together."

"The enemy's bite is tight, and it's impossible to go together. You go first, and I will cover." Wu Jianglong was afraid that the enemy would touch him, so he fixed his eyes on the front.

"Let us go first, and we have to be prisoners again like last time. How about you, run quickly by yourself." Tang Jianzhong provoked Wu Jianglong with that incident.

"Nonsense." Wu Jianglong was a little anxious, "You go first, go downstream to find a place to cross the river. I restrain the enemy to let you escape."

"There is no way to cross the river, where to find it." Tang Jianzhong still did not move.

Wu Jianglong became angry, suddenly turned the gun, and said sharply, "Old Tang, you know what kind of person I am, Wu Jianglong. Don't make me anxious. Your life is worthless, but there is Nurse Dong!" , staring at her eyes, and asked sharply, "Are you going or not? If something happened to Dong Yan, don't say I can't spare you."

"Yes, I used Nurse Dong as an introduction again," Tang Jianzhong got up from the ground, "Nurse Dong, for your safety, let's go first."

"I won't go, if you want to go, go." Dong Yan refused.

"Dong Yan, if you want to save me, hurry up." Wu Jianglong was in a hurry again.

"Don't go." Dong Yan insisted.

"You idiot, you're stupid! Don't do anything yet." Before Wu Jianglong could finish his sentence, someone from the enemy side started shouting. He didn't know what he was shouting, to the effect of "Quickly surrender! You can't run away." " and other words of persuasion.

"See, the enemy is going to catch someone alive," Wu Jianglong suddenly raised his voice, "Hurry up."

Tang Jianzhong saw that he couldn't leave, so he pulled Dong Yan up, stooped, and ran forward under the cover of tall grass.

Several Vietnamese soldiers saw the swaying wormwood here, thinking that the Chinese soldiers were fleeing, so they rushed over with bullets.

"Da da da"

With the sound of the three submachine guns, the shooting area suddenly increased.The hiding place of Wu Jianglong and the others was immediately covered by bullets.Thanks to Tang Jianzhong and Dong Yan who had taken a step earlier, otherwise they would have been suppressed by bullets.

Seeing that the other party had no strength to fight back, the three enemies boldly stood up from the grass, held guns in hand, suppressed Wu Jianglong, and moved forward boldly.

Wu Jianglong saw that if he didn't hide or fight back, it would be a dead end.So he rolled to the side, stood up suddenly, and shot at the frontmost enemy.

Wu Jianglong's shot was too fast, before the reticle of the scope completely caught the enemy, he pulled the trigger.He can't do it without buckling, the enemy is three submachine guns, and he is a sniper rifle.You can only shoot one way at a time, that is, a single shot, and there is also time to throw it to the side.What's more, at such a short distance, his movements are not fast, his shots are not accurate, and he will be immediately suppressed by the enemy's intensive firepower.

Wu Jianglong's shot was fast enough, but also panicked enough.Therefore, the bullet did not hit the enemy's vitals, but only pierced a hole in the arm of the enemy on the far right.However, the powerful inertia of the sniper rifle bullets still brought the enemy down.

The officer judged from the sound that the other party was not using an ordinary rifle, and analyzed that it was probably a sniper rifle.Therefore, he had to pay attention.

As soon as the Vietnamese soldier fell to the ground, the officer also hid himself in the wormwood.

The officer crawled up to the fallen Vietnamese soldier to see if he was dead or injured.

As soon as he got close, he didn't expect the Vietnamese soldier to get up from the ground and sit on the ground, covering his arms with one hand, while yelling "Ai yo Ai yo".

The officer was relieved when he saw that he was not dead.Let him open his arm first to check the injury.On this arm, a piece of flesh was torn off the outer edge of the bone.If it goes in a little bit, the arm will be finished, and it will definitely be broken.

While bandaging the Vietnamese soldier, the officer said comfortingly, "It's okay, it's okay, no bones are hurt."

After the wounded Vietnamese soldier finished bandaging, he waved lightly and felt that it was okay, and he could cooperate with shooting.So, he picked up the submachine gun dropped in the grass from the ground, gritted his teeth, and cursed, yelling that he must take revenge.

"Okay, go." The officer gestured to another soldier to flank him from the other side.

After Wu Jianglong saw that he hit an enemy with one shot, he waited for a long time and saw that the other enemies did not move, and then fired two shots at the grass where the enemy was hiding.

The enemy immediately fought back.

Wu Jianglong saw that the enemy could only shoot but couldn't come over, guessing there must be something wrong, he cursed inwardly: "You son of a bitch, I want to use the siege tactics again, grandma." After speaking, he turned around and ran forward with his gun in hand.

Tang Jianzhong and Dong Yan were really obedient this time, they ran forward vigorously regardless of the gunshots behind them.

Not far from turning the mountain bend, the river suddenly widened, not only that, but the cliff disappeared.The river almost filled a valley.Running forward, the two saw clearly.On the south bank of the river, there is a bamboo raft floating on the water.

"Old Tang, look at the bamboo raft." Dong Yan shouted after seeing it.

"I see, go quickly." Tang Jianzhong went straight to the bamboo raft.

Dong Yan didn't know what it means to be tired at this time, and followed behind scrambling.

Two people got on the bamboo raft and looked around, but there was no pole.What's the use of rowing without a pole, you can't use your hands!

Tang Jianzhong jumped off the bamboo raft and searched for it in the grass, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

People discharge the bamboo into the water because they can't move it back home, and there is really no way.The purpose of taking away the poles is to prevent someone from taking the bamboo rafts away.Unless you go to the mountain and cut one yourself.

Tang Jianzhong looked up into the distance.There is indeed a bamboo forest on the mountain, but it is too far away.Before he gets there, the pursuers will arrive first.Snatching the bamboo raft is a trivial matter. With the enemy in such a block in front, it is really hard for me to run away from home, hard to vote in the country, and I am still an orphan.So he thought for a long time and didn't dare to go there.

What should I do? If I go, I won’t, and if I don’t go, there’s nothing I can do.Tang Jianzhong lost his mind for a moment.

At this time, Wu Jianglong came down from the mountain and asked from afar, "Old Tang, why are you still here?"

Tang Jianzhong pointed into the water, "There are bamboo rafts, but we can't get rid of them!"

Wu Jianglong turned his head, saw the bamboo raft, and urged, "Get on, get on, I have a solution."

With Tang Jianzhong in front and Wu Jianglong behind, the two ran towards the bamboo raft.

"Go up, go up, go up quickly." Wu Jianglong kept urging on the shore.

When Tang Jianzhong and Dong Yan got on the bamboo raft, Wu Jianglong untied the rope and kicked the bamboo raft hard.

The bamboo raft moved, but the inertia was not great, so it didn't go very far.

Wu Jianglong handed the gun to Tang Jianzhong, "Old Tang, take it." Then he jumped into the water and pushed it forward with his hands.The bamboo raft was finally pushed by Wu Jianglong and began to slide down smoothly.

Wu Jianglong saw that the bamboo raft was not rowing to the opposite bank, but was going down the current, and he was in a hurry.If they make a sharp turn and return to the south bank, wouldn't their efforts be in vain?

Simply stop sitting on your own and use it as a pole!After Wu Jianglong made such a decision, he held the bamboo raft with both hands, kicked the bottom of the water with both feet, turned the bamboo raft around with great effort, and started rowing towards the north bank.

The water got deeper and deeper, and Wu Jianglong gradually left the bottom.If you can't step on it, you can't step on it. We will step on water.So he paddled with his feet and pushed the bamboo raft with both hands.

Dong Yan looked at Wu Jianglong's strenuous effort and lay down on the bamboo raft anxiously.But he didn't dare to stand up, he held his hands empty and couldn't use his strength.

Three enemies jumped down the hill at this time.Seeing the three of Wu Jianglong getting on the bamboo raft, they ran downhill recklessly, shooting at the bamboo raft as they ran.

The bullets that swept over made countless waves around the bamboo raft.

Tang Jianzhong looked at Wu Jianglong's paddlers in a daze, and forgot to fight back at the enemy.

"Old Tang, you are stupid, you still don't cover up." Wu Jianglong shouted in the water.

Tang Jianzhong grabbed his submachine gun and fired at the enemy on the mountain.

The enemy is getting closer and closer, and the range of the bullet wave is getting smaller and smaller, gradually forming a central point around the bamboo raft.

The bamboo raft moved forward with difficulty, and it was about to cross the center of the river, and it began to drift to the north bank when it was under the middle current.

Suddenly, Wu Jianglong felt a shock in his back, and a pool of blood burst into the water.

"Wu Jianglong, you were shot." Dong Yan asked after seeing the bright red blood.

Wu Jianglong smiled and did not answer, and continued to push the bamboo raft forward.

"Old Tang, Old Tang, Wu Jianglong has been shot." Dong Yan shouted to Tang Jianzhong again.

Seeing that Wu Jianglong had been shot, Tang Jianzhong panicked, stood up from the bamboo raft, and fired fiercely at the enemy on the south bank of the river, yelling and cursing, "Turtle sons, come at me if you have the guts."

"Da da da," the bullet Tang Jianzhong fired poured out at the enemy with anger.

Suddenly, mortars flew from the jungle on the north bank, and immediately after that, two explosions sounded in succession at the place where the three enemies were standing on the south bank of the river.


After two beeps, the smoke cleared, but the three enemies disappeared.

There were no enemies, and the sound of gunfire stopped.At this time, the bamboo rafts began to automatically move closer to the north bank.

When there were still more than ten meters away from the shore, Wu Jianglong suddenly let go.Bamboo rafts move forward, but people are backward, and the distance between people and bamboo rafts is getting farther and farther.

When Dong Yan and Tang Jianzhong saw each other, they shouted loudly: "Wu Jianglong, Wu Jianglong."

At this time, Wu Jianglong is like a fallen leaf floating in the water, completely without the ability to dominate life, and can only let its body fall together on the water.

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