soldier rushing forward

131. Walking through the road

After Wu Jianglong crawled in the tunnel for a period of time, he gradually felt uphill. 【 】At this time, a shaft stood in front of him, blocking the way.

Afterwards, Wu Jianglong climbed into the shaft, stood up, and looked up.There is a fifty-square-meter-sized cover above the head.The cover is made of bamboo, with a lot of wormwood inserted on it, so thick that it almost blocks the light from outside.

Wu Jianglong grabbed the lid with both hands and pushed it outward.The lid is slightly loose.Since he didn't know what was going on on the ground, he didn't dare to open it rashly, but gently moved the cover to one side.After the cover was thrown away, Wu Jianglong stuck out his head quietly.

Above is an open space the size of a football field.The clearing is surrounded by impenetrable jungle.In the open space, there are several horse clip grass houses.Next to the thatched hut was a fallen tree trunk, on which sat two Vietnamese soldiers.

Beside the two soldiers, a machine gun was mounted on the cover of the mound.

The field was very quiet, except for these two soldiers, Wu Jianglong didn't find anyone else.

After Wu Jianglong looked around, he retracted his head again, put the cover back on, and returned to the tunnel.

"Looks like we've come to an end." Wu Jianglong said to Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng who crawled over, "Let's fry it here!"

"Still this?" Niu Qiang asked.

"No," Wu Jianglong said, "Go back to the big gap and pile all the explosives there."

"Then how do we go back?" Ji Chunfeng asked.

Wu Jianglong raised his hand and pointed upwards, "There are only two enemies up there. After placing the explosives, let's retreat here."

So, the three of them retreated back into the large space inside the tunnel.

Fortunately, here are still the dead bodies of the two Vietnamese soldiers.It seems that the explosion just now did not alarm the enemies on the ground.

Where did Wu Jianglong know.In the jungle above, a platoon of the enemy is stationed.Due to the continuous hearing of explosions on the Chinese border, the enemy here is afraid that the squadron will come in again.Therefore, they were all transferred to the front line of the border, ready to ambush and prepare to block.In their old nest, only two soldiers were left to guard the house.Therefore, Wu Jianglong saw that the scene on the ground was very quiet.

When the two grenades thrown by Wu Jianglong exploded, they only caused a slight vibration on the ground, and the sound of the explosion did not come up from the ground.The two Vietnamese soldiers who guarded the house never expected that something would go wrong in the tunnel.

Since there is still time, you are welcome.Wu Jianglong, Niu Qiang, and Ji Chunfeng started to get busy in the tunnel.They piled up all the explosives they brought together, thinking about creating a big shock wave, and trying to make the tunnel as hard as possible.After the explosives are piled up, explosive equipment such as detonators and fuses are inserted on top.

Wu Jianglong had specially studied this subject in the teaching brigade, so he didn't have any stage fright at all when he did it, and he just fiddled with it.

After everything was ready, the three of them slowly pulled the fuse along the tunnel towards the exit, and crawled forward little by little.

"Squad leader, the fuse is gone." Before reaching the exit, the fuse in Niu Qiang's hand was exhausted.

"That's right at this point." Wu Jianglong said, "After lighting, you two climb up quickly, don't delay."

Wu Jianglong asked Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng to go first.

After waiting for a while, Wu Jianglong probably lit the fuse after the two of them climbed quite a distance.

Under the friction of the match, the fuse "snapped" and gave off blue sparks.Then screamed "嗞嗞" and jumped towards the large space in the tunnel where the gunpowder was piled up.

Wu Jianglong threw the fuse to the ground, turned around, and crawled forward along the tunnel.When he climbed close to the shaft, he saw that Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng were still huddled under the entrance of the cave, waiting for him!

Wu Jianglong squeezed over and said, "Go up"

Then, with all his strength, he moved away the cover that was pressing on the exit, and then, one jumped up.

After Wu Jianglong went up, he lay down on the ground and waited for a while.With guns in both hands, his eyes were fixed on the two enemies.As long as he is not spotted by the enemy, he tries not to shoot.

Immediately afterwards, Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng also jumped up.

At this time, the two Vietnamese soldiers on the ground were still playing the harmonica and the guitar.The two of them were having fun leisurely.

When Ji Chunfeng came up, he accidentally stepped on the bamboo cover, which made a crisp sound.

Seeing movement, the two soldiers raised their heads and looked in this direction.After a glance, they found Wu Jianglong and the others who came out of the tunnel.

"Beikou, Beikou."

Two Vietnamese soldiers yelled, dropped their harmonica and guitar, and ran to the bunker with machine guns.

While the two enemies were rushing to the bunker, Wu Jianglong ran towards the jungle with Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng.The two sides raced in their respective directions.

At this time, Wu Jianglong and the others didn't dare to stop and shoot.They were in an open field with no obstacles around them.If there were more than these two enemies, they would not be able to escape if they wanted to.So, let's run first, run out into the jungle.

The three of them spread their legs and ran towards the jungle quickly.As long as you go in, the enemy can't fight.There are so many big trees blocking it, no matter what kind of machine gun it is, it can't play its role.

As soon as the three of Wu Jianglong approached the edge of the jungle, the enemy's machine guns rang out.Since these two enemies were also shooting in a hurry, they were not very accurate.

However, as soon as the gunshot rang out, it seemed to be a catalyst for the three of Wu Jianglong.I saw that the running speed of the three people suddenly accelerated a lot.It seems that bullets can't catch up with them.The flying bullets hit the leaves on the ground and flew around, but they just didn't land on their bodies.

Just fight!I can't be bothered to talk to you.

Wu Jianglong and the three of them knew that the underground was about to explode, so there was no need to get entangled with these two enemies.Just run into the jungle, as far away from here as possible.Not only the machine gun can't hit it, but the explosives can't hurt it either.So, the three of them ran to the jungle desperately.It doesn't matter whether you have bullets or not, as long as you miss, I will run away.

Seeing that these two enemies always couldn't hit, Wu Jianglong and the three of them were about to enter the forest.

The enemy was really in a hurry, one was holding the machine gun, the other was helping to reload, and the two almost jumped out of the bunker.

Suddenly, the whole earth flickered, as if an earthquake of magnitude [-] had occurred.Wherever tunnels pass by, there are large and small abuses on the ground.

"Boom, boom" made several large pits on the surface.

The two enemies who were shooting at the three of Wu Jianglong and the others noticed that the soil under their feet was loosening before they understood what was going on.The two enemies were panicked and frightened.Because I don't know what happened.I had no choice but to drop the machine gun, jump up, and quickly ran into the woods.

With a "crash", the enemy's bunker sank from the ground.In the distance, several grass sheds also fell down.

The moment Wu Jianglong ran into the jungle, he still didn't forget to look back.At this time, he happened to see this piece of open land neatly and slowly sinking.

Wu Jianglong felt strange and wanted to stop and take a look.But he didn't dare, wouldn't he be stupid if the ground hit his feet!So, after taking a look, he turned around and fled into the jungle in a few steps.

How did Wu Jianglong know that it was the underground fortification that the enemy had just dug up that was trampled down.If he knew the result of the explosion, he might be so happy.

This is an underground bunker of the enemy, which is under construction.Once completed, they connected some of the other tunnels to form a rich underground.Just like on the ground, you can go wherever you want.Unexpectedly, they were shocked by Wu Jianglong and the others.

Wu Jianglong never imagined that such a result could be achieved in one blast.But the enemy knows it himself.Their work was in vain.It is impossible to do it all over again in this area.Because this piece of land collapsed, if you want to build, you have to re-select the land.At the very least, it would be very difficult to have a tunnel on the opposite side of the Seventh Company Defense Zone.

The task is completed, and it is time to consider returning to the other side of the border.

Although the distance is not far, the border is heavily guarded by the enemy.Not only these, on several hills, there are enemy mortars and anti-aircraft machine guns watching.It is impossible to go out of the forest area and go back in the grassland.Once discovered by them, these shells and bullets will be chased and fired.If you have been drilling the woods.There are anti-personnel mines everywhere in and out of the jungle.By the creek, at the foot of the mountain, and even under some rocks that can be settled, the enemy has placed landmines.The Vietnamese army almost spent their money. They turned out almost all the stocks that were not blown up by the squadron.On the frontier, they can release as much as they can.As long as they can't patrol, landmines will be placed wherever there are no soldiers guarding them.

Now, the soldiers of the Vietnamese army are very tense, that is, they have to deploy troops in Cambodia, and they must also contend with the Chinese army on the northern front.There are indications that there will be another war between China and Vietnam.

This was not provoked by China, but the result of Vietnam's continuous demonstrations and provocations against China.They often create disturbances along the frontier.Although there were no large-scale conflicts in [-] or [-], petty theft continued.I don't know where they learned it from, it's really a bit petty.If there is nothing to do, let's have a little trouble.

In particular, Laoshan, which occupies China, is condescending and controls most of China's existing border areas.They can hit wherever they want, and blow up wherever they want, barking to the extreme.

The border residents here cannot live a normal life at all.Work in the field, maybe a landmine will be dug out as soon as you hoe it down.Walking on the way home, if you accidentally step on it, you will step on a landmine again.Sleeping in the middle of the night, I don’t know when the Vietnamese army agents came.It is easy not to kill and set fire.

After our army's July [-]th counterattack, the Vietnamese army learned to be weird and sensible.They no longer adopt the tactic of a few people guarding the hill and a few people playing tricks.I also learned the integrated offensive and defensive combat theory of concentrated garrison and rapid attack.In addition to patrolling and posting lurking posts, they are basically stationed together in entire companies and rows.When there is no war, some cultural and sports activities are also held to enliven the life of the army.Stop treating these soldiers like wild monkeys in the mountains, who can do nothing but drill, run, and eat.

The two enemies playing the harmonica and guitar that Wu Jianglong saw just now belonged to this category.Enriching their amateur cultural life.

In addition, in the area close to our border defense, the Vietnamese army did not dare to blatantly set up barracks outside.They have more artillery, and China has more artillery fire on the border.In case China transports 152 flails of heavy grenade and 130 rocket launchers, set them up here, and bombard the opposite side all day long.Also come to the Chinese People's Liberation Army to bombard the Kuomintang's Jinmen Island to defend the enemy. It bombards endlessly every day to see if your little Vietnamese army can bear it.How can the small mortars in our hands be compared with these cannons of our army.

Therefore, although these Vietnamese troops made small noises, they did not dare to make too much noise.Those with mountains use the mountains, and those without mountains use the jungle.They not only built caves on the mountain, but also dug out many underground fortifications in the jungle.

The one that was shaken by explosives just now belongs to a platoon of underground fortifications, or it can also be called a garrison cave.

The three of Wu Jianglong and the others made a calculation in the jungle, and it was better to go through the forest.After all, Landmine can't talk, and if you don't mess with it, he won't jump out and stop you from leaving.It's safer than letting the enemy stare at you with two eyes, chasing after you step by step, and constantly shooting behind your buttocks.

Wu Jianglong took out a compass, roughly judged the direction of walking, and then said to Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng, "There must be a lot of mines in the forest, you must follow closely. The more dense the leaves, the less you want to set foot. Look Follow my footsteps." After speaking, Wu Jianglong started to move forward.The three walked forward in a long line.

It's already afternoon.Although the sky is cloudy, there is light after all, and objects on the ground can be distinguished.

After walking forward for a while, Wu Jianglong turned his head and found a small road on his left.

"Go over." Wu Jianglong greeted the two of them, and then moved to the side of the path.

Shifting from the original place to the path, for Ji Chunfeng, it changed from vertical to horizontal.Therefore, he does not know whether there are landmines in front of him.As soon as he heard Wu Jianglong give way, he raised his foot and turned around, moving towards the path.

As soon as he walked less than three steps away, Ji Chunfeng felt something hit his feet.Thanks to Ji Chunfeng's slow walking and his knowledge of landmines.Therefore, as soon as he found something was wrong, he stopped quickly and called Wu Jianglong softly, "Squad leader, I seem to have stepped on a thunder."

At this time, Wu Jianglong was already on the path.

Hearing Ji Chunfeng's shout, Wu Jianglong thought that trouble was coming.

Wu Jianglong took a shortcut and approached Ji Chunfeng.When he was approaching him, he suddenly found that there was something unusual in the open space in front of him.Its ground is not only littered with weeds, but also crossed with vines.

Wu Jianglong didn't dare to move, but just searched back and forth with his eyes.While looking for the mystery, he comforted Ji Chunfeng, "Don't move, don't move."

After some searching, Wu Jianglong finally figured it out.The enemy has set up another small minefield here.As long as you step on this triangular ground, no matter where you land, you may step on a landmine.

There are three landmines on the ground, which can be seen clearly.Three mines are arranged in a triangle shape.Between Lei and Lei, vines are connected.Even if you find a mine, hide it and put your feet on the rattan, the mine will explode.Because the cane is empty under it.As long as the foot falls, the rattan will also be pulled downward under the pressure of the foot.With such a pull, it will create enough pressure on the fuse of the mine.The mine will explode.

This is specially designed by the enemy to deal with our experienced scouts.

Wu Jianglong slowly walked around from the other side.Going around behind Ji Chunfeng, first cut off the connected vines with a knife, and then pressed the mine lead to let Ji Chunfeng pull his feet out.Then take out the mines.Then according to the old method, the landmines were tied up with vines crosswise, and then gently placed on the ground.

"Okay, let's go!" Wu Jianglong guided Ji Chunfeng out of the minefield.

Wu Jianglong was sweating, and Ji Chunfeng was sweating even more.Wu Jianglong was tired, but Ji Chunfeng was scared.

As soon as the three of them entered the path, Niu Qiang, who was on guard at the front, said softly, "Squad leader, there seems to be someone behind."

"Hidden." Wu Jianglong directed Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng to hide behind the bushes.

After a while, the footsteps became louder and louder, accompanied by a half-sentence of Vietnamese.

There are ten enemies coming over.They were all holding guns and walking in a hurry.

When approaching the edge of the bushes, an officer shouted, "Quick, quick, the others have escaped."

Wu Jianglong took a peek and found that one of them was a Vietnamese soldier he knew.It was the Vietnamese soldier playing the harmonica he saw when he came out of the tunnel.

After the officer shouted, the Vietnamese army quickened their pace.

After Wu Jianglong and other enemies passed by, he gestured to Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng.The three of them got out of the bushes again, followed behind this group of enemies, and took advantage of it quietly.

Wu Jianglong was worried about the road below and didn't know how to go!Since there are enemies leading the way, why not do it.

So the three of them followed behind the group of enemies and sneaked north along the path.

I don't know how far we have traveled, but it is estimated that we are about to reach the border of our defense, when the group of enemies in front suddenly stopped.

I saw the officer put his right index finger into his mouth, and then whistled loudly.

After the whistle sounded, four Vietnamese soldiers jumped out of the grass on the side of the road.

The four Vietnamese soldiers wore grass camouflaged helmets on their heads, and green cloaks for scouts, woven with leaves and wormwood.If they don't take the initiative to come out and lie on the ground, they will be the same color as the surface of the ground.If you don't step on his head, you won't be able to find that there are four enemies here.

Wu Jianglong broke out in a cold sweat after seeing it from a distance.He was really sweating this time, and he was still scared.Wujiang Dragon Empress is afraid!It would be a disaster if there were no such enemies to lead the way.Walk under the eyes of the lurking enemy, and have no defense at all. If you don't take the enemy's gun, you will have to be assassinated by the enemy.

At this time, after the officer whispered a few words to the four lurking enemies, he led the dozen or so people back towards him.

The meaning of the enemy is self-evident.The four Vietnamese soldiers must have told him that no Chinese Communists were found here.

Since these four enemies did not see it, it means that Wu Jianglong and the others have not yet crossed the border and are still on the Vietnamese side.Therefore, the enemy has to look back.

This time, the ten enemies did not take a long path.They lined up in a line, a total of three to forty meters long.The scattered enemies are only three or four meters apart.Definitely a pull search.

The enemy turned back like this, Wu Jianglong was dumbfounded.He never thought that the enemy would adopt this trick after changing so quickly.

It is impossible to stay in place without being noticed.Going back is even more impossible.

"What should I do?" Wu Jianglong turned his mind quickly, trying to think of a way.

Seeing the enemy's posture, Niu Qiang knew that he couldn't escape by hiding, so he approached Wu Jianglong and said, "Squad leader, let's charge!"

"Yes, charge, only charge." Wu Jianglong judged from the positions of the four lurking posts, this place must not be far from our country's border crossing, and it is probably only a few tens of meters away.As long as you run over there, there must be our army's border guards and patrols over there.

When it starts here, it is impossible for the soldiers over there to watch their own people being beaten and watch the excitement.As long as they reach out and throw a few shells, that's enough.

Thinking of this, Wu Jianglong said to the two people, "I'll be in the front for a while, Ji Chunfeng will be in the middle, and Niu Qiang will be behind."

Seeing that both Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng nodded, Wu Jianglong guessed that they understood their style of play, and then said, "Each two grenades, and then a hard sweep. No matter what happens, just run forward. "

"Understood." Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng replied.

Seeing the enemies coming closer and closer, Wu Jianglong shouted, "Throw."

Suddenly, three grenades exploded in front.

With gunpowder together, Wu Jianglong said, "Chong"

The three rushed into the smoke.

After running a few steps, Wu Jianglong shouted again, "Throw."

Three more grenades exploded ahead.This time, three grenades were thrown directly at four enemy lurking points.These enemies were also picked out.

Before these enemies understood what was going on, the three of Wu Jianglong and the others brushed past the enemy and rushed out.When this group of enemies understood, Wu Jianglong and the others had already run far away.

The enemy officer was in a hurry and shouted: "Call me."

The enemies who were searching, who had not been killed or injured by the grenade, turned their guns and shot Wu Jianglong and the three of them in the back.

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