Wu Jianglong checked the fallen Vietnamese soldiers one by one, and none of them survived. [ ] Wu Jianglong is so angry!Yelled at Li Xiaofei, "I told you to stay alive, what are you listening to!"

Li Xiaofei said hesitantly, "I don't want to shoot either, but he is trying his best to come towards me. If I don't hit him, he will hit me."

"You kid, you're quite afraid of death." Wu Jianglong said angrily, "That's because he couldn't stand up after being beaten by you, why don't he jump forward!"

"Heigu is in the middle of winter, who knows if he is dead or alive." Li Xiaofei was still not convinced.

"Okay, okay, as long as you are not hurt. Next time, give me more eyes, and shoot when I understand."

Although this lurking was successful, no live captives were caught, and there was still some discrepancy with the deep-seated purpose of the lurking.Even so, Qilian still won a big victory.As soon as the battle report was posted, the superior immediately called back and gave each of Wu Jianglong, Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen a third-class merit.

Li Sen was not reconciled.Three fighters eliminated five enemies.Although the battle is not big, the result is very important. At least it will deal a heavy blow to the enemy on the opposite side, and it will finally make them calm down for a few more days.This result is already pretty good, why did he give him a third-class merit.Li Sen was a little reconciled, so he called Shi Zhuguo to ask.

Shi Zhuguo criticized Li Sen on the phone, "We are not defending the border for merit. We will take what the superiors give us. You are the company commander, and you have to strive for merit. What should the soldiers below think?"

Li Sen was not convinced, "Battle Commander, this merit is not for me, but for my soldiers. If it were me, I wouldn't even want a reward. But our soldiers are very hard! They only changed after three days and three nights." Come to this victory. They have endured so much hardship and encountered so many dangers, and they will give an explanation in general, so that the morale of our seventh company will grow!"

"Not bad." Shi Zhuguo said on the phone, "We have a lot of border guards on this border. If you have a victory, you need first-class merit or second-class merit, then this merit is still valuable!" Shi Zhuguo changed In a serious tone, he said, "Listen to me, how much meritorious service you have made does not mean how great your honor is. You are the company commander, and you will rarely talk to my mother-in-law and mother about this in the future. If you have something to do, ask Tong Zhiyuan to find an instructor." After finishing speaking, Shi Zhuguo put the phone on the phone. up.

Li Sen smiled bitterly, "Hey, that's right. What are we fighting for over this matter! Those comrades who died, what can they fight for!" Thinking of this, Li Sen felt relieved.Then he walked to the door and called out, "Commissioner."

The correspondent rushed in and asked, "Company commander, what's the matter?"

"Go, call Wu Jianglong." Li Sen said.

At this time, Tong Zhiyuan came in from the outside and said to Li Sen, "Company commander, something good has happened."

"What good thing?"

"The condolence team is coming to our company."

"Which condolence group?"

"Army organization."

"It's boring, it's boring, it's just some big male soldiers who don't like it." Li Sen waved his hand and said.

"I heard that there are many young female soldiers. They are all drawn from various units." Tong Zhiyuan asked with a smile, "How is it?"

Li Sen glared at Tong Zhiyuan, looked at Tong Zhiyuan and said, "Whether the little female soldier comes or not has nothing to do with me, what the hell!"

"Hey, it's time for you, a bachelor, to think about your personal problems." Tong Zhiyuan said.

"Hmph! You don't even give me a vacation, where should I think about it?" Li Sen took the pistol from the wall.

"Hey, hey, you have to speak conscientiously!" Tong Zhiyuan chased Li Sen and said, "Whether it's you not answering, or I won't let you, we must make it clear."

Li Sen turned around and laughed, "Well, it's because I don't want to go back! It's because I don't want to find a wife, so I'm satisfied!"

"Go," Tong Zhiyuan said, "Here we go again. You are such a dog who bit Lu Dongbin, and you don't know good people. I don't need to worry about your affairs!"

"Yes, yes, I've worried a lot, but I'm still a widowed old man!" Li Sen said as he prepared to leave.

"Report." Wu Jianglong stood outside the door.

Li Sen turned around and said to Tong Zhiyuan, "Wu Jianglong and I will go for a walk." After speaking, he took Wu Jianglong and left.

The sunshine in the morning appeared rare and bright, the summer breeze was warm, and the trees were enchanting, sweeping away the gloomy face all day long.

Li Sen led Wu Jianglong out of the Seventh Company's camp and walked along a path.After walking for a long time, Li Sen didn't tell Wu Jianglong what he was going to do.Wu Jianglong opened his mouth several times to ask, but he thought about it for a while, and finally he didn't dare to be rash, and swallowed the words that came to his mouth, thinking, "What are you asking, the company commander can still lead you to the bad lane!"

The two got off the path and walked towards a small hillside.

There are many mound-like graves piled up on the hillside, and a wooden board is inserted in front of each grave with the name of the deceased written on it.

Along the way, Li Sen didn't speak, he just walked around the tombs.Wu Jianglong seemed to want to see who the names on these boards were.But Li Sen's speed is very fast, and if he is slow, he will be left behind, so he just glanced at it briefly. He didn't recognize many names, but he guessed that the people buried inside must be soldiers.

Li Sen brought Wu Jianglong to a grave and stopped, took off his military cap, and silently paid attention.

Wu Jianglong came closer and took a careful look at the board.

The font on the wooden board has been washed away by the rain, but the font can still be separated.I saw the unit number and the name of the deceased written on it.

Wu Jianglong read it again along the strokes, a little surprised, "Liu Yue? No, isn't Liu Yue still alive!" With doubts, he turned his head and asked Li Sen, "Company commander, which Liu Yue is this!"

"We're connected." Li Sen said with certainty.

"Isn't he still alive?"

Li Sen raised his hand and said, "This area is all brothers from our company. Liu Yue died when you were hospitalized for a few days. He was also buried here in the end."

"It's been so long, why has no one mentioned it?" Wu Jianglong was a little dissatisfied.

"It's no wonder that so many people died in self-defense counterattacks, and everyone is very busy. We have been fighting all the time, and we have never been involved in these things. They are all handled by the army." Li Sen said painfully, "I also recently Only then did I know that there is such a place near the border."

Wu Jianglong turned around and looked at Ruoda's cemetery, and asked tentatively, "Company commander, are these from our regiment?"

"Almost!" Li Sen said, "That year, after they died in Vietnam and were transported back, most of them were not transported to the mainland and were buried here."

Wu Jianglong glanced over with his eyes, and estimated that there were more than one or two hundred of these grave mounds without counting them in detail.He blurted out, "Damn, let us sacrifice so many people. If we have the chance, we must teach Guizi a lesson."

After scolding, Wu Jianglong thought of something again, and said to Li Sen, "Commander, you didn't tell me in advance when you came, I have to bring something for Liu Yue anyway."

"No hurry, no hurry" I mainly want to confirm the location today, and bring all of our companies over the next day to clean up the graves of the sacrificed brothers. "

When Li Sen talked about tidying up the grave, Wu Jianglong carefully looked at Liu Yue's grave.

It seems that the graves here have not been taken care of for a long time, and there are wormwood all over the graves.There are several places that have been washed out by the rain, and the gaps that are one finger wide reveal the gloom inside.

Wu Jianglong was a little sad, and without saying a word, he squatted in front of Liu Yue's grave and started weeding.I prayed silently in my heart, "These people are heroes who have fought in war, and they are all people who have made contributions to the country. The war has been won, but they have been forgotten. Liu Yue, don't blame me, if I know you are here, I came to see you early."

Li Sen looked at Wu Jianglong and guessed that he was very uncomfortable at this moment, so he also knelt down and pulled weeds together with Wu Jianglong, and asked, "Are Liu Yue and you fellow villagers?"

"Yeah" Wu Jianglong couldn't say the whole sentence, he paused and said, "Last time, my dad sent a letter to ask Liu Yue. I said Liu Yue was recovering from his injuries, and he would go back when he recovered. Unexpectedly, he is here .”

"Wu Jianglong, you don't need to be too sad," Li Sen interrupted Wu Jianglong and said, "You and I are very lucky, the bullets in Vietnam don't have eyes. Otherwise, you and I will sleep here like them."

"If Liu Yue didn't rush over that meeting, he might not have died." Wu Jianglong said recalling that battle.

"That's not right." Li Sen retorted, "Without Liu Yue's dedication, blowing up the enemy's machine gun, maybe Liu Yue is not the only one lying here in our platoon now, maybe there will be more people, or there may be more people in this platoon. Just you and me."

Wu Jianglong did not speak, but listened silently.

Li Sen continued, "Although war is cruel, it also has its own laws. It is never humane or soft-hearted. You should understand the truth that the brave wins. Therefore, what is war without death?"

While listening to Li Sen's words, Wu Jianglong guessed Li Sen's intention for bringing him here.After Li Sen finished speaking, Wu Jianglong asked, "Company commander, is that why we are here today?"

Li Sen was stunned, he didn't understand what Wu Jianglong's 'this' meant, he looked at Wu Jianglong motionless, thought for a while and said, "What do you mean by 'this'?"

"Educate!" Wu Jianglong said.

"Oh." Li Sen understood. He could see that Wu Jianglong felt that he was trying to reason with him.So he smiled bitterly and said, "That's what I mean. But it's not for you. I'm going to tell the art troupe." Li Sen raised his eyes, looked into the distance, and said deeply, "We living people There are still people offering condolences, so who will comfort the sacrificed soldiers!"


"What do you know? Can you sing or dance?" Li Sen looked at Wu Jianglong and asked.

"I don't know how to do this. But I will clean up the house. I want to clean up the whole thing, so that they have trees and flowers, like a cemetery for people to commemorate. I also take our class to clean it every week , talk to them so they don’t feel lonely and think we’ve forgotten them.”

Li Sen patted Wu Jianglong on the shoulder, "My boy, this is exactly the purpose of bringing you here. Not only that, I also want the art troupe to come here to sing a song. Sing a song from the 80s. Although they sacrificed, there are We are here. I want the living to remember them forever, no one else can control them, at least the brothers of Qilian must remember them."

Li Sen and Wu Jianglong cleaned up the graves with empty hands, and did not return to Qilian until dark.

As soon as Li Sen entered the company headquarters, Tong Zhiyuan got angry at him, "Where did you go, why didn't you even say a word? I have been looking for you since the morning. I thought you were going to check the checkpoints. After asking all the checkpoints, they I didn’t even see it. What does it look like for a company commander to leave his post without authorization.”

"Hey, hey, I said instructor, stop the fire first, okay, I'll discuss something with you." Li Sen said with a smile.

"What's the matter, tell me!" Tong Zhiyuan was still angry.

"Didn't you ask me where I went? I'll tell you." Li Sen gradually became serious, "I went to our company's cemetery."

"The cemetery, what cemetery?" Tong Zhiyuan asked in surprise.

"It's the brothers who died in our self-defense counterattack on July [-]th." Li Sen said.

"Why, are they here?" Tong Zhiyuan looked at Li Sen in surprise.

"Yes, it's nearby."

Tong Zhiyuan was a little puzzled, and thought about it, "During the counterattack, the bodies of the victims were transported back to China. I know about this, but I haven't heard of it. There are still some buried at the border."

"There is no doubt about this," Li Sen said affirmatively. "At first I was told, but I didn't believe it. Then I went to see it. Today I took Wu Jianglong to see it. That's right, the name of my platoon fighter is written on it. "

"It's been so long, why hasn't anyone mentioned it!" Tong Zhiyuan still had some doubts.

"Forget it, my brother, we don't count on others." Li Sen said, "If it's too far away, we can't reach it, then there's nothing we can do about it. Since we're right in front of us, we can't neglect them."

"What do you mean?" Tong Zhiyuan asked.

"That's what I think!" Li Sen said while unbuttoning his belt and taking off the holster, "Isn't the art troupe coming! Let's find a place for them to sing and dance!"


"I'll just look at that place."

"What are you talking about, the cemetery?" Tong Zhiyuan asked in surprise.

"That's right, it's the cemetery." Li Sen sat on the bed, took out a cigarette and lit it.Then he threw the cigarette case to Tong Zhiyuan.

"I said, Lao Li, you don't have a fever!" Tong Zhiyuan suspected that Li Sen was acting emotionally. "The art troupe is here to condolences, not to hold mourning activities. They will not agree to your arrangement. Besides, no matter what No matter how they sing, dead people can't hear it." Tong Zhiyuan stretched out the last sentence very long.

"Hey, hey, I said the instructor," Li Sen put on a posture, "I didn't say anything, let's let the art troupe sing for the dead. I mean choose the venue there. It's spacious, with mountains and rivers, and beautiful places. The moon. Where can I find a place like this?" Li Sen pointed out the window, "Look at this, the village is so narrow, it's either cow dung or sheep dung. The art troupe is here, how can it be used?"

When Tong Zhiyuan heard it, what Li Sen said was not unreasonable.The village is very narrow and very close to the border.If the venue is moved to the mainland, it will be justified.However, this guy Li Sen definitely has no such good intentions, and he must have other plans.

"Come on, you've been talking for a long time, but you just want to put the venue in the cemetery!" Tong Zhiyuan said hesitantly, "Actually, I don't disagree, but I'm afraid that if we do this, the art troupe will have opinions and won't accept it."

"No, no, let's not talk about it. How do they know? Even if they know, what can they do? They are all brothers." Li Sen jumped off the bed, "Condolences to the living heroes, and we can't forget the dead comrades. Don't forget, without them, we don't know if we would be able to survive until now!"

"Okay, okay," Tong Zhiyuan stopped Li Sen, "That's what you said, but it doesn't sound right to your ears. Let me arrange this matter!"

Three days later, Wu Jianglong led people to clean up the entire cemetery, and placed a wreath on each grave.In the most spacious area in front of the cemetery, a half-meter-high platform was set up.

After everything was ready, Wu Jianglong bowed to the cemetery together with the soldiers who cleaned up the place.

"Liu Yue, comrades-in-arms who died in the 215th regiment. Tomorrow the art troupe is coming, and I want to ask them to sing the best song for you." At this point, Wu Jianglong changed his tone, "Listen to me all of you Come on, tidy yourself up and stop being sloppy. Be clean and don't lose your reputation to us soldiers."

Before Wu Jianglong finished speaking, a gust of wind blew up from nowhere, the trees whistled and the grass began to sway back and forth.

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