soldier rushing forward

139、I'm following you

Dong Yan panted and ran over. 【 】Wheezing and panting, frightened and frightened, with the tendency of flying down the sky.When the smoke cleared and seeing Wu Jianglong standing there safe and sound, Dong Yan's beating heart stopped abruptly.

After the two looked at each other, Dong Yan actually stopped. Although she was close at hand, she didn't dare to take the initiative to take another step forward.The girl's shyness immediately prevented her from continuing to be impulsive.Even if you are eager to think, the more urgent you are to pursue, and where your heart belongs, you must be reserved at this time, and you must hold it now if you can put on airs.

Seeing Dong Yan stop, Wu Jianglong just looked at himself without speaking, his face was flushed, and his eyes were timid.So he took the initiative to greet her, "Dong Yan, why are you here?"

"Why can't I come here?" Dong Yan's words were stinging.

"No, no," Wu Jianglong paused as if choked, and continued, "I mean, how did you get here?"

"How did I come here? I came here by car!" Dong Yan recovered from the embarrassment, and naughty wanted to beat Wu Jianglong with words.

"I know you're traveling by car, and you can't even walk this far." Wu Jianglong said honestly, "I mean, did you come here alone or with someone else. I haven't seen anyone from your hospital!"

"Hmph" Dong Yan's face was serious, "You still remember the hospital!"

"Okay, okay, don't ask." Wu Jianglong knew that he was wrong, and knew that Dong Yan would not be polite when talking about the hospital, so he stopped talking and said to Dong Yan, "You go back to the company first, and I will catch the hospital. A few agents." After speaking, Wu Jianglong wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

"Wait." Dong Yan shouted suddenly.

Wu Donglong stopped and looked at Dong Yan in surprise.Dong Yan stepped forward, took out a handkerchief and dabbed it on Wu Jianglong's face, "You are injured."

Only then did Wu Jianglong feel some pain on his face, and he said embarrassedly, "It's nothing, the big deal is to wipe off a piece of skin."

At this time, someone ran over.

Instructor Tong Zhiyuan saw Dong Yan and Wu Jianglong, and asked in surprise, "You—know each other?"

"Instructor, she is from my hometown." Wu Jianglong lied.

Unexpectedly, Dong Yan and Ben didn't follow what he said. They squinted at Wu Jianglong, turned to Tong Zhiyuan, and said, "Who is a fellow with him? We have fought together." flushed.

Tong Zhiyuan understood at a glance that there must be something wrong with Wu Jianglong and Dong Yan, otherwise they would not be in this state.I thought to myself, "The two of them can't be lovers! If that's the case, there's no need to talk about Li Sen. Oh, Li Sen! Your life is really bad, I just made a match for you, but it was Wu Jiang Dragon, you are considered unlucky to get home."

Ever since Tong Zhiyuan saw Dong Yan for the first time, he had been muttering in his heart.What did he think, how did he feel that Dong Yan was a good-looking girl, and he thought he could match Li Sen.Secretly thinking about how to find the head of the condolence team to understand the situation, and how to tell Li Sen again.He thought at the time, "Li Sen! Aren't you very qualified! Such a good girl, I don't believe you won't be tempted." Therefore, Tong Zhiyuan only wanted to do this for Li Sen.If it weren't for the fact that he was too busy with work and couldn't spare a little time to take care of this matter, he really told Li Sen about this idea.It's good now, Dong Yan and Wu Jianglong are sticking together.It can't be said that, the two of them may have been lovers long ago.Looking at it now, Li Sen seems to have stopped cooking.

"Instructor, did those guys catch it?" Seeing that Tong Zhiyuan didn't speak suddenly, Wu Jianglong asked proactively.

"Catch it, catch it." Li Xiaofei just ran over.

"Great, we finally got caught." Wu Jianglong said happily, "Let's go and have a look." Abandoning Dong Yan, he turned around and ran out of the woods.

When Wu Jianglong followed the female agent carrying the basket to the backstage, Li Sen led the others to control the other three girls in time.

The three girls squeezed into the crowd while looking around, trying to find a suitable place to put the basket, that is, to put it in place without arousing others' suspicion.The three of them searched for a long time, but they couldn't find it.This place is full of people, and the crowd in the audience is tight, and no one takes the initiative to give up space for them.Although the three girls also came to do sabotage, they did not have the sacrificial qualities of a "human bomber".Their purpose is to successfully explode and return safely.Therefore, the mission can only be completed if the timer is turned on and the bomb is placed.Under the eyes of everyone, in front of everyone, blatantly opened the cover, fiddled with the bomb that was off the surface, and then let the people on the scene watch them being blown to death, is there such a thing?Therefore, they dare not do so and continue to search.

The three girls were separated in the crowd.A girl squeezed and squeezed, and suddenly felt something was wrong.No matter which direction I squeeze, there are always two or three people following behind.Taking a closer look at the two sisters who had just separated, there seemed to be the same people around them.The girl understood that she was being targeted by the People's Liberation Army.

"What should I do?" The female agent began to ponder, "If the explosion is unsuccessful, there will be no good results when you go back. The superiors will definitely not let you go lightly. Then what should I do!" She was thinking, looking around, and at the same time taking care of the rest of the world. people who follow.After squeezing for a while, the female agent really had no other choice and was about to commit suicide.

I saw her with a cat waist, squatting down, and then took off the back basket and put it on the ground.While no one was looking, he was about to reach in.

Just then, she heard an explosion in the distance.

On the pretty face of the female agent, there was a smirk, and she thought to herself, "The squad leader has succeeded, and the squad leader has successfully exploded." So she began to move faster, trying to turn on the timer as soon as possible and plant the bomb.When she reached into the pannier, before she could touch the bomb, something got stuck on her wrist.

The female agent looked up, just in time to see Li Sen staring at her with majestic eyes.The female agent was stunned when she saw it, knowing that she had been exposed.Just as he was about to resist, he found that there were two men around him.

Only then did the female agent completely faint, in a daze, in a daze, and helplessly lowered her head to give in.

Li Sen said to the person next to him, "Take it away."

At this time, the female agent was completely controlled by the People's Liberation Army, and she didn't even have the chance to commit suicide.I had no choice but to be escorted away by PLA soldiers in frustration.

The other two female agents who were preparing to carry out bombings in the square with her were almost the same as her and were captured before taking action.

When the explosion started, it caused a buzz in the square, but it quickly calmed down again.

Because, the villagers who watched the program felt relieved when they saw that the former PLA soldiers were sitting there completely motionless, not panicking at all.

"The People's Liberation Army has nothing to do, which means that there will be no major incidents if there is an explosion." The villagers think so.

The villagers who have lived on the border for a long time have long been accustomed to the sound of explosions. Who can take the invisible explosions seriously.Therefore, the performance activities continue as usual.

Although one of the four female agents who crossed the border died, three were still alive. This was a rare victory since the Seventh Company defended the border.Not only Li Sen was happy, but everyone who knew about it was very encouraged.

Since it is a major event, there should be no delay at all.Li Sen finished reporting to Battalion Commander Shi Zhuguo.Shi Zhuguo said three good words in succession on the phone.Tell Li Sen to wait until he reports back to the regiment.

Shi Zhuguo called the regiment, and the regiment called the division.The news spread quickly.The superior made a decision, "Since the Seventh Company is close to the border, it is not conducive to long-term custody of the prisoners, and the Seventh Company is required to send the prisoners to the military headquarters immediately."

After Li Sen answered the phone, he looked out of the window and thought, "It's getting dark, is this okay?" So he told Shi Zhuguo about the situation.Shi Zhuguo also paid no attention, and then asked for instructions.The final result was that the superiors waited to understand the situation and asked them to send it over overnight.

The superior is the superior, and whatever they say is what they say.There is no way, soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty, and everything is done according to the instructions.

Next, Li Sen began to select escorts.

Almost all the prisoners were captured by the soldiers of the second platoon, so we can't let the second platoon complete the task of escorting them!Despite Xiao Yong's repeated efforts, Li Sen finally discussed the result with Tong Zhiyuan and handed over the task to a platoon.

"First platoon leader, you will complete the escort task this time. You lead a squad and personally escort." Li Sen assigned the task to the first platoon leader Du Baoguo.

"Yes." After Du Baoguo answered, he turned to Xiao Yong happily and blinked his eyes, which meant, "It's useless to fight. Let's see who the company commander gives this task to."

Xiao Yong was on the sidelines and wanted to argue, "Company Commander, we captured all the prisoners, it's better for us to send them to the army."

"Okay, you have been tired all day, you should let the soldiers thank you." Tong Zhiyuan interjected.

"You kid, why can you do all the work by yourself!" Li Sen choked on Xiao Yong, and then said, "Is it greedy for merit, or has other ideas."

"I, I don't mean that." Xiao Yong explained, "I think we are more familiar with the situation of the captives than the first row, and the escort is safer." He thought for a while, and then said, "For example, Wu Jianglong! Experience in dealing with the enemy Rich, best suited for the task."

"It's Wu Jianglong again," Li Sen continued, "No matter how tough a guy is, he's not made of iron—you don't talk about Wu Jianglong, if Wu Jianglong is more vigilant, we will have more prisoners."

"We can't blame Wu Jianglong, it's because the female agent is too ruthless. If she insists on dying, who can stop her." Xiao Yong wanted to defend Wu Jianglong.

"Okay," Li Sen said, "I won't criticize him, and you don't need to fight for him. Go back quickly and arrange your platoon to patrol and stand guard. I guess the enemy must know the news of the female agent's arrest. It can't be done. , they will take action tonight."

After the night fell, Xiaohekou Village once again fell into tranquility.The village was lit up like fireflies, and stars flickered through the open windows.

After Li Sen sent off the escort, he returned to the house with Tong Zhiyuan.

"Old Tong, don't you have something to tell me!" Li Sen took off the holster and asked Tong Zhiyuan.

"There is something," Tong Zhiyuan took the thermos and poured a cup of boiling water, holding it, ready to deliver it to his mouth, "But now it's gone again."

"What kind of tricks are you playing with me again," Li Sen scolded.

"Ah!" Tong Zhiyuan sighed, originally I saw a daughter-in-law for you, but she has a wife.

"Go, go," Li Sen blew his lips, "It's okay to play me! We are in the wilderness, how can we find a wife. To find a wife, we have to go back to our hometown."

"It seems that you really went back to look for it, otherwise, you won't be able to marry a good girl!" Tong Zhiyuan turned on the diesel lamp, ready to read.

"Hey!" Li Sen leaned over and asked, "I'm talking about Old Tong, how can you say half of it and not the other half, and keep the baby?"

"Yes." Tong Zhiyuan said solemnly, "At present, this is the only way to go."

The correspondent entered the room, poured water for Tong Zhiyuan and Li Sen respectively, and said, "Company commander, instructor, it's time to wash up."

Li Sen sat up from the bed, reached out to pick up the pistol hanging on the wall, "Old Tong, wash it first, I'll go out and have a look."

"Why are you still going out?" Tong Zhiyuan asked.

"I'll go to the houses where the art troupe lives, and my eyelids are jumping today." Li Sen said to leave the house.

"Wait." Tong Zhiyuan also stood up from the stool and said, "Let's go together."

The moon and stars are sparse in the sky, and the scattered rays of light are scattered in the woods.

In a grove near the village someone was talking.Faintly heard the voices of a man and a woman.

"Wu Jianglong, I've never seen such a ruthless man like you. You just leave without leaving a word." It was Dong Yan who spoke.

"I kept it, and left you a letter when I left," Wu Jianglong said.

"That's also called a letter." Dong Yan said angrily, "You understand how I treat you, and it's over with just one sentence."

"What's the matter if it's not over?" Wu Jianglong said.

"What the hell! Don't pretend to be confused." Dong Yan spoke in a very aggressive tone.

"Hey, I'm talking about Dong Yan, can we keep our voice down so that people won't hear me?" Wu Jianglong whispered, as if afraid of being heard, "I came out and carried my back on my back!"

"You are afraid, you go back, I am not afraid." Dong Yan said.

"Let's go, then let's go back." Wu Jianglong stood up and wanted to leave.

"You go back! I will stay alone." Dong Yan said.

"What, are you here alone?" Wu Jianglong looked surprised, "This is the border, do you think it is the garden of your hospital!"

"I love you, anyway, I won't return." Dong Yan actually began to cry.

"Why are you crying?" Wu Jianglong sat down again, "Okay, okay, I won't come back if I don't come back, stay for a while, but you are not allowed to cry."

When Wu Jianglong said this, Dong Yan really burst into tears, and said while crying, "Wu Jianglong, you know how difficult it is for me to come here, and you know why I came here?"

Dong Yan said three reasons in a row, but Wu Jianglong said he didn't know.

"Wu Jianglong, don't pretend, I know what you think." Dong Yan was still crying, "I joined the art troupe just to get more troops and find you."

"Why are you looking for me?" Wu Jianglong picked up a branch from the ground, interlaced his thumb and index finger, pinched it slightly, and snapped it off.

"You, you, are you really missing me?" Dong Yan stared at Wu Jianglong and asked.

Wu Jianglong lowered his head and said nothing, thinking to himself, "Why not!"

It's not that Wu Jianglong doesn't like Dong Yan, he likes Dong Yan very much, and sometimes he can even dream about it.When I woke up, I was still dreaming.If someone told him now that Dong Yan had fallen into the hands of the enemy again, he would rush to rescue him without hesitation, even at the expense of his own life.However, he dare not show it now.It's because of the difference in level!Dong Yan is a nurse anyway.Nurses are all at the rank of platoon leader, they are called cadres, and they can work in the army for ten or twenty years, or even a lifetime.And myself!Just a little soldier, a little warrior.Soldiers and cadres are paired, and men are soldiers and women are cadres.In the army, this is inherently abnormal.What's more, maybe one day I will be discharged from the army.Once discharged from the army, what will the two of them do!It is impossible for Dong Yan to go back to his hometown with him.So what happened!There is no need to think about it!So many good men in the army.Can Dong Yan hold on to herself and wait?Or live in a different place with yourself?None of this is possible or realistic.In the end, there is only one result - disbandment.

Breaking up doesn't mean breaking up immediately.Wu Jianglong is a person who cherishes feelings very much!Once identified, it is possible to get stuck in it and not get out for a lifetime.If they break up, it will not only hurt the true feelings, but also make others laugh.At that time, I will probably be buried in this shadow for the rest of my life.Don't look at him usually talking about nothing!In fact, at this point, he can still be very sure.Therefore, he clearly knew that Dong Yan liked him and wanted to marry him, but Wu Jianglong just didn't dare to agree, and finally chose to escape.I thought this escape would be over.Dong Yan gradually forgot about herself.I am not in debt, and I don’t have to pay it back.Unexpectedly, he came after him, and he even spoke out his heart.

Seeing that Wu Jianglong was silent, Dong Yan looked straight at him and asked, "Wu Jianglong, talk!"

"Dong Yan, it's a lie to say that I don't have you in my heart. But, but" Wu Jianglong stopped and said after a while, "We don't seem to be suitable."

"Why is it inappropriate?" Dong Yan asked forcefully.

"You are a cadre, I am a soldier, this is not suitable."

"Hey," Dong Yan felt relieved, "I thought it was something! So it's just this! What's wrong with this. What's wrong with soldiers, what's wrong with cadres. Maybe someday you can become a cadre. If you become No cadres, you leave the army, I change jobs, don't we all become ordinary people!"

"This, is this possible?" Wu Jianglong didn't expect Dong Yan to say these words.

Dong Yan stopped crying, "Wu Jianglong, you should know what I'm thinking! Ever since I came back from Vietnam, I've thought about it a long time ago. In this life, I will follow you. Don't watch you run away, don't you Just ignore me, but I still want to find you, unless you are married to someone else. Otherwise, I will chase it to the end. "

"Dong Yan, you really don't care that I'm a soldier?" Wu Jianglong's voice became hoarse after being touched by Dong Yan.

"Don't call." Dong Yan said decisively, "If I cared, I wouldn't have chased here."

"Dong Yan, you, you—" Wu Jianglong didn't finish the following words, Dong Yan leaned over and hugged Wu Jianglong.

Li Sen and Tong Zhiyuan turned from the residence of the art troupe and happened to walk to this small forest.Hearing someone talking inside, Li Sen said to Tong Zhiyuan, "There seems to be someone in there."

"Yeah." Tong Zhiyuan heard it too.

"Go, go and have a look." Li Sen drew out his pistol, and he and Tong Zhiyuan quietly walked towards the woods.

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