soldier rushing forward

142. Catch the traitor

The evening in the small mountain village was surprisingly quiet, and only when the moon was over the treetops did a person come out of the village. 【 】The visitor walked very slowly, almost turning back every step.It's like being afraid of someone staring at you from behind.

At this time, a guard soldier who had been hiding in the woods finally had a look of joy on his face when he saw the person coming.

"Ah! You finally came out!" The soldier sighed before he knew who was coming.

They have been waiting here for too long, almost to the point where they can't see through.To this extent, I have not seen a living thing walking out of the village.

Squad leader Wu said, as long as someone comes out, this person is the one we have to wait for.Therefore, the soldier couldn't help showing joy when he saw someone coming.The soldier didn't dare to shout, but retracted his head, and ran a few steps in the direction where Wu Jianglong was staying.

As soon as Wu Jianglong came out of Jiantou Village with a few soldiers, he found a reason to get rid of the village chief.Then he took the six soldiers and plunged into the woods.It's not that Wu Jianglong doesn't trust the village chief, but he really doesn't appreciate the common sense of keeping secrets from the common people, not to mention that he's going to take military action in the end.

Wu Jianglong's choice of this forest is not blind at all, nor is it a whim.He felt that there was something wrong with Jiantou Village, and there was something wrong with Si Nizi.He wants to stay here for a while to see if Si Nizi is doing anything.This forest happened to be the only way to the south of Jiantou Village.If you want to go to the Vietnamese border, you have to go through this road.

The six of them stayed here for an entire afternoon.Nothing to eat, nothing to drink.Although there is no sun on the head, the moisture in the wet Lulu is not much lower than the steam in the sauna.

The vicious sun is raging, throwing light like charcoal on the ground wantonly, and the steam from the earth is overflowing.Although the ground is not very dry, when the moisture is evaporated, the sweltering process is more uncomfortable than the dryness.When the heat comes up, no matter whether it is in the woods or outside the woods, it has to bear the heat of love and support.Especially those various small flying insects are extremely active and pervasive. They have finally found the best combination point of life, so they are extremely excited.

The soldiers were steamed, one by one as if they were drenched in water.His clothes were already drenched, and his face was dripping with sweat.Before the wiped wet stains had dried, new drops of water came out again.

In the evening, when the sun went down, clusters of small flying insects began to attack.They rush towards the human body, even if the bones do not exist, they will not hesitate.At this time, if you are not careful, these flying men will get into the exposed eyes or nose and ears.

The conditions are a bit bitter, but these fighters have long been used to it.

Lurking is not much different from three meals a day for them.If you eat in the morning, you will definitely be able to stay until noon.As long as you can persevere, it’s not a big deal to grit your teeth, isn’t it often the case!Can't you overcome this little difficulty now?However, the most difficult thing in lurking is not being able to talk or sleep.No matter how sleepy you are, you can't close your eyes.Even if it is not enough to stare round, you still have to use peripheral vision to observe the surrounding corners.Because, no one knows where the enemy is coming from, and no one knows what will happen.Any negligence may cause a huge murder.No one can afford this responsibility.

The soldiers serving as the cordon shouted softly to Wu Jianglong, "Squad leader, someone is coming."

At this time, Wu Jianglong was leaning against a tree trunk, chewing a straw stick in his mouth, with his eyes closed.From the chewing of his mouth, it can be seen that he has not slept.But judging from his motionless posture, one would think that he was asleep.Wu Jianglong was thinking, analyzing various situations that might arise in Jiantou Village.When the soldier said that someone was coming, he jumped up from the ground, ran to the observation point, and looked in the direction of the person.

Li Xiaofei, Huang Zhen and others heard that someone was coming, so they all came over.Several people squatted in different places, observing towards the entrance of the village.

"Don't make a sound." Wu Jianglong spat out the grass stick in his mouth and said to several people.

The person who came was dressed in black and wore a bamboo hat on his head. He was thin and thin, and looked like a woman from the way he walked.

"I'm keeping an eye on them all, observe carefully according to the azimuth point, and don't let the target go away." Wu Jianglong said worriedly to several people.

Both sides of the path are full of wormwood that is half the height of a person. As long as a person flashes, it will disappear without a trace in an instant.Once a person has not entered, if he cannot find the direction, searching all over the sky is as difficult as finding a small boat on the vast sea.

As the visitor got closer and closer, Wu Jianglong could tell that the woman who came over was indeed Si Nizi.

Judging from the direction Sinizi was walking, it seemed that she was going to cross the border.

"Squad leader, maybe she's going there." Li Xiaofei said softly.

"Leave her alone, let her pass if she wants to." Wu Jianglong instructed.

Sinizi walked south along the path, and gradually approached the woods where Wu Jianglong and the others were hiding.When approaching the edge of the forest, Sinizi stopped, turned her head and looked around,

"Squad leader, she's coming in." Huang Zhen reminded Wu Jianglong worriedly.

"Li Xiaofei, you lie in ambush here, watch carefully. The others follow me and retreat."

After Wu Jianglong finished speaking, he led the others and retreated quietly.The legs are raised very low, almost walking on the ground.Even the slightest noise in such a clean night will travel far.

This woman named Sinizi stopped outside the woods, as if she was waiting for someone.She turned her head from side to side and looked around warily.

After a while, no one came.Sinizi lifted the pannier on the ground again, put it on the back, turned and walked in another direction.

Li Xiaofei was sweating profusely nervously.He was only about ten meters away from Sinizi.Although there were some weeds covering his body, if he moved a little, Sinizi might find him.

Li Xiaofei held his breath, he didn't dare to breathe, he could only breathe through a small gap.When he saw Sinizi turn around and leave, he picked up a stone that had been prepared on the ground and threw it in the direction where Wu Jianglong and the others were hiding.

Wu Jianglong received the signal and knew the situation was resolved.So he hurried forward quietly and asked, "How is it?"

"Hey," Li Xiaofei mumbled in the direction where Si Nizi disappeared.

Wu Jianglong waved his hand, "Follow me."

The six people followed behind Si Nizi, walking forward step by step.

Si Nizi, who was walking in front, stopped and walked, looking back from time to time.Every time she turned her head, Wu Jianglong and the others panicked.When he saw that she was going to turn around, Wu Jianglong had to give instructions to other people, and then these people hurriedly hid in all directions.

After walking for a while, Sinizi got off the path and got into a bush.Now Wu Jianglong couldn't make up his mind whether to follow or go forward to capture him alive.If he rushes up to capture her alive, he will definitely be caught, but there is no evidence that Si Nizi committed a crime.

It is indeed a bit suspicious for a woman to sneak into the grass in the middle of the night, but now there is no evidence of a crime, and it is illegal to arrest people blindly.But if you don't catch her, you are afraid that she will disappear and lose the target, which means the mission will fail.

Wu Jianglong looked forward over the grass.Beyond the grass is the mountain.Once she crossed the grass and went deep into the ravine, if she didn't take the initiative to come out, it would be really difficult to catch her.However, it is impossible for her not to come out, and it is impossible for her to sneak in in the middle of the night without looking for trouble.There must be a reason here.

After thinking for a while, Wu Jianglong made up his mind.Since Si Nizi is suspicious, let's follow her to the end to see what she wants to do?

At this time, there was the sound of Si Nizi stirring the grass in front.

Wu Jianglong waved his hand, "Go." After finishing speaking, he was the first to step into the grass, and approached carefully along the passage opened by Sinizi.

Six people lined up in a long line, making as little noise as possible.

The moon rose into the sky, and a great patch of light came down.It shines on the grass, revealing several swaying figures.

Si Nizi hurried forward without falling, and the sound of poking the grass by herself completely covered the sounds of Wu Jianglong and the others.

A woman who has no military training naturally does not have strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities.Although Wu Jianglong and the others maintained enough composure during the daytime inspection, it could only be short-lived.Over time, nerve stimulation will definitely reveal panic.

After Wu Jianglong took the people away, Si Nizi was restless in the house, she was not afraid of the exposure of the smoke.In the era of war, this is not important in the border area, and it is nothing to be discovered, as long as it is turned over, there will be no punishment.What she was afraid of was that Wu Jianglong would see her identity.

Si Nizi came back this time with a special mission.The Vietnamese secret service organization asked her to establish a Vietnamese army liaison station in the Xiaohekou area.

So Si Nizi is Chinese, how could she help the Vietnamese!

There is no doubt about this.During the Anti-Japanese War, more than 6000 million people in China became Japanese accomplices.Without these 6000 million traitors, would Japan be able to rule Northeast China for 14 years, North China and most of Jiangnan for eight years?China's Anti-Japanese War will not last so long.Without the traitors leading the way, the Japanese devils would not be blind in the vast cities and villages of China.

Well, during the Sino-Vietnamese War, there were some Chinese who helped the Vietnamese army.Some are for money, some are intimidated, and some are for revenge.Si Nizi belongs to the last category.

Before the start of the self-defense counterattack, the Vietnamese government also forcibly recruited her husband into the army in order to expand the source of troops.As a young Vietnamese man, it was completely normal to fight.Where there is war, there must be death.After a battle in Dongxi, her husband was killed by our army.At that time, when the news came to her, she did not show any special pain.Because his man belongs to the type who doesn't care about his family, not to mention that he has been away for many years and can't see each other several times a year, so the relationship between the two has always been very weak.After the war, the local secret service organization made great efforts on her.Some crooked principles such as "marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, a couple of one day, a hundred days of kindness" and so on have been applied to her, and she has almost become a religious believer through education.And the local government also promised that as long as she can successfully complete the task, not only will she be rewarded heavily, but she will also be found a good husband.

Sinizi married to Vietnam at the age of 13, and did not know a single character.What is patriotism and family love; what is the interests of the people, and what is the honor of the motherland.For her, these are all things outside the sky, and they have nothing to do with them.The most marginal thing is the immediate interests, whether she can have snow-white rice to eat, and whether she can live in a house that is not dewed and rained, these are her life goals.

The Vietnamese agent promised him all these, and also gave her the first payment.As soon as Si Nizi got these rare and dazzling Vietnamese Dong, she agreed to everything no matter what the agent asked her to do.Therefore, according to the organization arrangement, I moved back to my natal family early.It's only natural for Si Nizi to return to her mother's house, and no one can control her.The village will also give special care.

As soon as she came back, the sick old lady lying on the bed was very happy.Seeing that her daughter did not die in the war and was not frightened by the guns, my mother was really happy for a few days.It doesn't matter whether her husband is dead or her daughter is a widow, as long as she comes back alive.The daughter did come back, and promised never to leave again.Since then, this old lady has never recalled that marriage that she was reluctant to do at the beginning.If it wasn't for her husband's insistence, she really didn't want to marry her daughter abroad.Although the road is not very far, they are two countries after all!In this regard, she was much smarter than her dead husband at the time.

Sinizi went back to the village to live for a long time, but nothing happened.She does housework honestly at home every day, and rarely leaves the house except to go up the mountain to collect firewood.

Suddenly one day, Si Nizi received an order to help five female agents cross the border on the border.

Si Nizi picked up five girls at the designated place.She was taken aback when she saw it, why all the girls who came over were younger than her.The girl in the lead gave her a lesson when she saw how stupid she was.Tell her that the task is to communicate, and nothing else.So, as a local, Sinizi tricked our army's patrolling soldiers and brought them back.But she didn't dare to take it back to the village directly.In a small village with a single family, five beautiful and beautiful girls suddenly came, how could it not be eye-catching!So, she found a shelter for them in the mountains again, which was a cave that was not easy to be found.

Sinizi went into the mountain this time, and it was towards this cave.Now, however, instead of five girls here, there is only one left.So, where did those go?

They were all cleaned up by Qilian on the day of the art troupe's performance.The remaining one, because he was in charge of the support, never showed up, so he escaped by luck.

As soon as Sinizi came out of the grass, she hurried towards the valley in a panic.

As soon as she left, Wu Jianglong and five other fighters also got out from inside, almost stepping forward on Si Nizi's footsteps.Because Wu Jianglong didn't know who was here, and he couldn't guess what would happen.He only knew that Sinizi was a woman and a Chinese.So will there be other people here, such as Vietnamese agents and the like!

Thinking of the Vietnamese agents, Wu Jianglong certainly knows how powerful they are, but the soldiers behind him have never been taught, and some of them have not even seen what the Vietnamese army is like!

Wu Jianglong softly gave instructions to the others, "Spread out in battle formation."

After hearing the order, the five fighters at the back immediately followed Wu Jianglong, formed two triangle formations, and moved forward slowly in a fighting posture.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the valley is bright and dark.On gentle slopes, you can still distinguish the outline of the terrain, but it is difficult when you encounter ditches.They are dark without any light.If you step down rashly, you don't know how much you will sink, and there is no guarantee that you will roll into the deep pit.Even though Si Nizi is a local, from a distance, she walks staggeringly.

There is only one road in the valley, and Sinizi has to go forward or backward, so she is not afraid of losing her.As long as you keep an eye on the shadow, you are not afraid of her running away.Wu Jianglong and the others have been taking advantage of it behind, and they are not walking fast.

Suddenly, Wu Jianglong lost Si Nizi in his sight.Wu Jianglong became a little anxious, and ordered the soldiers, "speed up."

The six people then accelerated their pace and rushed forward.

There was a turning in front, and a small path that was trodden by people slowly ascended halfway up the hillside.

As soon as Wu Jianglong waved his hand, everyone fell down on the spot.

Wujiang Totoro bent down and groped forward alone.Everyone watched him drift away, slowly climbing up the path.

After Wu Jianglong walked around a big rock, he found a bright light ahead.He moved a little closer, and vaguely heard voices inside.

The light is coming from the cave.Only one woman was heard loudly reprimanding Si Nizi.Since the woman spoke Vietnamese, Wu Jianglong couldn't understand it after listening to it for a long time.However, he concluded that this was the purpose of Sinizi's coming here.

After Wu Jianglong was sure, he quietly retreated, took five soldiers back to the mountainside, and surrounded the cave layer by layer.

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